vppreproc - Preprocess Verilog code using verilog-perl
vppreproc --help
vppreproc [verilog_options] [-o filename] [verilog_files.v...]
Vppreproc reads the Verilog files passed on the command line and
outputs preprocessed output to standard out or the filename passed with
Note vppreproc was named vppp until release 3.100, so if you're
looking for vppp, this is the right replacement. The vppp name conflicted
with another non-Verilog related tool.
The following arguments are compatible with GCC, VCS and most
Verilog programs.
- +define+var+value =item -Dvar=value
- Defines the given preprocessor symbol.
- -f file
- Read the specified file, and act as if all text inside it was specified as
command line parameters.
- -f file
- Read the specified file, and act as if all text inside it was specified as
command line parameters. Any relative paths are relative to the current
- +incdir+dir =item -Idir
- Add the directory to the list of directories that should be searched for
include directories or libraries.
- +libext+ext+ext...
- Specify the extensions that should be used for finding modules. If for
example module x is referenced, look in x.ext.
- -y dir
- Add the directory to the list of directories that should be searched for
include directories or libraries.
- --help
- Displays this message and program version and exits.
- --o file
- Use the given filename for output instead of stdout.
- --dump-defines
- Suppress normal output, and instead print a list of all defines existing
at the end of processing the input file.
- --noblank
- Removes empty lines from the output. Should be used with --noline, as if
correct line numbers are needed, blank lines must be preserved for proper
accounting by the program reading the output of vppreproc.
- Remove comments.
- --noline
- Remove `line directives.
- -P
- Same as --noline --noblank, similar to "GCC -P" behavior.
- --pedantic
- Rigorously obey the Verilog spec. This disables the `error feature, and
may disable other features that are not specified in the approved language
reference manual. Defaults false.
- --simple
- Requests simple output, an alias for --noline, --nocomment and
- --synthesis
- Define SYNTHESIS, and ignore text between "ambit",
"pragma", "synopsys" or "synthesis"
translate_off and translate_on meta comments. Note using metacomments is
discouraged as they have led to silicon bugs (versus ifdef SYNTHESIS); see
- --version
- Displays program version and exits.
Vppreproc supports the preprocessing constructs defined in the
Verilog 2001 and SystemVerilog 2005 standards.
The following additional constructs may be added to your Verilog
- `__FILE__
- The __FILE__ define expands to the current filename as a string, like
C++'s __FILE__. This was incorporated into to the 1800-2009 standard (but
supported by Verilog-Perl since 2004!)
- `__LINE__
- The __LINE__ define expands to the current filename as a string, like
C++'s __LINE__. This was incorporated into to the 1800-2009 standard (but
supported by Verilog-Perl since 2004!)
- `error string
- This will report an error when encountered, like C++'s #error.
Verilog-Perl is part of the <https://www.veripool.org/> free
Verilog EDA software tool suite. The latest version is available from CPAN
and from <https://www.veripool.org/verilog-perl>.
Copyright 2000-2024 by Wilson Snyder. This package is free
software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either
the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 3 or the Perl Artistic License
Version 2.0.
Wilson Snyder <wsnyder@wsnyder.org>
Verilog-Perl, Verilog::Getopt, Verilog::Preproc