aa_is_enabled - determine if apparmor is available

aa_find_mountpoint - find where the apparmor interface filesystem is mounted

#include <sys/apparmor.h>

int aa_is_enabled(void);

int aa_find_mountpoint(char **mnt);

Link with -lapparmor when compiling.

The aa_is_enabled function returns true (1) if apparmor is enabled. If it isn't it sets the errno(3) to reflect the reason it is not enabled and returns 0.

The aa_find_mountpoint function finds where the apparmor filesystem is mounted on the system, and returns a string containing the mount path. It is the caller's responsibility to free(3) the returned path.

aa_is_enabled On success 1 is returned. On error, 0 is returned, and errno(3) is set appropriately.

aa_find_mountpoint On success zero is returned. On error, -1 is returned, and errno(3) is set appropriately.


AppArmor extensions to the system are not available.
AppArmor is available on the system but has been disabled at boot.
AppArmor is available but only via private interfaces.
AppArmor is available (and maybe even enforcing policy) but the interface is not available.
Insufficient memory was available.
Did not have sufficient permissions to determine if AppArmor is enabled.
Did not have sufficient permissions to determine if AppArmor is enabled.
AppArmor is enabled but does not have access to shared interfaces, and only private interfaces are available.


Insufficient memory was available.
Access to the required paths was denied.
The apparmor filesystem mount could not be found

None known. If you find any, please report them at <https://gitlab.com/apparmor/apparmor/-/issues>.

apparmor(7), apparmor.d(5), apparmor_parser(8), and <https://wiki.apparmor.net>.

2024-07-18 AppArmor 4.0.1