User Commands
wd - command-line interface to Wikidata
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A command-line interface to Wikibase
output the version number
display help for command
add-alias|aa [entity] [language] [aliases]
add one or several aliases to the list of aliases of an entity in a given language
add-claim|ac [entity] [property] [value]
add a claim to an entity
add-qualifier|aq [claim-guid] [property] [value]
add a qualifier to a claim
add-reference|ar [claim-guid] [property] [value]
add a reference to a claim
aliases|a [entity]
display the entity's aliases
claims|c [entity] [property]
display the claims of an entity
config [key] [value]
get and set configuration parameters
convert []
convert batches of external ids to Wikidata ids and vice versa
create-entity|ce [data]
Create a new entity
data|d [entity]
output the entity's data
delete-entity|de [id]
Delete an entity
description|desc [entity]
display the entity's description
edit-entity|ee [data]
Edit an existing entity
generate-template|gt [entity]
output the pre-formatted item's data optimized for edition with `wd edit-item`
hub|h [query]
Open a web page using the Hub, see documentation: https://tools.wmflabs.org/hub/
id [title]
get a Wikidata id from a Wikipedia article title
label|l [entity]
display the entity's label
lang [code]
identify language code and return associated data
lemma [lexeme]
display the lexeme's lemma
merge-entity|me [from-id] [to-id]
Merge an entity into another
move-claim|mc [guid|property-claims-id] [target-entity-id] [target-property-id]
move claims from an entity to another and/or from a property to another
move-qualifier|mq [guid] [hash] [old-property-id] [new-property-id]
move qualifiers of a claim from one property to another
open|o [entity]
open the entity's page on Wikidata website
output the list of all Wikidata properties
query|q []
generate and run a simple SPARQL query by passing a statement's subject, property, or object, or a couple of those
remove-alias|ra [entity] [language] [aliases]
remove one or several aliases from the list of aliases of an entity in a given language
remove-claim|rc [guids]
remove claims by their GUIDs
remove-qualifier|rq [claim-guid] [qualifiers-hashes]
remove qualifiers from a claim
remove-reference|rr [claim-guid] [references-hashes]
remove references from a claim
revisions|r [entity]
output the entity's revisions data
search|f [search]
search entities
set-alias|sa [entity] [language] [aliases]
set the list of aliases of an entity in a given language
set-description|sd [entity] [language] [description]
set a description on an entity in a given language
set-label|sl [entity] [language] [label]
set a label on an entity in a given language
sparql|s [file.rq]
run a SPARQL query and get its JSON output
summary|u [entity]
display basic information on the requested entity
update-claim|uc [guid] [new-value]
update a claim's value
update-qualifier|uq [claim-guid] [property] [old-value] [new-value]
update a qualifier from an existing value to a new value
help [command]
display help for command
November 2023
wd 15.15.4