tint2 - lightweight panel/taskbar
tint2 is a simple panel/taskbar made for modern X window managers.
It was specifically made for Openbox but it should also work with other
window managers (GNOME, KDE, XFCE etc.).
- Panel with taskbar, system tray, clock and launcher icons;
- Easy to customize: color/transparency on fonts, icons, borders and
- Pager like capability: move tasks between workspaces (virtual desktops),
switch between workspaces;
- Multi-monitor capability: create one panel per monitor, showing only the
tasks from the current monitor;
- Customizable mouse events.
- Be unintrusive and light (in terms of memory, CPU and aesthetic);
- Follow the freedesktop.org specifications;
- Make certain workflows, such as multi-desktop and multi-monitor, easy to
- -c path_to_config_file
- Specifies which configuration file to use instead of the default.
- -v, --version
- Prints version information and exits.
- -h, --help
- Display this help and exits.
- Introduction ⟨#introduction⟩
- Backgrounds and borders ⟨#backgrounds-and-borders⟩
- Gradients ⟨#gradients⟩
- Panel ⟨#panel⟩
- Launcher ⟨#launcher⟩
- Taskbar/Pager ⟨#taskbar-pager⟩
- Taskbar buttons ⟨#taskbar-buttons⟩
- Mouse actions for taskbar buttons
- System tray ⟨#system-tray⟩
- Clock ⟨#clock⟩
- Tooltip ⟨#tooltip⟩
- Battery ⟨#battery⟩
- Executor ⟨#executor⟩
- Button ⟨#button⟩
- Separator ⟨#separator⟩
- Example configuration ⟨#example-configuration⟩
These are instructions for configuring tint2 directly by editing
its config file. You may also use instead the graphical interface
The first time you run tint2, it will create the config file in
$HOME/.config/tint2/tint2rc (This applies if you have done a clean
install. Running tint2 in the source directory without doing 'make install'
will not create the config file.)
You can also specify another file on the command line with the -c
option, e.g.: tint2 -c $HOME/tint2.conf. This can be used to run
multiple instances of tint2 that use different settings.
If you change the config file while tint2 is running, the command
killall -SIGUSR1 tint2 will force tint2 to reload it.
All the configuration options supported in the config file are
listed below. Try to respect as much as possible the order of the options as
given below.
The tint2 config file starts with the options defining background
elements with borders:
- rounded = number_of_pixels : the corner radius
- border_width = integer : the border width in pixels
- border_sides = LRTB : the sides to draw the border on (left, right,
top, bottom). If not specified, all sides are used. (since
- background_color = color opacity
- color is specified in hex RGB, e.g. #ff0000 is red
- opacity varies from (0 to 100), where 0 is fully transparent, 100
is fully opaque. Note that for a transparent panel you need to enable a
desktop compositor (such as compton or compiz).
- •
- border_color = color opacity
- color is specified in hex RGB, e.g. #ff0000 is red
- opacity varies from (0 to 100), where 0 is fully transparent, 100
is fully opaque
- •
- background_color_hover = color opacity (default: same as
background_color) (since 0.12.3)
- color is specified in hex RGB, e.g. #ff0000 is red
- opacity varies from (0 to 100), where 0 is fully transparent, 100
is fully opaque. Note that for a transparent panel you need to enable a
desktop compositor (such as compton or compiz)
- •
- border_color_hover = color opacity (default: same as
border_color) (since 0.12.3)
- color is specified in hex RGB, e.g. #ff0000 is red
- opacity varies from (0 to 100), where 0 is fully transparent, 100
is fully opaque
- •
- background_color_pressed = color opacity (default: same as
background_color_hover) (since 0.12.3)
- color is specified in hex RGB, e.g. #ff0000 is red
- opacity varies from (0 to 100), where 0 is fully transparent, 100
is fully opaque. Note that for a transparent panel you need to enable a
desktop compositor (such as compton or compiz)
- •
- border_color_pressed = color opacity (default: same as
border_color_hover) (since 0.12.3)
- color is specified in hex RGB, e.g. #ff0000 is red
- opacity varies from (0 to 100), where 0 is fully transparent, 100
is fully opaque
- border_content_tint_weight = integer : Mixes the border color with
the content color (for tasks, this is the average color of the window
icon). Values must be between 0 (no mixing) and 100 (fully replaces the
color). (since 16.0)
- background_content_tint_weight = integer : Mixes the background
color with the content color (for tasks, this is the average color of the
window icon). Values must be between 0 (no mixing) and 100 (fully replaces
the color). (since 16.0)
You can define as many backgrounds as you want. For example, the
following config defines two backgrounds:
rounded = 1
border_width = 0
background_color = #282828 100
border_color = #000000 0
rounded = 1
border_width = 0
background_color = #f6b655 90
border_color = #cccccc 40
tint2 automatically identifies each background with a number
starting from 1 (1, 2, ...). Afterwards, you can apply a background to
objects (panel, taskbar, task, clock, systray) using the background id, for
panel_background_id = 1
taskbar_background_id = 0
task_background_id = 0
task_active_background_id = 2
systray_background_id = 0
clock_background_id = 0
Identifier 0 refers to a special background which is fully
transparent, identifier 1 applies the first background defined in the config
file etc.
(Available since 0.13.0)
Backgrounds also allow specifying gradient layers that are drawn
on top of the solid color background.
First the user must define one or more gradients in the config
file, each starting with gradient = TYPE. These must be added before
Then gradients can be added by index to backgrounds, using the
gradient_id = INDEX, gradient_id_hover = INDEX and
gradient_id_pressed = INDEX, where INDEX is the gradient
index, starting from 1.
Gradients vary the color between fixed control points: * vertical
gradients: top-to-bottom; * horizontal gradients: left-to-right; * radial
gradients: center-to-corners.
The user must specify the start and end colors, and can optionally
add extra color stops in between using the color_stop option, as
explained below.
gradient = vertical
start_color = #rrggbb opacity
end_color = #rrggbb opacity
gradient = horizontal
start_color = #rrggbb opacity
end_color = #rrggbb opacity
gradient = radial
start_color = #rrggbb opacity
end_color = #rrggbb opacity
color_stop = percentage #rrggbb opacity
# Gradient 1: thin film effect
gradient = horizontal
start_color = #111122 30
end_color = #112211 30
color_stop = 60 #221111 30
# Gradient 2: radial glow
gradient = radial
start_color = #ffffff 20
end_color = #ffffff 0
# Gradient 3: elegant black
gradient = vertical
start_color = #444444 100
end_color = #222222 100
# Gradient 4: elegant black
gradient = horizontal
start_color = #111111 100
end_color = #222222 100
# Background 1: Active desktop name
rounded = 2
border_width = 1
border_sides = TBLR
background_color = #555555 10
border_color = #ffffff 60
background_color_hover = #555555 10
border_color_hover = #ffffff 60
background_color_pressed = #555555 10
border_color_pressed = #ffffff 60
gradient_id = 3
gradient_id_hover = 4
gradient_id_pressed = 2
- •
- panel_items = LTSBC defines the items tint2 will show and the order
of those items. Each letter refers to an item, defined as:
- L shows the Launcher
- T shows the Taskbar
- S shows the Systray (also called notification area)
- B shows the Battery status
- C shows the Clock
- F adds an extensible spacer (freespace). You can specify more than
one. Has no effect if T is also present. (since 0.12)
- E adds an executor plugin. You can specify more than one. (since
- P adds a push button. You can specify more than one. (since
- : adds a separator. You can specify more than one. (since
For example, panel_items = STC will show the systray, the
taskbar and the clock (from left to right).
- •
- panel_monitor = monitor (all or primary or 1 or 2 or ...) : Which
monitor tint2 draws the panel on
- The first monitor is 1
- Use panel_monitor = all to get a separate panel per monitor
- •
- primary_monitor_first = boolean (0 or 1) : Place the primary
monitor before all the other monitors in the list. (since 0.12.4;
removed in 1.0, use primary instead)
- •
- panel_position = vertical_position horizontal_position
- vertical_position is one of: bottom, top,
- horizontal_position is one of: left, right,
- orientation is one of: horizontal, vertical
- •
- panel_size = width height
- •
- width and height can be specified without units (e.g.
123) as pixels, or followed by % as percentages of the
monitor size (e.g. 50%). Use 100% for full monitor
width/height. Example:
- scale_relative_to_dpi = integer : If set to a non-zero value, HiDPI
scaling is enabled. Each panel is visible on a different monitor. Thus
each panel has a specific scaling factor. The scaling factor is computed
as the ratio between the monitor DPI (obtained from the dimensions in
pixels and millimeters from RandR) and a configured reference DPI - this
is the DPI for which exising user configs looked normal, for backward
- scale_relative_to_screen_height = integer : Similar to
scale_relative_to_dpi, except the scaling factor is computed as the
ratio between the monitor height and
scale_relative_to_screen_height. The effect is cumulative with
scale_relative_to_dpi, i.e. if both options are present, the
factors are multiplied.
# The panel's width is 94% the size of the monitor, the height is 30 pixels:
panel_size = 94% 30
- panel_shrink = boolean (0 or 1) : If set to 1, the panel will
shrink to a compact size dynamically. (since 0.13)
- panel_margin = horizontal_margin vertical_margin : The margins
define the distance between the panel and the horizontal/vertical monitor
edge. Use 0 to obtain a panel with the same size as the edge of the
monitor (no margin).
- •
- panel_padding = horizontal_padding vertical_padding spacing :
Please refer to the image below.
- font_shadow = boolean (0 or 1)
- panel_background_id = integer : Which background to use for the
- wm_menu = boolean (0 or 1) : Defines if tint2 forwards unhandled
mouse events to your window manager. Useful for window managers such as
openbox, which display the start menu if you right click on the
- panel_dock = boolean (0 or 1) : Defines if tint2 is placed into the
window manager's dock. For the openbox window manager it is advised to
also use a modifier for the moveButton option, otherwise the mouse click
is not forwarded to tint2 (in ~/.config/openbox/rc.xml).
- panel_pivot_struts = boolean (0 or 1) : Defines if tint2 lies to
the window manager about its orientation (horizontal vs vertical) when
requesting reserved space with STRUTs (see strut_policy below). On
some window managers, this allows placing a panel in the middle of the
virtual screen, e.g. on the bottom edge of the top monitor in a vertical
dual-monitor setup.
- panel_layer = bottom/normal/top : Places tint2 into the
bottom/normal/top layer. This is helpful for specifying if the panel can
be covered by other windows or not. The default is the bottom layer, but
with real transparency normal or top layer may be a nice alternative.
- strut_policy = follow_size/minimum/none : STRUTs are used by the
window manager to decide the size of maximized windows. Note: on
multi-monitor (Xinerama) setups, the panel generally must be placed at the
edge (not in the middle) of the virtual screen for this to work correctly
(though on some window managers, setting panel_pivot_struts may
work around this limitation).
- follow_size means that the maximized windows always resize to have
a common edge with tint2.
- minimum means that the maximized windows always expand to have a
common edge with the hidden panel. This is useful if the autohide
option is enabled.
- none means that the maximized windows use the full screen
- panel_window_name = string : Defines the name of the panel's
window. Default: 'tint2'. (since 0.12)
- disable_transparency = boolean (0 or 1) : Whether to disable
transparency instead of detecting if it is supported. Useful on broken
graphics stacks. (since 0.12)
- mouse_effects = boolean (0 or 1) : Whether to enable mouse hover
effects for clickable items. (since 0.12.3)
- mouse_hover_icon_asb = alpha (0 to 100) saturation (-100 to 100)
brightness (-100 to 100) : Adjusts the icon color and transparency on
mouse hover (works only when mouse_effects = 1).` (since
- mouse_pressed_icon_asb = alpha (0 to 100) saturation (-100 to 100)
brightness (-100 to 100) : Adjusts the icon color and transparency on
mouse press (works only when mouse_effects = 1).` (since
- autohide = boolean (0 or 1) : Whether to enable panel hiding when
the mouse cursor exists the panel.
- autohide_show_timeout = float : Show timeout in seconds after the
mouse cursor enters the panel. Use '.' as decimal separator.
- autohide_hide_timeout = float : Hide timeout in seconds after the
mouse cursor exits the panel. Use '.' as decimal separator.
- autohide_height = integer : panel height (width for vertical
panels) in hidden mode.
- launcher_item_app = path_to_application : Each
launcher_item_app must be a file path to a .desktop file following
the freedesktop.org specification
The paths may begin with ~, which is expanded to the path of the
user's home directory. If only a file name is specified, the file is
search in the standard application directories
($XDG_DATA_HOME/applications, ~/.local/share/applications,
$XDG_DATA_DIRS/applications, /usr/local/share/applications,
/usr/share/applications, /opt/share/applications).
- launcher_apps_dir = path_to_directory : Specifies a path to a
directory from which the launcher is loading all .desktop files (all
subdirectories are explored recursively). Can be used multiple times. The
path may begin with ~, which is expanded to the path of the user's
home directory. (since 0.12)
- launcher_background_id = integer : Defines which background to
- launcher_icon_background_id = integer : Defines which background to
use for icons.
- launcher_padding = horizontal_padding vertical_padding spacing
- launcher_icon_size = integer : The launcher icon size, in
- launcher_icon_theme = name_of_theme : (Optional) Uses the specified
icon theme to display shortcut icons. Note that tint2 will detect and use
the icon theme of your desktop if you have an XSETTINGS manager running
(which you probably do), unless launcher_icon_theme_override =
- launcher_icon_theme_override = boolean (0 or 1) : Whether
launcher_icon_theme overrides the value obtained from the XSETTINGS
manager. (since 0.12)
- launcher_icon_asb = alpha (0 to 100) saturation (-100 to 100)
brightness (-100 to 100) : Adjusts the icon color and
- launcher_tooltip = boolean (0 or 1) : Whether to show tooltips for
the launcher icons.
- startup_notifications = boolean (0 or 1) : Whether to show startup
notifications when starting applications from the launcher. (since
- •
- taskbar_mode = single_desktop/multi_desktop
- single_desktop : Shows a normal taskbar listing the tasks running
on the current virtual desktop (also known as 'workspace');
- multi_desktop : Pager like capability. Shows multiple taskbars, one
per virtual desktop, with which:
- You can drag-and-drop tasks between virtual desktops;
- You can switch between virtual desktops.
- taskbar_hide_if_empty = boolean (0 or 1) : If enabled, in
multi-desktop mode the taskbars corresponding to empty desktops different
from the current desktop are hidden. (since 0.13)
- taskbar_distribute_size = boolean (0 or 1) : If enabled, in
multi-desktop mode distributes between taskbars the available size
proportionally to the number of tasks. Default: disabled. (since
- taskbar_padding = horizontal_padding vertical_padding spacing
- taskbar_background_id = integer : Which background to use
- taskbar_active_background_id = integer : Which background to use
for the taskbar of the current virtual desktop.
- taskbar_hide_inactive_tasks = boolean (0 or 1) : If enabled, the
taskbar shows only the active task. (since 0.12)
- taskbar_hide_different_monitor = boolean (0 or 1) : If enabled, the
taskbar shows only the tasks from the current monitor. Useful when running
different tint2 instances on different monitors, each one having its own
config. (since 0.12)
- taskbar_hide_different_desktop = boolean (0 or 1) : If enabled, the
taskbar shows only the tasks from the current desktop. Useful to make
multi-desktop taskbars more compact, but still allow desktop switching
with mouse click. (since 1.0)
- taskbar_always_show_all_desktop_tasks = boolean (0 or 1) : Has
effect only if taskbar_mode = multi_desktop. If enabled, tasks that
appear on all desktops are shown on all taskbars. Otherwise, they are
shown only on the taskbar of the current desktop. (since
- taskbar_sort_order = none/title/center : Specifies the sort order
of the tasks on the taskbar. (since 0.12)
- none : No sorting. New tasks are simply appended at the end of the
taskbar when they appear.
- title : Sorts the tasks by title.
- application : Sorts the tasks by application name. (since
- center : Sorts the tasks by their window centers.
- mru : Shows the most recently used tasks first. (since
- lru : Shows the most recently used tasks last. (since
- task_align = left/center/right : Specifies the alignment of the
tasks on the taskbar. Default: left.
- taskbar_name = boolean (0 or 1) : Whether to show the virtual
desktop name in the taskbar.
- taskbar_name_padding = padding : Padding for the virtual desktop
- taskbar_name_background_id = integer : Which background to use for
the desktop name.
- taskbar_name_font = [FAMILY-LIST] [STYLE-OPTIONS] [SIZE] : Font
configuration for the desktop name.
- taskbar_name_font_color = color opacity (0 to 100) : Font color for
the desktop name.
- taskbar_name_active_background_id = integer : Which background to
use for the name of the current desktop.
- taskbar_name_active_font_color = color opacity (0 to 100) : Font
color for the name of the current desktop.
The following options configure the task buttons in the
- task_icon = boolean (0 or 1) : Whether to display the task icon.
There is no explicit option to control the task icon size; it depends on
the vertical padding set with task_padding.
- task_text = boolean (0 or 1) : Whether to display the task
- task_centered = boolean (0 or 1) : Whether the task text is
- task_tooltip = boolean (0 or 1) : Whether to show tooltips for
- task_thumbnail = boolean (0 or 1) : Whether to show thumbnail
tooltips for tasks. (since 16.0)
- task_thumbnail_size = width : Thumbnail size. (since
- task_maximum_size = width height
- width is used with horizontal panels to limit the size of the
tasks. Use width = 0 to get full taskbar width.
- height is used with vertical panels.
- task_padding = horizontal_padding vertical_padding spacing
- urgent_nb_of_blink = integer : Number of blinks on 'get attention'
- task_font_color = color opacity (0 to 100)
- task_icon_asb = alpha (0 to 100) saturation (-100 to 100) brightness
(-100 to 100) : Adjust the task icon's color and transparency.
- task_background_id = integer : Which background to use for non
selected tasks
- For the next 3 options STATUS
can be active / iconified / urgent:
- * task_STATUS_font_color = color opacity (0 to 100)
- task_STATUS_icon_asb = alpha (0 to 100) saturation (-100 to 100)
brightness (-100 to 100) : Adjusts the task icon's color and
- task_STATUS_background_id = integer : Which background to use for
the task.
The possible mouse events are: left, middle, right, scroll_up,
The possible mouse actions are: none, close, toggle, iconify,
shade, toggle_iconify, maximize_restore, desktop_left, desktop_right,
next_task, prev_task.
Use mouse_event = action to customize mouse actions.
mouse_middle = none
mouse_right = close
mouse_scroll_up = toggle
mouse_scroll_down = iconify
- The action semantics:
- * none : If wm_menu = 1 is set, the mouse event is forwarded
to the window manager. Otherwise it is ignored. * close : close the
task * toggle : toggle the task * iconify : iconify
(minimize) the task * toggle_iconify : toggle or iconify the task *
maximize_restore : maximized or minimized the task * shade :
shades (collapses) the task * desktop_left : send the task to the
desktop on the left * desktop_right : send the task to the desktop
on the right * next_task : send the focus to next task *
prev_task : send the focus to previous task
- systray_padding = horizontal_padding vertical_padding spacing
- systray_background_id = integer : Which background to use.
- systray_sort = ascending/descending/left2right/right2left :
Specifies the sorting order for the icons in the systray: in
ascending/descending alphabetical order of the icon title, or always add
icons to the right/left (note that with left2right or
right2left the order can be different on panel restart).
- systray_icon_size = max_icon_size : Set the maximum system tray
icon size to number. Set to 0 for automatic icon
- systray_icon_asb = alpha (0 to 100) saturation (-100 to 100) brightness
(-100 to 100) : Adjust the systray icons color and transparency.
- systray_monitor = integer (1, 2, ...) or primary : On which monitor
to draw the systray. The first monitor is 1. (since
- systray_name_filter = string : Regular expression to identify icon
names to be hidden. For example, ^audacious$ will hide icons with
the exact name audacious, while aud will hide any icons
having aud in the name. (since 0.13.1)
- •
- time1_format = %H:%M : The format used by the first line of the
- time1_format, time2_format and clock_tooltip use the
'strftime' syntax. More info can be found here:
- To hide the clock, comment time1_format and
- •
- time1_timezone = :US/Hawaii
- •
- time1_timezone, time2_timezone and
clock_tooltip_timezone can be used to specify a timezone. If you do
not specify a value the system-wide timezone is used. The timezones can
usually be found in /usr/share/zoneinfo. If your timezones are in a
different directory, you need to specify the absolute path, e.g.
time1_timezone = :/different/zoneinfo/dir/US/Hawaii Always prepend
the timezone with a ':'
- time2_format = %A %d %B
- time2_timezone = :Europe/Berlin
- clock_font_color = color opacity (0 to 100)
- clock_padding = horizontal_padding vertical_padding
- clock_background_id = integer : Which background to use
- clock_tooltip = %a, %d. %b %Y : Format for the clock's
- clock_tooltip_timezone = :UTC
- clock_lclick_command = text : Command to execute on left
- clock_rclick_command = text : Command to execute on right
- clock_mclick_command = text : Command to execute on middle click.
(since 0.12.1)
- clock_uwheel_command = text : Command to execute on wheel scroll
up. (since 0.12.1)
- clock_dwheel_command = text : Command to execute on wheel scroll
down. (since 0.12.1)
- tooltip_padding = horizontal_padding vertical_padding
- tooltip_show_timeout = float : Delay to show the tooltip in
seconds. Use . as decimal separator.
- tooltip_hide_timeout = float : Delay to hide the tooltip in
seconds. Use . as decimal separator.
- tooltip_background_id = integer : Which background to use for
tooltips. Note that with fake transparency the alpha channel and corner
radius options are not respected.
- tooltip_font_color = color opacity (0 to 100)
- tooltip_font = [FAMILY-LIST] [STYLE-OPTIONS] [SIZE]
- battery_hide = never/integer (0 to 100) : At what battery
percentage the battery item is hidden.
- battery_low_status = integer: At what battery percentage the low
command is executed.
- battery_low_cmd = xmessage 'tint2: Battery low!' : Command to
execute when the battery is low.
- battery_full_cmd = notify-send "battery full" : Command
to execute when the battery is full.
- battery_font_color = color opacity (0 to 100)
- bat1_format = FORMAT_STRING : Format for battery line 1. Default:
%p. (since 1.0) Format specification:
- %s: State (charging, discharging, full, unknown).
- %m: Minutes left until completely charged/discharged (estimated).
- %h: Hours left until completely charged/discharged (estimated).
- %t: Time left. Shows "hrs:mins" when charging/discharging, or
"Ful\" when full.
- %p: Percentage. Includes the % sign.
- %P: Percentage. Without the % sign.
- bat2_format = FORMAT_STRING : Format for battery line 2. Default:
%t. (since 1.0)
- battery_padding = horizontal_padding vertical_padding
- battery_background_id = integer : Which background to use for the
- battery_tooltip_enabled = boolean (0 or 1) : Enable/disable battery
tooltips. (since 0.12.3)
- battery_lclick_command = text : Command to execute on left click.
(since 0.12.1)
- battery_rclick_command = text : Command to execute on right click.
(since 0.12.1)
- battery_mclick_command = text : Command to execute on middle click.
(since 0.12.1)
- battery_uwheel_command = text : Command to execute on wheel scroll
up. (since 0.12.1)
- battery_dwheel_command = text : Command to execute on wheel scroll
down. (since 0.12.1)
- ac_connected_cmd = text : Command to execute when the power adapter
is plugged in. (since 0.12.3)
- ac_disconnected_cmd = text : Command to execute when the power
adapter is unplugged. (since 0.12.3)
- execp = new : Begins the configuration of a new executor plugin.
Multiple such plugins are supported; just use multiple Es in
panel_items. (since 0.12.4)
- execp_command = text : Command to execute. (since
- execp_interval = integer : The command is executed again after
execp_interval seconds from the moment it exits. If zero, the
command is executed only once. (since 0.12.4)
- execp_continuous = integer : If non-zero, the last
execp_continuous lines from the output of the command are
displayed, every execp_continuous lines; this is useful for showing
the output of commands that run indefinitely, such as ping If zero, the output of the command is displayed after it
finishes executing. (since 0.12.4)
- execp_has_icon = boolean (0 or 1) : If execp_has_icon = 1,
the first line printed by the command is interpreted as a path to an image
file. (since 0.12.4)
- execp_cache_icon = boolean (0 or 1) : If execp_cache_icon =
0, the image is reloaded each time the command is executed (useful if
the image file is changed on disk by the program executed by
execp_command). (since 0.12.4)
- execp_icon_w = integer : You can use execp_icon_w and
execp_icon_h to resize the image. If one of them is zero/missing,
the image is rescaled proportionally. If both of them are zero/missing,
the image is not rescaled. (since 0.12.4)
- execp_icon_h = integer : See execp_icon_w. (since
- execp_tooltip = text : The tooltip. If left empty, no tooltip is
displayed. If missing, the standard error of the command is shown as a
tooltip (an ANSI clear screen sequence can reset the contents, bash:
printf '\e[2J', C: printf("\x1b[2J");). If the
standard error is empty, the tooltip will show information about the time
when the command was last executed. (since 0.12.4)
- execp_font = [FAMILY-LIST] [STYLE-OPTIONS] [SIZE] : The font used
to draw the text. (since 0.12.4)
- execp_font_color = color opacity : The font color. (since
- execp_markup = boolean (0 or 1) : If non-zero, the output of the
command is treated as Pango markup, which allows rich text formatting. The
format is documented here
Note that using this with commands that print data downloaded from the
Internet is a possible security risk. (since 0.12.4)
- execp_background_id = integer : Which background to use. (since
- execp_centered = boolean (0 or 1) : Whether to center the text.
(since 0.12.4)
- execp_padding = horizontal_padding vertical_padding
spacing_between_icon_and_text (since 0.12.4)
- execp_monitor = integer (1, 2, ...), primary or all : On which
monitor to draw the executor. The first monitor is 1. (since
- execp_lclick_command = text : Command to execute on left click. If
not defined, execp_command is executed immediately, unless it is
currently running. (since 0.12.4)
- execp_mclick_command = text : Command to execute on right click. If
not defined, execp_command is executed immediately, unless it is
currently running. (since 0.12.4)
- execp_rclick_command = text : Command to execute on middle click.
If not defined, execp_command is executed immediately, unless it is
currently running. (since 0.12.4)
- execp_uwheel_command = text : Command to execute on wheel scroll
up. If not defined, execp_command is executed immediately, unless
it is currently running. (since 0.12.4)
- execp_dwheel_command = text : Command to execute on wheel scroll
down. If not defined, execp_command is executed immediately, unless
it is currently running. (since 0.12.4)
execp = new
execp_command = hostname
execp_interval = 0
execp = new
execp_command = df -h | awk '/\/$/ { print $6 ": " $2 " " $5}'
execp_interval = 10
execp = new
execp_command = echo /usr/share/icons/elementary-xfce/emblems/24/emblem-colors-blue.png; echo '<span foreground="#7f7">Click</span> <span foreground="#77f">me</span> <span foreground="#f77">pls</span>'
execp_has_icon = 1
execp_interval = 0
execp_centered = 1
execp_font = sans 9
execp_markup = 1
execp_font_color = #aaffaa 100
execp_padding = 2 0
execp_tooltip = I will tell you a secret...
execp_lclick_command = zenity --info "--text=$(uname -sr)"
execp_background_id = 2
execp = new
execp_command = xprop -root -spy | awk '/^_NET_CURRENT_DESKTOP/ { print "Workspace " ($3 + 1) ; fflush(); }'
execp_interval = 1
execp_continuous = 1
execp_command = xprop -root -spy | awk -v home="$HOME" '/^_NET_CURRENT_DESKTOP/ { print home "/.config/myPager/" ($3 + 1) ".png\n" ; fflush(); }'
execp_interval = 1
execp_has_icon = 1
execp_cache_icon = 1
execp_continuous = 2
execp = new
execp_command = ping -i 1 -c 1 -W 1 -O -D -n $(ip route | grep default | grep via | grep -o '[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*') | awk '/no/ { print "<span foreground=\"#faa\">timeout</span>"; fflush(); }; /time=/ { gsub(/time=/, "", $8); printf "<span foreground=\"#7af\">%3.0f %s</span>\n", $8, $9; fflush(); } '
execp_continuous = 0
execp_interval = 1
execp_markup = 1
# Note the use of "stdbuf -oL" to force the program to flush the output line by line.
execp = new
execp_command = free -b -s1 | stdbuf -oL awk '/^Mem:/ { printf "Mem: %s %.0f%%\n", $2, 100 * ($2 - $7) / $2 }' | stdbuf -oL numfmt --to=iec-i --field=2 -d' '
execp_interval = 1
execp_continuous = 1
execp = new
execp_command = stdbuf -oL bwm-ng -o csv -t 1000 | stdbuf -oL awk -F ';' '/total/ { printf "Net: %.0f Mb/s\n", ($5*8/1.0e6) }'
execp_continuous = 1
execp_interval = 1
- button = new : Begins the configuration of a new button. Multiple
such plugins are supported; just use multiple Ps in
panel_items. (since 0.14)
- button_icon = text : Name or path of icon (or empty). (since
- button_text = text : Text to display (or empty). (since
- button_tooltip = text : The tooltip (or empty). (since
- button_font = [FAMILY-LIST] [STYLE-OPTIONS] [SIZE] : The font used
to draw the text. (since 0.14)
- button_font_color = color opacity : The font color. (since
- button_background_id = integer : Which background to use. (since
- button_centered = boolean (0 or 1) : Whether to center the text.
(since 0.14)
- button_padding = horizontal_padding vertical_padding
spacing_between_icon_and_text (since 0.14)
- button_max_icon_size = integer : Sets a limit to the icon size.
Otherwise, the icon will expand to the edges. (since 0.14)
- button_lclick_command = text : Command to execute on left click. If
not defined, execp_command is executed immediately, unless it is
currently running. (since 0.14)
- button_mclick_command = text : Command to execute on right click.
If not defined, execp_command is executed immediately, unless it is
currently running. (since 0.14)
- button_rclick_command = text : Command to execute on middle click.
If not defined, execp_command is executed immediately, unless it is
currently running. (since 0.14)
- button_uwheel_command = text : Command to execute on wheel scroll
up. If not defined, execp_command is executed immediately, unless
it is currently running. (since 0.14)
- button_dwheel_command = text : Command to execute on wheel scroll
down. If not defined, execp_command is executed immediately, unless
it is currently running. (since 0.14)
- separator = new : Begins the configuration of a new separator.
Multiple such plugins are supported; just use multiple :s in
panel_items. (since 0.13.0)
- separator_background_id = integer : Which background to use.
(since 0.13.0)
- separator_color = color opacity : The foreground color. (since
- separator_style = [empty | line | dots] : The separator style.
(since 0.13.0)
- separator_size = integer : The thickness of the separator. Does not
include the border and padding. For example, if the style is line,
this is the line thickness; if the style is dots, this is the dot's
diameter. (since 0.13.0)
- separator_padding = side_padding cap_padding : The padding to add
to the sides of the separator, in pixels. (since 0.13.0)
See /etc/xdg/tint2/tint2rc.
tint2 was written by Thierry Lorthiois
⟨lorthiois@bbsoft.fr⟩. It is based on ttm, originally written
by Pål Staurland ⟨staura@gmail.com⟩.
This manual page was originally written by Daniel Moerner
⟨dmoerner@gmail.com⟩, for the Debian project (but may be used
by others). It was adopted from the tint2 docs.
The main website ⟨https://gitlab.com/o9000/tint2⟩
and the wiki page at
This documentation is also provided in HTML and Markdown format in
the system's default location for documentation files, usually
/usr/share/doc/tint2 or /usr/local/share/doc/tint2. . .