AnyEvent::Connection(3pm) User Contributed Perl Documentation AnyEvent::Connection(3pm)

AnyEvent::Connection - Base class for tcp connectful clients

    package MyTCPClient;
    use base 'AnyEvent::Connection';
    package main;
    my $client = MyTCPClient->new(
        host => 'localhost',
        port => 12345,
        connected => sub {
            my ($client,$connection,$host,$port) = @_;
            # ...
                $interval, sub {
                    # Called after interval, if connection still alive
        connfail = sub {
            my ($client,$reason) = @_;
            # ...
        disconnect => sub {
            my ($client,$reason) = @_;
        error => sub {
            my ($client,$error) = @_;
            # Called in error conditions for callbackless methods

Called when client get connected.
Called, when client fails to connect
Called whenever client disconnects
Called in error conditions for callbackless methods (for ex: when calling push_write on non-connected client)

Host to connect to
Port to connect to
Connect/read/write timeout in seconds
reconnect [ = 1 ]
If true, automatically reconnect after disconnect/connfail after delay $reconnect seconds
Class that implements low-level connection

Cleates connection object (see OPTIONS)
Begin connection
disconnect ($reason)
Close current connection. reason is optional
Close current connection and establish a new one
Helper method. AE::timer(after), associated with current connection

Will be destroyed if connection is destroyed, so no timer invocation after connection destruction.

Helper method. AE::timer(periodic), associated with current connection

Will be destroyed if connection is destroyed, so no timer invocation after connection destruction.

If called within periodic callback, periodic will be stopped.

    my $count;
    $client->periodic(1,sub {
        $client->periodic_stop if ++$count > 10;
    # callback will be called only 10 times;
Close connection, destroy all associated objects and timers, clean self

When connected, there are some methods, that proxied to raw connection or to AE::Handle

See AE::Handle::push_write
See AE::Handle::push_read
See AE::Handle::unshift_read
Same as push_write + newline
Same as push_write + newline

For next methods there is a feature. Callback will be called in any way, either by successful processing or by error or object destruction

Similar to

    $fh->push_read(chunk => $bytes, $cb->());
Similar to

    $fh->push_read(line => $cb->());

Mons Anderson, "<mons at>"

Please report any bugs or feature requests to "bug-anyevent-connection at", or through the web interface at <>. I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.

You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

    perldoc AnyEvent::Connection

You can also look for information at:

Copyright 2009 Mons Anderson, all rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

2022-06-05 perl v5.34.0