VDB_RENDER(1) User Commands VDB_RENDER(1)

vdb_render - ray-traces OpenVDB volumes

vdb_render in.vdb out.{ppm,exr,png} [options]

Which: ray-traces OpenVDB volumes Options:

perspective camera aperture in mm (default: 41.2)
camera type; either "persp[ective]" or "ortho[graphic]" (default: perspective)
EXR compression scheme; either "none" (uncompressed), "rle" or "zip" (default: zip)
number of rendering threads, or 1 to disable threading, or 0 to use all available CPUs (default: 0)
camera far plane depth (default: 3.4e+38)
perspective camera focal length in mm (default: 50)
perspective camera field of view in degrees (default: 44.8)
ortho camera frame width in world units (default: 1)
rotate the camera to point to (X, Y, Z)
name of the volume to be rendered (default: render the first floating-point volume found in in.vdb)
camera near plane depth (default: 0.001)
image dimensions in pixels (default: 1920x1080)

-r X,Y,Z

camera rotation in degrees (default: look at the center of the volume)

-t X,Y,Z

camera translation
vector that should point up after rotation with -lookat (default: [0, 1, 0])
verbose (print timing and diagnostics)
print version information and exit
print this usage message and exit

name of a vec3s volume to be used to set material colors
isovalue in world units for level set ray intersection (default: 0)
number of samples (rays) per pixel (default: 1)
shader name; either "diffuse", "matte", "normal" or "position" (default: diffuse)

absorption coefficients (default: [0.1, 0.1, 0.1])
density and transmittance cutoff value (default: 0.005)
amount of scatter along the shadow ray (default: 0.2)
light source direction and optional color (default: [0.3, 0.3, 0, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7])
scattering coefficients (default: [1.5, 1.5, 1.5])
step size in voxels for integration along the shadow ray (default: 3)
step size in voxels for integration along the primary ray (default: 1)

vdb_render crawler.vdb crawler.{ppm,exr,png} -shader diffuse -res 1920x1080 \

-focal 35 -samples 4 -translate 0,210.5,400 -compression rle -v

vdb_render bunny_cloud.vdb bunny_cloud.{ppm,exr,png} -res 1920x1080 \

-translate 0,0,110 -absorb 0.4,0.2,0.1 -gain 0.2 -v

This is not (and is not intended to be) a production-quality renderer. Use it for fast previewing or simply as a reference implementation for integration into existing ray tracers.

This manual page was written by Mathieu Malaterre <malat@debian.org> for the Debian GNU/Linux system (but may be used by others).

April 2024 vdb_render 10.0.1