TLDR-HS(1) User Commands TLDR-HS(1)

tldr-hs - manual page for tldr-hs 0.9.2

tldr-hs [-v|--version]

tldr - Simplified and community-driven man pages

((-u|--update) | [-p|--platform PLATFORM] [-L|--language LOCALE]
COMMAND | (-a|--about)) [--auto-update-interval DAYS]
[--color | --no-color]
tldr Client program

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Show version
Update offline cache of tldr pages
Prioritize a specific platform while searching. Valid values include linux, osx, windows, sunos
Preferred language for the page returned
name of the command
About this program
Perform an automatic update if the cache is older than DAYS
Force colored output, overriding the NO_COLOR environment variable
Disable colored output
October 2023 tldr-hs 0.9.2