libnvme(2) API Manual libnvme(2)

enum nvme_id_ctrl_fna - This field indicates attributes for the Format NVM command.

enum nvme_id_ctrl_fna {


If set, then all namespaces in an NVM subsystem shall be configured with the same attributes and a format (excluding secure erase) of any namespace results in a format of all namespaces in an NVM subsystem. If cleared, then the controller supports format on a per namespace basis.
If set, then any secure erase performed as part of a format operation results in a secure erase of all namespaces in the NVM subsystem. If cleared, then any secure erase performed as part of a format results in a secure erase of the particular namespace specified.
If set, then cryptographic erase is supported. If cleared, then cryptographic erase is not supported.
If set, then format does not support nsid value set to FFFFFFFFh. If cleared, format supports nsid value set to FFFFFFFFh.
enum nvme_id_ctrl_fna March 2024