AnyEvent::ForkManager(3pm) User Contributed Perl Documentation AnyEvent::ForkManager(3pm)

AnyEvent::ForkManager - A simple parallel processing fork manager with AnyEvent

This document describes AnyEvent::ForkManager version 0.07.

    use AnyEvent;
    use AnyEvent::ForkManager;
    use List::Util qw/shuffle/;
    my $MAX_WORKERS = 10;
    my $pm = AnyEvent::ForkManager->new(max_workers => $MAX_WORKERS);
    $pm->on_start(sub {
        my($pm, $pid, $sec) = @_;
        printf "start sleep %2d sec.\n", $sec;
    $pm->on_finish(sub {
        my($pm, $pid, $status, $sec) = @_;
        printf "end   sleep %2d sec.\n", $sec;
    my @sleep_time = shuffle(1 .. 20);
    foreach my $sec (@sleep_time) {
            cb => sub {
                my($pm, $sec) = @_;
                sleep $sec;
            args => [$sec]
    my $cv = AnyEvent->condvar;
    # wait with non-blocking
        cb => sub {
            my($pm) = @_;
            print "end task!\n";

"AnyEvent::ForkManager" is much like Parallel::ForkManager, but supports non-blocking interface with AnyEvent.

Parallel::ForkManager is useful but, it is difficult to use in conjunction with AnyEvent. Because Parallel::ForkManager's some methods are blocking the event loop of the AnyEvent.

You can accomplish the same goals without adversely affecting the Parallel::ForkManager to AnyEvent::ForkManager with AnyEvent. Because AnyEvent::ForkManager's methods are non-blocking the event loop of the AnyEvent.


This is constructor.

max parallel forking count. (default: 10)
started child process callback.
finished child process callback.
fork error callback.
If push to start up child process queue, this callback is called.
If shift from start up child process queue, this callback is called.
If request to start up child process and process count equal max process count, this callback is called.


  my $pm = AnyEvent::ForkManager->new(
      max_workers => 2,   ## default 10
      on_finish => sub {  ## optional
          my($pid, $status, @anyargs) = @_;
          ## this callback call when finished child process.(like AnyEvent->child)
      on_error => sub {   ## optional
          my($pm, @anyargs) = @_;
          ## this callback call when fork failed.


start child process.

arguments passed to the callback function of the child process.
run on child process callback.


      cb => sub {   ## optional
          my($pm, $job_id) = @_;
          ## this callback call in child process.
      args => [$job_id],## this arguments passed to the callback function


You can call this method to wait for all the processes which have been forked. This can wait with blocking or wait with non-blocking in event loop of AnyEvent. feature to wait with blocking is ALPHA quality till the version hits v1.0.0. Things might be broken.

If this parameter is true, blocking wait enable. (default: false) feature to wait with blocking is ALPHA quality till the version hits v1.0.0. Things might be broken.
finished all the processes callback.


      cb => sub {   ## optional
          my($pm) = @_;
          ## this callback call when finished all child process.


Sends signal to all worker processes. Only usable from manager process.


As a new method's argument.


As a new method's argument.


As a new method's argument.


As a new method's argument.


As a new method's argument.


As a new method's argument.

Perl 5.8.1 or later.

All complex software has bugs lurking in it, and this module is no exception. If you find a bug please either email me, or add the bug to cpan-RT.

AnyEvent AnyEvent::Util Parallel::ForkManager Parallel::Prefork

Kenta Sato <>

Copyright (c) 2012, Kenta Sato. All rights reserved.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

2022-07-04 perl v5.34.0