zplug-load - Source installed plugins and add installed commands to `$PATH`

zplug load [--verbose]

The word ´package´ refers to the string in the format: "username/reponame".

Be able to use a package that has been installed on the current shell.


Be verbose.

Installation check:

$ zplug load


Defaults to $ZPLUG_HOME/packages.zsh. This file is used to add packages from zplug on the command-line. This is a useful feature when you want to isolate your zplug configurations from your .zshrc. Note that you don’t need to add packages from the command line to use this feature: you can manually edit this file, and it’ll work just fine!


Defaults to true. If this variable is true, zplug uses a cache file to speed up the loading process. The cache file is located at $ZPLUG_CACHE_DIR ($ZPLUG_HOME/.cache by default). If you want to clear the cache, please run zplug clear or do the following:

$ ZPLUG_USE_CACHE=false zplug load


Defaults to $ZPLUG_HOME/.cache. Specifies where to save the cache. For example, you can set this to $HOME/.cache/zplug/cache to follow XDG Base Directory Specification


See the references in official wiki page to get started using zplug. The wiki may perhaps be overwhelming for first-time users.

zplug was originally written by Masaki Ishiyama (a.k.a @b4b4r07). Many people have contributed to it.

Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Masaki Ishiyama

MIT License

Report bugs to the zplug issues

12/01/2016 ZPLUG Manual