w1sensors - Convert w1find output to w1retap configuration (text or SQL)

w1sensors [OPTIONS] [FILE]

w1sensors is used to convert the output of w1find into configuration for w1retap. It can read from stdin or a FILE and can output to STDOUT or a file with the -o option. By default it outputs SQL statements that insert the sensor configuration into a w1retap database. Alternatively with the -f option it will output file based configuration.

-?, --help

Show help options

-f, --file-based-config

Output file type w1reftap configuration rather than SQL

-o, --output

Output to file

•$ sudo -u w1retap w1find /dev/ttyUSBS0 | w1sensors | psql w1retap

•$ w1find DS2490-1 | w1sensors -f | tee -a /etc/w1retap-sensors.dat


Returns 0

w1find(1), w1retap(1)



This manual page was written by Thomas Stewart <thomas@stewarts.org.uk> for the Debian GNU/Linux system (but may be used by others). Permission is granted to modify and distribute this manpage under the terms of GNU General Public Licence version 2 or (at your opinion) any later version.
