libnvme(2) API Manual libnvme(2)

struct nbft_info_subsystem_ns - Subsystem Namespace (SSNS) info

struct nbft_info_subsystem_ns {
int index;
struct nbft_info_discovery *discovery;
struct nbft_info_security *security;
int num_hfis;
struct nbft_info_hfi **hfis;
char transport[8];
char traddr[40];
char *trsvcid;
__u16 subsys_port_id;
__u32 nsid;
enum nbft_info_nid_type nid_type;
__u8 *nid;
char *subsys_nqn;
bool pdu_header_digest_required;
bool data_digest_required;
int controller_id;
int asqsz;
char *dhcp_root_path_string;

SSNS Descriptor Index in the descriptor list.
Primary Discovery Controller associated with this SSNS Descriptor.
Security Profile Descriptor associated with this namespace.
Number of HFIs.
List of HFIs associated with this namespace. Includes the primary HFI at the first position and all secondary HFIs. This array is null-terminated.
Transport Type string (e.g. 'tcp').
Subsystem Transport Address.
Subsystem Transport Service Identifier.
The Subsystem Port ID.
The Namespace ID of this descriptor or when nid should be used instead.
Namespace Identifier Type, see enum nbft_info_nid_type.
The Namespace Identifier value.
Subsystem and Namespace NQN.
PDU Header Digest (HDGST) Flag: the use of NVM Header Digest Enabled is required.
Data Digest (DDGST) Flag: the use of NVM Data Digest Enabled is required.
Controller ID (SSNS Extended Information Descriptor): The controller ID associated with the Admin Queue or 0 if not supported.
Admin Submission Queue Size (SSNS Extended Information Descriptor) or 0 if not supported.
DHCP Root Path Override string (SSNS Extended Information Descriptor).
struct nbft_info_subsystem_ns March 2024