XYMONQ(1) User Commands XYMONQ(1)

xymonq - a frontend to query the Xymon network- and systems-monitor.

xymonq [ -c conf-file] -q QUERYTYPE [-P PAGEPATH] [-H HOSTNAME] [-T TEST] [-C COLOR[,COLOR,...]] [-X CRITS] [-f FIELD[,FIELD,...]] [-s SECTION[,SECTION,...]] | -l ] [-S|-p] [-h | -V] [-d]
xymonq -q clientlog [-P PAGEPATH] [-H HOSTNAME] [-T TEST] [-C COLOR[,COLOR,...]] [-X CRITS] [-s SECTION[,SECTION,...]] | -l ]
xymonq -q xymondboard [-P PAGEPATH] [-H HOSTNAME] [-T TEST] [-C COLOR[,COLOR,...]] [-X CRITS] [-f FIELD,[FIELD,...]]
xymonq -q hostinfo [-P PAGEPATH] [-H HOSTNAME] [-T TEST] [-C COLOR[,COLOR,...]] [-X CRITS]
xymonq -q xymondlog [-P PAGEPATH] [-H HOSTNAME] {-T TEST | -l} [-C COLOR[,COLOR,...]] [-X CRITS]
xymonq -q ghostlist [-a [-]AGE] [-l]
xymonq -q config [-f file]
xymonq -q {ping|version}

xymonq is a frontend to send various query-messages via xymon(1) to a Xymon server xymond(8). All test- (column) information for one or more hosts/tests and internal status information of Xymon can be retrieved.

xymonq - A frontend to query the Xymon network- and systems-monitor.

Query to perform to Xymon [clientlog | xymondboard | hostinfo | xymondlog | ghost[list] | config | ping]

See section QUERYTYPES for details.

A PAGEPATH specification from hosts.cfg(*).
A hostname from hosts.cfg(*). To read the hosts from stdin use "-" (all other filters inactive).
The name of a TEST, defaults to "info"(*).

(*) interpreted as a REGEX

only tests with COLOR, may be coma-separated list like "clear,green", default: empty=all colors
eXtra CRITERIA, like "ip=", "net=" or "tag=", CRITS are passed as-is to xymondboard

This is to provide support for new or less often used filter CRITERIA. `-X` may be used multiple times (`-X ip=172.33 -X tag=test`) or have multiple quoted criteria (`-X "ip=172.33 tag=test`).
Since Xymon v4.3.19 filtering on the whole message (`msg=PCRE`), various timestamps and XMH-values (`XMH_string=VALUE`, e.g. `XHM_CLASS=linux` -- see `xymon-xmh(5)`) is possible too.

An empty (or missing) option matches every item of that criterium.

print evaluated hostlist to stdout and exit
print "HOST=hostname" separator-lines above data (deprecated)
prefix each line of output w/ "hostname: ", valid for queries: clientlog, xymondboard, xymondlog

fields to print, defaults to "hostname"
one or more section-names, coma separated If empty the whole clientlog is printed
list available sections only (as they occur)

fields to print, defaults to empty, thus using xymon-defaults

just list available tests for selected host(s)

print only host with report AGE; AGE is a GNU-date "-s"-compatible string) The "-" prefix inverts the selection.
only print the hostnames instead of the default full "ghostline"

The file to retrieve, e.g. "hosts.cfg", "analysis.cfg". Only files ending with ".cfg" can be fetched. Defaults to "hosts.cfg".

use specified config-file, this prevents searching default locations; default-values apply if not specified. Has to be 1st cmdline option in order to allow selectively override values from cmdline.
verbose output, print the "xymon"-commandlines
print version info
enable debug output
this help message

This is only a short description of the query types possible. For more detailed information see xymon(1).

Get the raw-data transmitted to the xymon-server. This contains the data gathered by the `xymonclient*`-scripts.

Obtain status for one or more hosts w/ extensive filtering on the host-selection side as well as the output-side (-f FIELDS).

Retrieve the config from `hosts.cfg` about one or more hosts (host-selection like xymondboard).

Print full of status-columns as dispayed on the web interface.

Retrieve a config-file (only ".cfg"-files) from the `server/etc/`-dir of the xymon-server.

Get information about hosts sending data without being present in the xymon-server configuration.

Get version of the xymon-server, this uses the `ping`-command.

The default configuration and some query-settings can be adjusted with a configuration file. The file has to conform to bash(1) syntax as it is sourced as-is.

Possible settings (default values shown):

XYMON_CMD="xymon" Path and command name for `xymon` binary.
XYMON_SRV="" Where to find the Xymon server: IP:PORT (recommended) or HOSTNAME:PORT.
QUERYTYPE="" The default query to execute.
TEST="info" The test to use for selecting hosts or printing w/ xymondlog.
FIELDS="..." The fields to print for xymondboard, defaults to xymon(1)-defaults.
SECTION="" Section(s) to print for clientlog. Multiple sections are comma separated.

The config file can be specified via `-c conf-file`. If no config-file is specified `xymonq` searches the following locations in order, using the first one found:

1. ./.xymonq.cfg
2. ~/.xymonq.cfg
3. /etc/xymon/xymonq.cfg
4. if no file is found: use default values

Print a list of all hosts known to xymon (i.e. defined in hosts.cfg)
xymonq -L

Examples for clientlog:

Print the 'clientlog' for all hosts
xymonq -q clientlog

List all sections in 'clientlog' for all hosts on page 'dc1', print "HOST="-separator
xymonq -q clientlog -P dc1 -lS

Print the 'osversion' section for hosts whole hostname matches the regex "bb.*com"
xymonq -q clientlog -H "bb.*com" -s osversion

Examples for xymondlog:

List all tests for all hosts on page 'dc1' whose hostname contain 'mx'
xymonq -q xymondlog -P dc1 -H mx -l

Print the 'disk'-status of hosts whose hostname match the PCRE 'bb'
xymonq -q xymondlog -H bb -T disk

Examples for xymondboard:

Identical host-selection as above but show the first line of the 'cpu'-status
xymonq -q xymondboard -H bb -T cpu -f line1

Examples for ghostlist:

Get the "hosts.cfg"-file:
xymonq -q config
xymonq -q config -f hosts.cfg

Get "analysis.cfg"-file:
xymonq -q config -f analysis.cfg

Examples for ghostlist:

Print the full ghostlist:
xymonq -q ghostlist

Print the hosts from ghostlist that reported within the last 5 minutes:
xymonq -q ghostlist -a "5 minutes ago"

Print the hostnames only from ghostlist that reported at least 24 hours ago:
xymonq -q ghostlist -a "-yesterday" -l

Examples for config:

Fetch `hosts.cfg`:
xymonq -q config -f hosts.cfg

Written by Thomas Eckert

Copyright © 2015-2018 Thomas Eckert, http://www.it-eckert.com/

xymon(1), xymon-xmh(5), xymond(8)

January 2018 IT-Eckert