WALLCH(1) General Commands Manual WALLCH(1)

wallch - Wallpaper Changer

wallch [options]

Wallch is a free and open-source application for managing your desktop background. It comes with various functions, such as rotating your hard drive's wallpapers, live earth, wikipedia picture of the day, wallpaper clocks and live website. It supports Gnome (with or without Unity integration), LXDE and XFCE desktop environments. Wallch can work with or without its Graphical User Interface, for extra lightweightness.

Please notice that all the options, except from --change, --help, --cache, --fcache, and --version, will be sent to the already running instance of Wallch, if there is one.

Shows a menu with the available options.
Picks a random image and sets it as desktop background from the last used folder. However, if a DIRECTORY is specified, then that directory is recursively searched for images and a random one is picked from there.
Starts the wallpaper changing process using the last specified folder.
Starts the live earth process.
Starts the picture of the day process.
Starts the wallpaper clocks process.
Starts the live website process.
Stops any running process, like live earth or picture of the day.
Closes any instances of the program.
Proceeds to the next image, if available. This works only when the normal wallpaper changing process is running.
Proceeds to the previous image, if available. This works only when the normal wallpaper changing process is running.
Pauses the normal wallpaper changing process.
Searches DIRECTORY recursively for supported images and caches them. This allows a much better experience when viewing the images of this DIRECTORY from Wallch, because they load much faster. Please note that this argument takes into consideration the cache limit and may delete some cached images of the specified folder if this limit is exceeded. Wallch by default caches the images while they are being viewed, so this option may only be used if the user does not want to wait for the pictures to load and be cached when viewed for the first time from Wallch.
Same as --cache but without taking into consideration the cache limits. If you open Wallch's Graphical User Interface afterwards, the limits will be taken into consideration and the extra images will be deleted. Wallch calculates which images are most likely not to be seen according to the last used folder, and it deletes the extra images from the cache, if the limit is exceeded. This option is useful when you simply want to generate thumbnails for all the images in a folder or you simply don't want to wait for Wallch to calculate and delete the extra images for the time being.
Shows the program's version.

If you find a bug, please report it at alexsol.developer@gmail.com, leon.vitanos@gmail.com or at launchpad (https://bugs.launchpad.net/wallpaper-changer)

Leon Vitanos (leon.vitanos@gmail.com)

February 2014