UPNPC(1) User Commands UPNPC(1)

upnpc - miniupnpc library test client.

Add port redirection:
upnpc [options] -a ip port external_port protocol [duration]

Delete port redirection:
upnpc [options] -d external_port protocol <remote host>

Get Connection status:
upnpc [options] -s

List redirections:
upnpc [options] -l

List redirections (using GetListOfPortMappings (for IGD:2 only):
upnpc [options] -L

Add (any) port redirection allowing IGD to use alternative external_port (for IGD:2 only):
upnpc [options] -n ip port external_port protocol [duration]

Delete range of port redirections (for IGD:2 only):
upnpc [options] -N external_port_start external_port_end protocol [manage]

Add all redirections to the current host:
upnpc [options] -r port1 [external_port1] protocol1 [port2 [external_port2] protocol2] [...]

Add Pinhole (for IGD:2 only):
upnpc [options] -A remote_ip remote_port internal_ip internal_port protocol lease_time

Update Pinhole (for IGD:2 only):
upnpc [options] -U uniqueID new_lease_time

Check if Pinhole is Working (for IGD:2 only):
upnpc [options] -C uniqueID

Get Number of packets going through the rule (for IGD:2 only):
upnpc [options] -K uniqueID

Delete Pinhole (for IGD:2 only):
upnpc [options] -D uniqueID

Get Firewall status (for IGD:2 only):
upnpc [options] -S

Get Outbound Pinhole Timeout (for IGD:2 only):
upnpc [options] -G remote_ip remote_port internal_ip internal_port protocol

Get Presentation url
upnpc [options] -P

upnpc is a sample program for miniupnpc library.

set description for port mapping.

use ip v6 instead of ip v4.

bypass discovery process by providing the XML root description url.

provide ip address (ip v4) or interface name (ip v4 or v6) to use for sending SSDP multicast packets.

SSDP packets local (source) port (1024-65535).

use this path for MiniSSDPd socket.

set multicast TTL. Default value is 2.

external-ip(1) upnp-listdevices(1) http://miniupnp.free.fr/

January 2018 miniupnpc