tping - Send echo messages to LAM nodes.

tping [-hv] [-c count] [-d delay] [-l length] nodes

Print the command help menu.
Turn OFF verbose mode.
Send count messages.
Delay delay seconds between each message.
Each message is length bytes long.

The tping command sends messages to, and collects replies from, a list of nodes, via the LAM echo server. It is similar to the UNIX ping(8) command, and is used as a quick diagnosis of the LAM network.

Unless options are specified, tping sends a 1 byte message an infinite number of times, displaying the roundtrip time of each message as it completes, with a delay of 1 second between roundtrips. After the loop is broken (with keyboard interrupt, eg: ^C), tping prints statistics about all roundtrip messages.

Echo messages to the local node.
Echo 1000 byte messages to node 7. Stay silent while working. Stop after 10 roundtrips and report statistics.

There is no built-in timeout and tping will wait forever to receive an echo. If no echo is received, due to a dead link or node, tping hangs. Stop the process with a keyboard suspend signal (eg: ^Z) and terminate LAM with lamhalt(1) or lamwipe(1) (although the use of lamwipe(1) is deprecated).

lamhalt(1), lamwipe(1)

July, 2007 LAM 7.1.4