libapache2-mod-perl2-2.0.13::docs::api::APR::Const(3pm) User Contributed Perl Documentation libapache2-mod-perl2-2.0.13::docs::api::APR::Const(3pm)

APR::Const - Perl Interface for APR Constants

  # make the constants available but don't import them
  use APR::Const -compile => qw(constant names ...);
  # w/o the => syntax sugar
  use APR::Const ("-compile", qw(constant names ...));
  # compile and import the constants
  use APR::Const qw(constant names ...);

This package contains constants specific to "APR" features.

Refer to "the Apache2::Const description section" for more information.

  use APR::Const -compile => qw(:common);

The ":common" group is for XXX constants.


  use APR::Const -compile => qw(:error);

The ":error" group is for XXX constants.




Due to possible variants in conditions matching "EACCES", for checking error codes against this you most likely want to use the "APR::Status::is_EACCES" function instead.


The error Resource temporarily unavailable, may be returned by many different system calls, especially IO calls. Most likely you want to use the "APR::Status::is_EAGAIN" function instead.








Due to possible variants in conditions matching "ECONNABORTED", for checking error codes against this you most likely want to use the "APR::Status::is_ECONNABORTED" function instead.



Due to possible variants in conditions matching "ECONNRESET", for checking error codes against this you most likely want to use the "APR::Status::is_ECONNRESET" function instead.




















Due to possible variants in conditions matching "ENOENT", for checking error codes against this you most likely want to use the "APR::Status::is_ENOENT" function instead.
















Something is not implemented



Due to possible variants in conditions matching "EOF", for checking error codes against this you most likely want to use the "APR::Status::is_EOF" function instead.









  use APR::Const -compile => qw(:fopen);

The ":fopen" group is for XXX constants.










  use APR::Const -compile => qw(:filepath);

The ":filepath" group is for XXX constants.











  use APR::Const -compile => qw(:fprot);

The ":fprot" group is used by "$finfo->protection".


Execute by group


Read by group


Set group id


Write by group


use OS's default permissions


Execute by user


Read by user


Set user id


Write by user


Execute by others


Read by others


Sticky bit


Write by others

  use APR::Const -compile => qw(:filetype);

The ":filetype" group is used by "$finfo->filetype".


a file is a block device


a file is a character device


a file is a directory


a file is a symbolic link


the file type is undedetermined.


a file is a FIFO or a pipe.


a file is a regular file.


a file is a [unix domain] socket.


a file is of some other unknown type or the type cannot be determined.

  use APR::Const -compile => qw(:finfo);

The ":finfo" group is used by stat() and "$finfo->valid".


Access Time


Storage size consumed by the file


Creation Time




an atomic unix apr_dir_read()


Group protection bits


Group id


whether device is case insensitive


device and inode




Stat the link not the file itself if it is a link


type, mtime, ctime, atime, size


Modification Time


name in proper case


Number of links


All fields provided by an atomic unix apr_stat()


user and group


all protections


Size of the file




User protection bits


User id


World protection bits

  use APR::Const -compile => qw(:flock);

The ":flock" group is for XXX constants.





  use APR::Const -compile => qw(:hook);

The ":hook" group is for XXX constants.






  use APR::Const -compile => qw(:limit);

The ":limit" group is for XXX constants.





  use APR::Const -compile => qw(:lockmech);

The ":lockmech" group is for XXX constants.







  use APR::Const -compile => qw(:poll);

The ":poll" group is used by "poll".


Pending error


Hangup occurred


Can read without blocking


Descriptor invalid


Can write without blocking


Priority data available

  use APR::Const -compile => qw(:read_type);

The ":read_type" group is for IO constants.


the read function blocks


the read function does not block

  use APR::Const -compile => qw(:shutdown_how);

The ":shutdown_how" group is for XXX constants.




  use APR::Const -compile => qw(:socket);

The ":socket" group is for the "APR::Socket" object constants, in methods "opt_get" and "opt_set".

The following section discusses in detail each of the ":socket" constants.


Possible values:


Turns on debugging information


Queries the disconnected state of the socket. (Currently only used on Windows)

Possible values:



Keeps connections active

Possible values:



Lingers on close if data is present


Turns blocking IO mode on/off for socket.

Possible values:

  1 nonblocking
  0 blocking

For example, to set a socket to a blocking IO mode:

  use APR::Socket ();
  use APR::Const    -compile => qw(SO_NONBLOCK);
  if ($socket->opt_get(APR::Const::SO_NONBLOCK)) {
      $socket->opt_set(APR::Const::SO_NONBLOCK => 0);

You don't have to query for this option, before setting it. It was done for the demonstration purpose.


Controls the "ReceiveBufferSize" setting

Possible values:



The rules used in validating addresses supplied to bind should allow reuse of local addresses.

Possible values:



Controls the "SendBufferSize" setting

Possible values:


  use APR::Const -compile => qw(:status);

The ":status" group is for the API that return status code, or set the error variable XXXXXX.

The following section discusses in detail each of the available ":status" constants.


The operation did not finish before the timeout.

Due to possible variants in conditions matching "TIMEUP", for checking error codes against this you most likely want to use the "APR::Status::is_TIMEUP" function instead.

  use APR::Const -compile => qw(:table);

The ":table" group is for overlap() and compress() constants. See "APR::Table" for details.


See "APR::Table::compress" and "APR::Table::overlap".


See "APR::Table::compress" and "APR::Table::overlap".

  use APR::Const -compile => qw(:uri);

The ":uri" group of constants is for manipulating URIs.



















See "APR::URI::unparse".


See "APR::URI::unparse".


See "APR::URI::unparse".


See "APR::URI::unparse".


See "APR::URI::unparse".



See "APR::URI::unparse".



See "APR::PerlIO::Constants")

mod_perl 2.0 documentation.

mod_perl 2.0 and its core modules are copyrighted under The Apache Software License, Version 2.0.

The mod_perl development team and numerous contributors.

2024-04-07 perl v5.38.2