xlbiff - mail notification pop-up with configurable message
xlbiff [ -option ... ] [
mail_file_or_imap_server ]
Is “you have mail” not quite enough detail? Is a
per-message notification too much? Welcome to xlbiff, the X Literate
xlbiff presents enough information to tell you: Is this new
mail worth reading right now? And it stops distracting you once you
xlbiff waits in the background, monitoring your mailbox
file or IMAP server (or running your custom check-mail script). When a new
message arrives, it invokes the MH scan(1) command (or your custom
mail-scanning script) and pops up a window with the output (typically the
From and Subject line of each new message). If more mail
arrives, xlbiff scans again and resizes its preview window
Clicking the left mouse button anywhere in the window causes it to
vanish. It will also vanish if the mailbox becomes empty. xlbiff
stays out of your way when there is no new mail and pops up only when
something requests your attention.
- • occupies no screen real estate until mail comes in
- • supports scripts for checking mail
- • has configurable screen location, color, and font
- • can notify by bell and/or keyboard LED
- • shows all new messages in one, easy-to-dismiss window
- • lets you click anywhere on it; no trying to select a tiny
If your new mail arrives in a local mail file in the usual system
If your mail file is in a different location, you will need to
specify the filename:
If your mail is on an IMAP server, specify the server's name:
Whichever way you start xlbiff, if you have new mail, it should
pop up a window displaying summary lines for the new messages. (If you don't
have new mail, you won't see any window, which is how xlbiff tries to
stay out of your way.) The window will stay visible until you click it away
or read the new mail.
You may need an entry in ~/.netrc to provide login
credentials for your IMAP server. The format of this file is described in
When you have the correct options to xlbiff figured out,
you will probably want to run it in the background or start it at the
beginning of your X session.
xlbiff accepts all of the standard X Toolkit command line
options along with the additional options listed below:
- -file
- This option specifies the name of the file or IMAP server that should be
monitored. By default, it watches file /var/mail/username, where
username is your login name.
- If given the name of an IMAP server, xlbiff, assisted by its
default checkCommand/scanCommand script mailbox-preview(1),
will peek at your new messages on this server.
- The -file is optional; a non-option argument will be treated the
- -bottom
- This option tells xlbiff to realize/unrealize() the output window
instead of using XtPopup/down(). This has the effect of causing the window
manager to reposition the window each time it pops up, and is useful for
when you specify negative Y coordinates, i.e., at the bottom of the
screen. Running xlbiff in this situation without -bottom would
cause new lines to run off the bottom edge of the screen.
- +bottom
- Opposite of -bottom.
- -rows
- This option specifies the maximum height, in lines of text, of the
xlbiff window. The default is 20.
- -columns
- This option specifies the maximum width, in characters, of the
xlbiff window. The default is 80.
- -resetSaver
- If this option is set, xlbiff will reset the screen saver when new
mail comes in. This is useful if you're doing something near your
workstation but not on it.
- +resetSaver
- Opposite of -resetSaver.
- -update
- This option specifies the frequency in seconds at which xlbiff
should update its display. The default is 15 seconds.
- -fade
- Number of seconds to wait before popping window back down. This option can
be used to monitor events of non-lasting importance, such as syslog or
UUCP queues. The default value of 0 disables the fade option.
- -led
- This option specifies a keyboard LED to light up when there is mail
waiting in the file. The default is zero (do not light a LED).
- -ledPopdown
- This option indicates that the LED should be turned off when xlbiff is
popped down. Ordinarily the LED stays lit to remind one of awaiting mail.
This option has no effect if the -led option is disabled.
- +ledPopdown
- Opposite of -ledPopdown.
- -refresh
- This option specifies the number of seconds to wait before re-posting the
mail window after you acknowledge it, and it still contains the same mail.
The default is 0 (no refresh). A useful value for this is 1800 (30
- -mailerCommand
- Specifies the command to invoke when the mailer() action, described below,
is activated. Due to mailbox consistency considerations, the mailerCommand
should not exit before it is finished with the mailbox, i.e., it should
not run its command in the background.
- Example mailerCommand values:
xterm -e alpine
emacsclient --eval '(mh-rmail)' --suppress-output
- There is no default mailerCommand.
- -scanCommand
- Specifies a shell command to be executed to list the contents of mailbox
file. The specified string value is used as the argument to a
popen(3) call and may therefore contain I/O redirection. The
command's stdout is used to generate the window. Internally, the command
is generated as
sprintf(buf, scanCommand, file, columns, rows)
- so a %s, %d and %d respectively in scanCommand will generate the
values of file, columns, and rows. The default
scanCommand, specified by the XLbiff application resources
file, is
mailbox-preview %s --width %d --max-messages %d 2>&1
- If a scanCommand is used to change the way the mailbox is accessed
(as opposed to change the way the content is displayed), you will need to
supply a compatible checkCommand.
- -checkCommand
- Specifies a shell command to be executed to check for new mail (or some
other condition) rather than simply examining the size of the mail file.
The specified string value is used as the argument to a popen(3)
call, and the output generated is important. Like xbiff, an exit
status of
- • 0 indicates that a change in condition demands a new evaluation
of scanCommand and subsequent popup,
- • 1 indicates no change in status, and
- • 2 indicates that the condition has been cleared and the
xlbiff window should pop down.
- The default, specified by the XLbiff application resources file,
mailbox-preview %s --check %d
- Similarly to scanCommand, the checkCommand is generated internally as
sprintf(buf, checkCommand, file, previous)
- previous is the numeric value output by the last time checkCommand
was run, or zero the first time. This is useful for allowing the
checkCommand to maintain state.
- See the EXAMPLES section, below, for different ways to use
- -volume
- This option specifies how loud the bell should be rung when new mail comes
The following standard X Toolkit command line arguments are
commonly used with xlbiff:
- -display
- This option specifies the X server to contact.
- -geometry
- This option specifies the preferred position of the scan window.
- -bg color
- This option specifies the color to use for the background of the
- -fg color
- This option specifies the color to use for the foreground of the
- -xrm
- This option specifies a resource string to be used. This is especially
useful for setting resources that do not have separate command line
- -help
- This option indicates that a brief summary of the allowed options should
be printed on standard output.
xlbiff provides the following actions for use in event
- popdown()
- This action causes the window to vanish.
- mailer()
- This action causes xlbiff to pop down the main window and run the
defined mailerCommand (if any), waiting for it to exit. Then
xlbiff will check for new mail, and if necessary pop up again.
- exit()
- This action causes xlbiff to exit.
The default translations are
<Button1Press>: popdown()
<Button2Press>: mailer()
<Button3Press>: exit()
You may want to tweak some values in an app-defaults file and/or
add some resources to your .Xdefaults or .Xresources file. See the system
app-defaults file /etc/X11/app-defaults/XLbiff for examples of what
you can customize.
You also probably want to tell your window manager not to put
borders or titlebars or whatever around the xlbiff window.
Note that an MH format file, xlbiff.form, is included. This
- • omits message number, which is meaningless in this context
- • omits message size, since scan -file can't figure
it out
- • puts a “*” next to the message if your name is on
the To: list (to distinguish from mailing lists and cc's)
- • displays the date in a friendly format
- • packs as much subject and body into one line as possible.
xlbiff ships with two sample scripts, Bcheck and
Bscan, intended to be used in conjunction. These are for checking
mail in “bulk” maildrops. See README.bulk for more
xlbiff can be used to display your laptop's temperature
sensors only when the fan is running. This example uses the
sensors(1) program as a scanCommand to display the sensor values. To
pop up the info only when the laptop is hot, we can use a check command that
extracts from the sensors output whether the fan is running and whether its
speed has changed. Here is a possible check script:
fan1_speed=$(sensors | sed -E -n '/^fan/{s/.* ([0-9]+).*/\1/p;q}')
echo "$fan1_speed"
[ "$fan1_speed" = 0 ] && exit 2
[ "$fan1_speed" = "$1" ] && exit 1
exit 0
If the script is called xlbiff-fan-check.sh, you can use it
by running xlbiff like this:
xlbiff -checkCommand 'xlbiff-fan-check.sh %d' -scanCommand sensors
- is used to get the default host and display number.
- /var/mail/$USER
- Default mail file to check.
- /etc/X11/app-defaults/XLbiff
- System app-defaults file for X11 resources. Override entries here in your
own app-defaults file or your own ~/.Xdefaults or
~/.Xresources file.
- ~/.netrc
- Login info for your IMAP server. See mailbox-preview(1).
mailbox-preview(1), scan(1), X(7)
Specifying dimensions in -geometry causes badness.
The led option does not work on Suns before SunOS
Ed Santiago <ed@edsantiago.com>
xlbiff took shape around the xgoodbye sample program
in the O'Reilly X Toolkit Intrinsics Programming Manual. A lot of
code was copied from xbiff, including this man page. Thanks also to
Stephen Gildea (gildea@expo.lcs.mit.edu) for the many, many contributions
that made xlbiff grow from a midnight hack to a more mature
The xlbiff.form file was copied and hacked from Jerry
Peek's excellent Nutshell book MH & xmh: Email for Users &