WEBFONT(1) User Commands WEBFONT(1)

webfont - Convert a set of SVG files into a webfont in various formats

Generator of fonts from svg icons, svg icons to svg font, svg font to ttf, ttf to eot, ttf to woff, ttf to woff2
Usage: webfont [input] [options]
Input: File(s) or glob(s).
If an input argument is wrapped in quotation marks, it will be passed to "fast-glob" for cross-platform glob support.


Path to a specific configuration file (JSON, YAML, or CommonJS) or the name of a module in `node_modules` that points to one. If no `--config` argument is provided, webfont will search for configuration files in the following places, in this order:
- a `webfont` property in `package.json` - a `.webfontrc` file (with or without filename extension:
`.json`, `.yaml`, and `.js` are available)
- a `webfont.config.js` file exporting a JS object
The search will begin in the working directory and move up the directory tree until a configuration file is found.

-u, --fontName

The font family name you want, default: "webfont".

-h, --help

Output usage information.

-v, --version

Output the version number.

-f, --formats

Only this formats generate.

-d, --dest

Destination for generated fonts.

-m, --dest-create

Create destination directory if it does not exist.

-t, --template

Type of template ('css', 'scss', 'styl') or path to custom template.

-s, --destTemplate

Destination for generated template. If not passed used `dest` argument value.

-c, --templateClassName

Class name in css template.

-p, --templateFontPath

Font path in css template.

-n, --templateFontName

Font name in css template.


Specify cache string in scss/css template.


Keeps the files in the same order of entry


Prevents adding ligature unicode


Tell me everything!.
For "svgicons2svgfont":


The font id you want, default as "--fontName".


The font style you want.


The font weight you want.


Creates a monospace font of the width of the largest input icon.


Calculate the bounds of a glyph and center it horizontally.


Normalize icons by scaling them to the height of the highest icon.


The outputted font height [MAX(icons.height)].


Setup the SVG path rounding [10e12].


The font descent [0].


The font ascent [height - descent].


The start unicode codepoint for files without prefix [0xEA01].


Prefix files with their automatically allocated unicode codepoint.


Content of the metadata tag.


Generated font url will be : [webfont].[ext]?v=[hash]
April 2023 webfont 11.4.0