wordview - displays text contained in MS-Word file in X window
wordview is simple GUI wrapper around catdoc(1)
which allows to browse through word file interactively. It doesn't allow to
edit file, but allows to save plain text representation (or version with
some TeX commands) into the file.
If for some reason catdoc doesn't recognize file encoding
properly, wordview allows to specify encoding interactively.
wordview supports standard X options, supported by
Following X resources can be used to customize
- Wordview.Text.Background
- background color for main window
- Wordview.Text.Foreground
- Foreground color for main window
- Wordview.Text.selectBackground
- Background color of selected text
- Wordview.Text.selectForeground
- Foreground color of selected text
- Wordview.Text.Font
- Font to display text. We recommend to use fixed-width font, such as
Courier, becouse catdoc(1) is intended to convert Word into text.
Either XLFD font names or Tk-style font specifications like {Courier
12pt} can be used for specifying font. If you use XLFD font names,
usage of unicode (iso10646-1) fonts is recommended.
- Wordview.Text.findMode
- How to search text. This option can have value either exact or
regexp and specifis whether text is searched for exact match or for
regular expression by default. This behavoir can be toggled interactively
via checkbox in the search dialog.
- Wordview.Text.findCase
- This boolean option controls whether search is case-sensitive. Default is
- Background color for highlighted menu item
- Background color of active menu item.
- Width (in pixels) of border around highlighted menu item. Default is 0,
which differs from Tk global default. See options(n) for more
A lot of other resource options which affect behavoir of standard
Tk widgets can affect wordview. See Tcl/Tk manual pages for more
Victor Wagner <vitus@45.free.net>.