man(1) ufo2otf man page man(1)

ufo2otf - Take UFO font sources and generate OTF’s and webfonts

usage: ufo2otf [-h] [--webfonts] [--afdko] [--diagnostics]
infiles [infiles ...]

positional arguments:
infiles The source UFO files

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--webfonts Generate webfonts in a ./webfonts subfolder
--afdko Generate the OTF with Adobe Font Development Kit for Opentype
--diagnostics Display information about available font compilers (no files

$ ufo2otf OpenBodoni.ufo
will create a file called OpenBodoni.otf.

$ ufo2otf OpenBodoni-Regular.ufo OpenBodoni-Italic.ufo OpenBodoni-Bold.ufo
will create OpenBodoni-Regalur.otf, OpenBodoni-Italic.otf and OpenBodoni-Bold.otf.

Eric Schrijver <>

Copyright © 2011–2012, Eric Schrijver

22 April 2016 1.0