upscale_cap - Upscale capillary pressure and water saturation.

upscale_cap [option value] [grid file] [rock file 1] [rock file 2] [rock file 3] ...

Upscale the capillary pressure function and water saturation, both for the whole geometry, and on a per rocktype basis.

Example usage:

upscale_cap grid.grdecl

For isotropic input, the rock file has four columns, and looks like this:

-- Stone 1 -- Sw Krw Kro J-func
1.42000E-01 0.00000E+00 1.00000E+00 2.25999E+00
2.79250E-01 1.93652E-03 5.03619E-01 5.76122E-02
4.14850E-01 1.09648E-02 2.36036E-01 -1.23421E-02
6.14150E-01 4.10007E-02 3.95006E-02 -8.96693E-02
7.26100E-01 1.41398E-01 9.30808E-03 -1.19849E-01
9.48000E-01 8.40000E-01 0.00000E+00 -1.42553E+00

-points Number of saturation points to upscale for, uniformly distributed. Defaults to 30.
-jFunctionCurve If upscaleBothPhases is false and input is isotropic,the column number in the stone-files that represent the Leverett J-function. Defaults to 4.
-surfaceTension Surface tension in dynes/cm to use in J-function/Pc conversion. Contact angle is not supported, and os heta=1 is effectively used. Defaults to 11.
-output Filename for where to write upscaled values.
-maxPermContrast Maximal permeability contrast in model. Defaults to 1e7.
-minPerm Minimum value allowed for phase permeability. Defaults to 1e-12.

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October 2021 upscale_cap 2021.10