VARIETY(1) User Commands VARIETY(1)

variety - Variety Wallpaper Changer

variety [options] [files or urls]

Passing local files will add them to Variety's queue. Passing remote URLs will make Variety fetch them to Fetched folder and place them in the queue.

To set a specific wallpaper: variety --set /some/local/image.jpg

show program's version number and exit
show this help message and exit
Profile name or full path to the configuration folder Variety should use. If not specified, this is ~/.config/variety/. If just a name is used instead of a full path, the profile folder will be ~/.config/variety-profiles/<name>. Use only when initially starting Variety - changing the profile path requires restart. Several instances of Variety can be started when using different profiles, each with its own separate configuration. This can be used for example to control several different screens or workspaces under desktop environments like XFCE which allow this. To pass commands to a running instance, pass the same --profile argument as the one it was started with in subsequent commands.
Show logging messages (-vv to -vvvvv will profile various parts of Variety with increasing detail
Make the running instance quit
Print the current wallpaper location. Used only when the application is already running.
Set the given file as wallpaper, absolute path required
Show Next wallpaper
Show Previous wallpaper
Show Next wallpaper, skipping the forward history
Move current wallpaper to Trash. Used only when the application is already running.
Copy current wallpaper to Favorites. Used only when the application is already running.
Move current wallpaper to Favorites. Used only when the application is already running.
Pause on current image
Resume regular image changes
Toggle Pause/Resume state
Toggle "Show Without Effects" for current image
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Show manual wallpaper selector - the thumbnail bar filled with images from the active image sources
Sets and applies an option. The option names are the same that are used in Variety's config file ~/.config/variety/variety.conf. Multiple options can be set in a single command. Example: 'variety --setoption icon Dark --set-option clock_enabled True'. USE WITH CAUTION: You are changing the settings file directly in an unguarded way.
December 2020 variety 0.8.5