TZDIFF(1) General Commands Manual TZDIFF(1)

tzdiffdisplays timezone differences with localtime.

tzdiff [-0lvHN] [-n count] [-f format] [-t start] timzone [timezone ...] [count] [0]

The tzdiff utility displays the localtime of the designated timezone and yours.

The tzdiff utility needs at least one of timezone name, such as “Asia/Tokyo”. If the argument is “Asia” then tzdiff displays the timezones of Asia. You can easy to choose it from the result.

The tzdiff supports the complition with name of timezone for useful. For example, “Tok” means “Asia/Tokyo”.

The options are as follows:

Show usage.
Round down to hour. 0(zero) may be specified as the last argument.
Display full timezone name (region/city), only city in default.
Number of hours. Default is 10. It may be specified as the last argument.
Output format of time. It uses output format of date(1)
Specify the start time. For the GNU date command, you can specify a flexible format. Otherwise, it supports one of "YYYY-mm-ddTHH:HH[Z]", "YYYYmmddTHHMM[Z]" or "YYYYmmddHHMM[Z]", adding "Z" means UTC.
Show version of tzdiff.
Scripting mode with timezone name. In scripting mode, field separator is TAB instead of space.
Scripting mode without timezone name.
Display without local timezone.

These exsamples are in JST.

The command:


will display the result of “ls -F /usr/share/zoneinfo”:

Africa/       Australia/    Etc/          MST           WET
America/      CET           Europe/       MST7MDT       posixrules
--- snip --- snip --- snip ---
Asia/         EST           Indian/       SystemV/
Atlantic/     EST5EDT       MET           UTC

The command:

tzdiff Eu

will display the result of “ls -F /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe”:

Europe/Amsterdam        Europe/Kiev             Europe/Sarajevo
Europe/Andorra          Europe/Kirov            Europe/Saratov
--- snip --- snip --- snip ---
Europe/Jersey           Europe/Samara
Europe/Kaliningrad      Europe/San_Marino

The command:

tzdiff Europe/Amsterdam

will display the time of CET and localtime.:

2018-12-19 14:52 CET    2018-12-19 22:52 JST
2018-12-19 15:52 CET    2018-12-19 23:52 JST
--- snip --- snip --- snip ---
2018-12-19 22:52 CET    2018-12-20 06:52 JST
2018-12-19 23:52 CET    2018-12-20 07:52 JST

The command:

tzdiff Lond New_ 0 3

will display:

London                  New_York
2018-12-20 01:00 GMT    2018-12-19 20:00 EST    2018-12-20 10:00 JST
2018-12-20 02:00 GMT    2018-12-19 21:00 EST    2018-12-20 11:00 JST
2018-12-20 03:00 GMT    2018-12-19 22:00 EST    2018-12-20 12:00 JST

date(1), strftime(3), strptime(3)

tzdiff on Github:

Written by Masato Minda

July 17, 2023 Debian