tio(1) | User Commands | tio(1) |
tio - a simple serial device I/O tool
tio [<options>] <tty-device|sub-config>
tio is a simple serial device tool which features a straightforward command-line and configuration file interface to easily connect to serial TTY devices for basic I/O operations.
Set baud rate [bps] (default: 115200).
Set data bits (default: 8).
Set flow control (default: none).
Set stop bits (default: 1).
Set parity (default: none).
Note: With mark parity the parity bit is always 0. With space parity the parity bit is always 1. Not all platforms support mark and space parity.
Set output delay [ms] inserted between each sent character (default: 0).
Set output delay [ms] inserted between each sent line (default: 0).
Set the pulse duration [ms] of each serial port line using the following key value pair format in the duration field: <key>=<value>
Each key represents a serial line. The following keys are available:
If defining more than one key value pair, the pairs must be comma separated.
The default pulse duration for each line is 100 ms.
Disable automatic connect.
By default tio automatically connects to the provided device if present. If the device is not present, it will wait for it to appear and then connect. If the connection is lost (eg. device disconnects), it will wait for the device to reappear and then reconnect.
However, if the --no-autoconnect option is provided, tio will exit if the device is not present or an established connection is lost.
Enable local echo.
Enable line timestamp.
Set timestamp format to any of the following timestamp formats:
Default format is 24hour
List available serial devices by ID.
Enable log to file.
The filename will be automatically generated using the following format tio_DEVICE_YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.log.
The filename can be manually set using the --log-file option.
Set log filename.
Append to log file.
Strip control characters and escape sequences from log.
Map (replace, translate) characters on input or output. The following mapping flags are supported:
If defining more than one flag, the flags must be comma separated.
Enable hexadecimal mode.
Colorize tio text using ANSI color code value ranging from 0 to 255 or use "none" for no color or use "bold" to apply bold formatting to existing system color.
Use "list" to print a list of available ANSI color codes.
Default value is "bold".
Redirect I/O to socket.
Any input from clients connected to the socket is sent on the serial port as if entered at the terminal where tio is running (except that ctrl-t sequences are not recognized), and any input from the serial port is multiplexed to the terminal and all connected clients.
Sockets remain open while the serial port is disconnected, and writes will block.
Various socket types are supported using the following prefixes in the socket field:
If port is 0 or no port is provided default port 3333 is used.
At present there is a hardcoded limit of 16 clients connected at one time.
Wait for line response then quit. A line is considered any string terminated with a NL character. If no line is received tio will quit after response timeout.
Any tio text is automatically muted when piping a string to tio while in response mode to make it easy to parse the response.
Set timeout [ms] of line response (default: 100).
Enable RS-485 mode.
Set the RS-485 configuration using the following key or key value pair format in the configuration field:
If defining more than one key or key value pair, they must be comma separated.
Set alert action on connect/disconnect.
It will sound the bell once or blink once on successful connect. Likewise it will sound the bell twice or blink twice on disconnect.
Default value is "none".
Display program version.
Display help.
In hexadecimal mode each incoming byte is printed out as a hexadecimal value.
Bytes can be sent in this mode by typing the two-character hexadecimal representation of the value, e.g.: to send 0xA you must type 0a or 0A.
Options can be set via configuration file using the INI format. tio uses the configuration file first found in the following locations in the order listed:
Labels can be used to group settings into named sub-configurations which can be activated from the command-line when starting tio.
tio will try to match the user input to a sub-configuration by name or by pattern to get the TTY device and other options.
Options without any label change the default options.
Any options set via command-line will override options set in the configuration file.
The following configuration file options are available:
# Defaults baudrate = 9600 databits = 8 parity = none stopbits = 1 color = 10 line-pulse-duration = DTR=200,RTS=400
[rpi3] device = /dev/serial/by-id/usb-FTDI_TTL232R-3V3_FTGQVXBL-if00-port0 baudrate = 115200 color = 11
$ tio rpi3
$ tio -b 115200 -c 11 /dev/serial/by-id/usb-FTDI_TTL232R-3V3_FTGQVXBL-if00-port0
[usb device] pattern = usb([0-9]*) device = /dev/ttyUSB%s baudrate = 115200
$ tio usb12
$ tio -b 115200 /dev/ttyUSB12
$ tio -l -t usb12
$ tio /dev/ttyUSB0
$ tio -b 115200 -d 8 -f none -s 1 -p none /dev/ttyUSB0
$ tio /dev/serial/by-id/usb-FTDI_TTL232R-3V3_FTGQVXBL-if00-port0
Using serial devices by ID ensures that tio automatically reconnects to the correct serial device if it is disconnected and then reconnected.
$ tio -S unix:/tmp/tio-socket0 /dev/ttyUSB0
$ echo "ls -la" | nc -UN /tmp/tio-socket0 > /dev/null
#!/usr/bin/expect -f set timeout -1 log_user 0 spawn nc -UN /tmp/tio-socket0 set uart $spawn_id send -i $uart "date\n" expect -i $uart "prompt> " send -i $uart "ls -la\n" expect -i $uart "prompt> "
$ tio --socket inet:4444 /dev/ttyUSB0
$ nc -N 4444
$ echo "ls -la" | tio /dev/serial/by-id/usb-FTDI_TTL232R-3V3_FTGQVXBL-if00-port0
$ echo "*IDN?" | tio /dev/ttyACM0 --response-wait
$ cat data.bin | tio /dev/serial/by-id/usb-FTDI_TTL232R-3V3_FTGQVXBL-if00-port0
$ tio --rs-485 --rs-485-config=RTS_ON_SEND=1,RX_DURING_TX /dev/ttyUSB0
Visit https://tio.github.io
Created by Martin Lund <martin.lund@keep-it-simple.com>.
2023-09-19 | tio 2.7 |