XTRACT(1) | NCBI Entrez Direct User's Manual | XTRACT(1) |
xtract - NCBI Entrez Direct XML conversion and transformation tool
xtract [-help] [-strict] [-mixed] [-self] [-accent] [-ascii] [-compress] [-stops] [-input filename] [-transform filename] [-aliases filename] [-pattern expr] [-group expr] [-block expr] [-subset expr] [-path path] [-if expr [constraint]] [-unless expr [constraint]] [-and condition] [-or condition] [-else] [-position pos] [-equals str] [-contains str] [-includes str] [-is-within str] [-starts-with str] [-ends-with str] [-is-not str] [-is-before str] [-is-after str] [-matches str] [-resembles str] [-is-equal-to expr] [-differs-from expr] [-gt N] [-ge N] [-lt N] [-le N] [-eq N] [-ne N] [-ret str] [-tab str] [-sep str] [-pfx str] [-sfx str] [-rst] [-clr] [-pfc str] [-deq str] [-def str] [-lbl str] [-set tag] [-rec tag] [-wrp tag] [-enc tag] [-plg str] [-elg str] [-pkg tag] [-fwd str] [-awd str] [-tag tag] [-att key value] [-cls] [-slf] [-end tag] [-element element] [-first element] [-last element] [-backward element] [-NAME] [--STATS] [-num element] [-len element] [-sum element] [-acc element] [-min element] [-max element] [-inc element] [-dec element] [-sub element] [-avg element] [-dev element] [-med element] [-mul element] [-div element] [-mod element] [-bin element] [-oct element] [-hex element] [-bit element] [-pad element] [-encode element] [-upper element] [-lower element] [-chain element] [-title element] [-mirror element] [-alnum element] [-basic element] [-plain element] [-simple element] [-author element] [-prose element] [-terms element] [-words element] [-pairs element] [-order element] [-reverse element] [-letters element] [-clauses element] [-year element] [-month element] [-date element] [-page element] [-auth element] [-initials element] [-jour element] [-trim element] [-wct element] [-doi element] [-translate element] [-classify element] [-replace -reg target -exp replacement] [-revcomp] [-nucleic] [-fasta] [-ncbi2na] [-ncbi4na] [-molwt] [-0-based element] [-1-based element] [-ucsc-based element] [-insd arg ...] [-histogram] [-e2index [extras]] [-indices element] [-article element] [-abstract element] [-paragraph element] [-stemmed element] [-head str] [-tail str] [-hd str] [-tl str] [-select condition] [-in filename] [-sort[-fwd] element] [-sort-rev element] [-format fmt [-unicode style]] [-verify] [-outline] [-synopsis] [-contour [delimiter]] [-examples] [-unix] [-version]
xtract converts an XML document into a table of data values according to user-specified rules.
String constraints use case-insensitive comparisons.
Numeric constraints and selection arguments use integer values.
-num and -len selections are synonyms for Object Count (#) and Item Length (%).
-words, -pairs, and -indices convert to lower case.
archive-pmc(1), archive-pubmed(1), custom-index(1), disambiguate-nucleotides(1), download-ncbi-data(1), ds2pme(1), esample(1), fetch-pmc(1), fetch-pubmed(1), find-in-gene(1), fuse-segments(1), gene2range(1), hgvs2spdi(1), index-extras(1), index-pubmed(1), pma2pme(1), rchive(1), snp2hgvs(1), snp2tbl(1), sort-uniq-count(1), spdi2tbl(1), tbl2prod(1), transmute(1), uniq-table(1), xml2fsa(1), xml2tbl(1), xy-plot(1).
2023-03-31 | NCBI |