-a|--authenticate username%password
Attempt to authenticate a user via
This checks both authentication methods and reports its results.
Do not be tempted to use this functionality for authentication in third-party
applications. Instead use
Get a new GID out of idmap
Get a new UID out of idmap
List all domains (trusted and own domain).
Change the trust account password. May be used in
conjunction with domain in order to change interdomain trust account
--change-secret-at domain-controller
Change the trust account password at a specific domain
controller. Fails if the specified domain controller cannot be
--ccache-save username%password
Store user and password for ccache.
--change-user-password username
Change the password of a user. The old and new password
will be prompted.
--dc-info domain
Displays information about the current domain controller
for a domain.
--domain name
This parameter sets the domain on which any specified
operations will performed. If special domain name '.' is used to represent the
current domain to which winbindd(8) belongs. A '*' as the domain name
means to enumerate over all domains (NOTE: This can take a long time and use a
lot of memory).
-D|--domain-info domain
Show most of the info we have about the specified
--dsgetdcname domain
Find a DC for a domain.
--gid-info gid
Get group info from gid.
--group-info group
Get group info from group name.
This option will list all groups available in the Windows
NT domain for which the samba(7) daemon is operating in. Groups in all
trusted domains can be listed with the --domain='*' option. Note that this
operation does not assign group ids to any groups that have not already been
seen by winbindd(8).
Print username and password used by winbindd(8)
during session setup to a domain controller. Username and password can be set
using --set-auth-user. Only available for root.
--getdcname domain
Get the DC name for the specified domain.
-G|--gid-to-sid gid
Try to convert a UNIX group id to a Windows NT SID. If
the gid specified does not refer to one within the idmap gid range then the
operation will fail.
Print brief help overview.
-i|--user-info user
Get user info.
-I|--WINS-by-ip ip
The -I option queries winbindd(8) to send a
node status request to get the NetBIOS name associated with the IP address
specified by the ip parameter.
-K|--krb5auth username%password
Attempt to authenticate a user via Kerberos.
--krb5ccname KRB5CCNAME
Allows one to request a specific kerberos credential
cache type used for authentication.
Use lanman cryptography for user authentication.
Logoff a user.
--logoff-uid UID
Define user uid used during logoff request.
--logoff-user USERNAME
Define username used during logoff request.
--lookup-sids SID1,SID2...
Looks up SIDs. SIDs must be specified as ASCII strings in
the traditional Microsoft format. For example,
Produce a list of domains trusted by the Windows NT
server winbindd(8) contacts when resolving names. This list does not
include the Windows NT domain the server is a Primary Domain Controller
-n|--name-to-sid name
The -n option queries winbindd(8) for the
SID associated with the name specified. Domain names can be specified before
the user name by using the winbind separator character. For example
CWDOM1/Administrator refers to the Administrator user in the domain CWDOM1. If
no domain is specified then the domain used is the one specified in the
smb.conf(5) workgroup parameter.
-N|--WINS-by-name name
The -N option queries winbindd(8) to query
the WINS server for the IP address associated with the NetBIOS name specified
by the name parameter.
Use NTLMv1 cryptography for user authentication.
Use NTLMv2 cryptography for user authentication. NTLMv2
is the default method, this option is only maintained for compatibility.
--online-status domain
Display whether winbind currently maintains an active
connection or not. An optional domain argument limits the output to the online
status of a given domain.
List own domain.
--pam-logon username%password
Attempt to authenticate a user in the same way
pam_winbind would do.
Check whether winbindd(8) is still alive. Prints
out either 'succeeded' or 'failed'.
Issue a no-effect command to our DC. This checks if our
secure channel connection to our domain controller is still alive. It has much
less impact than wbinfo -t.
-r|--user-groups username
Try to obtain the list of UNIX group ids to which the
user belongs. This only works for users defined on a Domain Controller.
There are two scenaries:
1.User authenticated: When the user has been
authenticated, the access token for the user is cached. The correct group
memberships are then returned from the cached user token (which can be
2.User *NOT* authenticated: The information is queries
from the domain controller using the machine account credentials which have
limited permissions. The result is normally incomplete and can be also
-R|--lookup-rids rid1, rid2, rid3...
Converts RIDs to names. Uses a comma separated list of
--remove-gid-mapping GID,SID
Removes an existing GID to SID mapping from the
--remove-uid-mapping UID,SID
Removes an existing UID to SID mapping from the
-s|--sid-to-name sid
Use -s to resolve a SID to a name. This is the
inverse of the -n option above. SIDs must be specified as ASCII
strings in the traditional Microsoft format. For example,
Get the active winbind separator.
This command has been deprecated. Please use the
--online-status option instead.
--set-auth-user username%password
Store username and password used by winbindd(8)
during session setup to a domain controller. This enables winbindd to operate
in a Windows 2000 domain with Restrict Anonymous turned on (a.k.a. Permissions
compatible with Windows 2000 servers only).
--set-gid-mapping GID,SID
Create a GID to SID mapping in the database.
--set-uid-mapping UID,SID
Create a UID to SID mapping in the database.
-S|--sid-to-uid sid
Convert a SID to a UNIX user id. If the SID does not
correspond to a UNIX user mapped by winbindd(8) then the operation will
--sid-aliases sid
Get SID aliases for a given SID.
--sid-to-fullname sid
Converts a SID to a full username
--sids-to-unix-ids sid1,sid2,sid3...
Resolve SIDs to Unix IDs. SIDs must be specified as ASCII
strings in the traditional Microsoft format. For example,
Verify that the workstation trust account created when
the Samba server is added to the Windows NT domain is working. May be used in
conjunction with domain in order to verify interdomain trust
This option will list all users available in the Windows
NT domain for which the winbindd(8) daemon is operating in. Users in
all trusted domains can be listed with the --domain='*' option. Note that this
operation does not assign user ids to any users that have not already been
seen by winbindd(8) .
--uid-info uid
Get user info for the user connected to user id
Print brief help overview.
--user-domgroups sid
Get user domain groups.
--user-sidinfo sid
Get user info by sid.
--user-sids sid
Get user group SIDs for user.
-U|--uid-to-sid uid
Try to convert a UNIX user id to a Windows NT SID. If the
uid specified does not refer to one within the idmap range then the operation
will fail.
Print additional information about the query
-Y|--sid-to-gid sid
Convert a SID to a UNIX group id. If the SID does not
correspond to a UNIX group mapped by winbindd(8) then the operation
will fail.
Prints the program version number.
Print a summary of command line options.
Display brief usage message.