VARSCAN(1) User Commands VARSCAN(1)

varscan - variant detection in next-generation sequencing data


Variant detection in massively parallel sequencing. For one sample, calls SNPs, indels, and consensus genotypes. For tumor-normal pairs, further classifies each variant as Germline, Somatic, or LOH, and also detects somatic copy number changes.

Identify SNPs from a pileup file
Identify indels a pileup file
Call consensus and variants from a pileup file
Identify SNPs from an mpileup file
Identify indels an mpileup file
Call consensus and variants from an mpileup file
Call germline/somatic variants from tumor-normal pileups
Determine relative tumor copy number from tumor-normal pileups
Obtain read counts for a list of variants from a pileup file
Filter SNPs by coverage, frequency, p-value, etc.
Filter somatic variants for clusters/indels
Isolate Germline/LOH/Somatic calls from output
GC-adjust and process copy number changes from VarScan copynumber output
Compare two lists of positions/variants
Restrict pileup/snps/indels to ROI positions

April 2014 varscan 2.3.6