The style file informs upmendex about the format of the
idx input files and the intended format of the final output file. The
format is upper compatible with the one for makeindex and
mendex. The style file contains a list of
<specifier attribute> pairs. There are two types
of specifiers: input and output. Pairs do not have to appear in any
particular order. A line begun by ´%´ is a comment.
Input file style parameter
- keyword
- "\\indexentry"
Command with an argument of index entry which is going to
be processed.
- arg_open
- ´{´
Opening delimiter which shows the beginning of index
- arg_close
- ´}´
Closing delimiter which shows the end of index
- range_open
- ´(´
Opening delimiter which shows the beginning of page
- range_close
- ´)´
Closing delimiter which shows the end of page
- level
- ´!´
Delimiter which shows lower level.
- actual
- ´@´
Symbol which shows the next sequence is to appear as
index strings in the output file.
- encap
- ´|´
Symbol which shows the next sequence is to be used as
command name attached to the page number.
- page_compositor
- "-"
Separator between page levels for a style with
multi-levels of page numbers.
- page_precedence
- "rnaRA"
Priority of expression for page number. ´R´
and ´r´ correspond to Roman. ´n´ corresponds to
arabic numeral. ´A´ and ´a´ correspond to Latin
- quote
- ´"´
Escape character for upmendex parameters.
- escape
- ´\\´
Escape character for general scripts.
Output file style parameter
- preamble
- "\\begin{theindex}\n"
Preamble of output file.
- postamble
- "\n\n\\end{theindex}\n"
Postamble of output file.
- setpage_prefix
- "\n \\setcounter{page}{"
Prefix of page number if start page is designated.
- setpage_suffix
- "}\n"
Suffix of page number if start page is designated.
- group_skip
- "\n\n \\indexspace\n"
Strings to insert vertical space before new section of
- lethead_prefix
- ""
Prefix of heading for newly appeared heading
- heading_prefix
- ""
Same as lethead_prefix. (compatible with
- lethead_suffix
- ""
Suffix of heading for newly appeared heading
- heading_suffix
- ""
Same as lethead_suffix. (compatible with
- lethead_flag
- 0
Flag to control output of heading letters in Latin, Greek
and Cyrillic scripts. ´0´, ´1´, ´-1´
and ´2´ respectively denotes no output, uppercase, lowercase and
- heading_flag
- 0
Same as lethead_flag. (Note: makeindex uses a
different name headings_flag)
- headings_flag
- 0
Same as lethead_flag. (compatible with
- kana_head
- ""
Heading characters of Kana specified by a string. By
default, it is controlled by letter_head and command line option
-g. (Extended by upmendex)
- hangul_head
- "ㄱㄴㄷㄹㅁㅂㅅㅇㅈㅊㅋㅌㅍㅎ"
Heading characters of Hangul specified by a string.
(Extended by upmendex)
- tumunja
- "ㄱㄴㄷㄹㅁㅂㅅㅇㅈㅊㅋㅌㅍㅎ"
Heading characters of Hangul specified by a string.
(Deprecated, Extended by upmendex)
- hanzi_head
- ""
Heading strings of hanzi (Kanji, Hanja) specified by a
string, which is concatenated of items with a separator ´;´.
(Extended by upmendex)
- devanagari_head
- "ऄअआइईउऊऋऌऍऎएऐऑऒओऔकखगघङचछजझञटठडढणतथदधनपफबभमयरलळवशषसह"
Heading characters of Devanagari specified by a string.
(Experimental, Extended by upmendex)
- thai_head
- "กขฃคฅฆงจฉชซฌญฎฏฐฑฒณดตถทธนบปผฝพฟภมยรฤลฦวศ??©สหฬอฮ"
Heading characters of Thai script specified by a string.
(Experimental, Extended by upmendex)
- item_0
- "\n \\item "
Command sequence inserted between primary level
- item_1
- "\n \\subitem "
Command sequence inserted between sub level
- item_2
- "\n \\subsubitem "
Command sequence inserted between subsub level
- item_01
- "\n \\subitem "
Command sequence inserted between primaly and sub level
- item_x1
- "\n \\subitem "
Command sequence inserted between primary and sub level
entries when main entry does not have page number.
- item_12
- "\n \\subsubitem "
Command sequence inserted between sub and subsub level
- item_x2
- "\n \\subsubitem "
Command sequence inserted between sub and subsub level
entries when sub level entry does not have page number.
- delim_0
- ", "
Delimiter string between primary level entry and first
page number.
- delim_1
- ", "
Delimiter string between sub level entry and first page
- delim_2
- ", "
Delimiter string between subsub level entry and first
page number.
- delim_n
- ", "
Delimiter string between page numbers commonly used for
any entry level.
- delim_r
- "--"
Delimiter string between pages to show page range.
- delim_t
- ""
Delimiter string output at the end of page number
- suffix_2p
- ""
String to be inserted in place of delim_n and the
next page number when the two pages are contiguous.
It works only when the parameter is defined.
- suffix_3p
- ""
String to be inserted in place of delim_r and the
third page number when the three pages are contiguous. The parameter is prior
to suffix_mp.
It works only when the parameter is defined.
- suffix_mp
- ""
String to be inserted in place of delim_r and the
last page number when the three or more pages are contiguous.
It works only when the parameter is defined.
- encap_prefix
- "\\"
Prefix for an encapsulating command when the
encapsulating command is added to the page number.
- encap_infix
- "{"
Prefix just before the page number when the encapsulating
command is added to the page number.
- encap_suffix
- "}".
Suffix after the page number when the encapsulating
command is added to the page number.
- line_max
- 72
Maximum number of one line. If exceed the number, lines
are folded.
- indent_space
- ""
Space for indent which inserted to top of folded
- indent_length
- 16
Length of space for indent which inserted to top of
folded line.
- symhead_positive
- "Symbols"
Strings to output as heading letter for symbols when
lethead_flag or heading_flag or headings_flag is positive number.
- symhead_negative
- "symbols"
Strings to output as heading letter for symbols when
lethead_flag or heading_flag or headings_flag is negative number.
- symbol
- ""
Strings to output as heading letter for symbols when
symbol_flag is non zero.
If specified, the option is prior to symhead_positive and symhead_negative.
(Extended by (up)mendex)
- numhead_positive
- "Numbers"
Strings to output as heading letter for numbers when
lethead_flag or heading_flag or headings_flag is positive number and
symbol_flag is 2.
- numhead_negative
- "numbers"
Strings to output as heading letter for numbers when
lethead_flag or heading_flag or headings_flag is negative number and
symbol_flag is 2.
- symbol_flag
- 1
Flag to output of symbol. If ´0´, do not
output headings for symbols and numbers. If ´1´, output symbols
and numbers as a group of symbols. If ´2´, output symbols and
numbers separately. (Extended by (up)mendex)
- letter_head
- 1
Flag of heading letter for Japanese Kana. If
´1´ and ´2´, Katakana and Hiragana is used,
respectively. (Extended by (up)mendex)
- priority
- 0
Flag of sorting method for index words composed of
Japanese and non-Japanese (ex. Latin scripts). If non zero, one space (U+0020)
is inserted between Japanese sequence and non-Japanese sequence in sorting
procedure. (Extended by (up)mendex)
- character_order
Order of scripts and symbols. ´S´,
´N´, ´L´, ´G´, ´C´,
´J´, ´K´, ´H´, ´D´,
´T´, ´a´ and ´h´ respectively
denotes symbol, number, Latin, Greek, Cyrillic, Japanese Kana, Korean Hangul,
Hanzi, Devanagari, Thai, Arabic and Hebrew script. ´@´ denotes
scripts which are not explicitly designated and the order are configured by
icu_rules or icu_locale. Please make sure that ´S´ and
´N´ are next to each other if symbol_flag=1, since numbers are
classified as a part of symbol. (Extended by upmendex)
- script_preamble
<string 1> <string 2>
- ""
Preamble of script block in output file, specified by
string 2. One of script names must be specified in the string 1:
´latin´, ´cyrillic´, ´greek´,
´kana´, ´hangul´, ´hanzi´,
´devanagari´, ´thai´, ´arabic´, or
´hebrew´. (Extended by upmendex)
- script_postamble
<string 1> <string 2>
- ""
Postamble of script block in output file, specified by
string 2. One of script names must be specified in the string 1:
´latin´, ´cyrillic´, ´greek´,
´kana´, ´hangul´, ´hanzi´,
´devanagari´, ´thai´, ´arabic´, or
´hebrew´. (Extended by upmendex)
- icu_locale
- ""
Locale in ICU collator. By default, "root sort
order" is set. (Extended by upmendex)
- icu_rules
- ""
Customized collation rules in ICU collator. Unicode
characters in UTF-8 encoding and following escape sequences are accepted:
\Uhhhhhhhh (8-digit hexadecimal [0-9A-Fa-f]), \uhhhh (4-digit
hexadecimal), \xhh (2-digit hexadecimal), \x{h...} (1..8-digit
hexadecimal), and \ooo (3-digit octal [0-7]). If icu_rules and
icu_locale are simultaneously specified, collation rules specified by
icu_rules are added on collation rules specified by icu_locale. By default,
locale is used. (Extended by upmendex)
- icu_attributes
- ""
Attributes in ICU collator. Followings are available:
"alternate:shifted", "alternate:non-ignorable",
"strength:primary", "strength:secondary",
"strength:tertiary", "strength:quaternary",
"strength:identical", "french-collation:on",
"french-collation:off", "case-first:off",
"case-first:upper-first", "case-first:lower-first",
"case-level:on", "case-level:off",
"normalization-mode:on", "normalization-mode:off",
"numeric-ordering:on", "numeric-ordering:off" (Extended by