TOXIC(1) Toxic Manual TOXIC(1)

toxic - CLI client for Tox

toxic [-f data-file] [-x] [-4] [-c config-file] [-n nodes-file] [-h]

toxic is an ncurses-based instant messaging client for Tox which formerly resided in the Tox core repository, and is now available as a standalone application.

-4, --ipv4

Force IPv4 connection

-b, --debug

Enable stderr for debugging. Redirect output to avoid breaking the curses interface and better capture messages.

-c, --config config-file

Use specified config-file instead of ~/.config/tox/toxic.conf

-d, --default-locale

Use default locale

-e, --encrypt-data

Encrypt an unencrypted data file. An error will occur if this option is used with an encrypted data file.

-f, --file data-file

Use specified data-file instead of ~/.config/tox/toxic_profile.tox

-h, --help

Show help message

-l, --logging

Enable toxcore logging to stderr

-n, --nodes nodes-file

Use specified nodes-file for DHT bootstrap nodes instead of ~/.config/tox/DHTnodes.json

-o, --noconnect

Do not connect to the DHT network

-p, --SOCKS5-proxy

Use a SOCKS5 proxy: Requires [IP] [port]

-P, --HTTP-proxy

Use a HTTP proxy: Requires [IP] [port]

-r, --namelist

Use specified nameservers list

-t, --force-tcp

Force TCP connection (use this with proxies)

-T, --tcp-relay

Act as a TCP relay server for the network (Note: this uses significantly more bandwidth)

-u, --unencrypt-data

Unencrypt a data file. A warning will appear if this option is used with a data file that is already unencrypted.


Default location for list of DHT bootstrap nodes (list obtained from This list is automatically updated. See toxic.conf(5) for details on controlling the update frequency.


Savestate which contains your personal info (nickname, Tox ID, contacts, etc)


Configuration file. See toxic.conf(5) for more details.


Configuration example.

-Unicode characters with a width larger than 1 column may cause strange behaviour.

-Text occasionally fails to auto-scroll to the bottom.

-Screen flickering sometimes occurs on certain terminals.

JFreegman <>


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2020-05-04 toxic 0.11.1