Maintaining Netnews on large networks of machines can be a pretty
time consuming job as I discovered when I was given the job of maintaining
our news system and news users.
A user starting tin for the first time can be automatically
subscribed to a list of newsgroups that are deemed appropriate by the news
administrator. The subscriptions file should be created in your news lib
directory (i.e., ${TIN_LIBDIR:-NEWSLIBDIR}/subscriptions) and should
be world readable. If you read news via NNTP, then your news server must
support the LIST SUBSCRIPTIONS command. It is part of the NNTP List
Extensions (RFC6048) and all modern servers should understand it.
tin has four separate levels of operation: Selection level,
Group level, Thread level and Article level.
At the Selection level the title displays (the name of the news
server (with a "[T]"- or "[k]"-suffix if reading via
NNTPS (insecurely)) and) the number of subscribed groups (containing new
unread articles). The newsgroups are displayed in the middle of the screen
usually with the number of unread articles displayed on the same line in
front, but it can be customized via select_format.
->M 1 2 Announcements from the CERT abou
M 2 1 news.admin.announce Announcements for news adminstra
3 22 News-related software other than
4 1475 The Network News Transfer Protoc
X 5 124 Discussion of software used to r
There may also be a character prefixing the line. An explanation
- u
- This group is unsubscribed. To see only your subscribed groups use the
SelectToggleReadDisplay ('r') or SelectYankActive
('y') toggle keys.
- M
- This is a moderated group. Any posts you make will have to be approved by
the group administrator before it will be made public. tin will ask
for confirmation before you post to a moderated group.
- N
- This is a new newsgroup which has been created since you last used
tin. New newsgroups are not subscribed to by default (However, see
variables). Subscribe to it in the normal way if you wish the group to
continue to appear in your Selection Menu. Simply ignore new newsgroups
and they will be gone the next time you start tin. You will have to
yank in all the groups to find them in a later session.
- D
- This group no longer exists. If you no longer wish to see this group then
unsubscribe from it in the normal way. This flag will only appear if you
have set strip_bogus to "ask" in the Options Menu.
- X
- You may no longer make posts to this group. Often a group will be
superseded by a more appropriately named one.
- =
- This group has been renamed and you may no longer post to it. If you do,
then you will receive an error from your news server telling you the
correct group to post to.
At the Group level the title contains the name of the group, the
number of conversation threads, the abbreviated threading method
(thread_articles), the limit of articles to get (if set;
getart_limit), the total number of (unread) articles
(art_marked_read or art_marked_unread), the number of hot
articles art_marked_selected, the number of read hot articles (if
any; art_marked_read_selected), the number of recent articles
(art_marked_recent) and the number of killed articles
(art_marked_killed). I.e.:
alt.sources (5B -50/23+ 0* 3o 0K)
The characters after the numbers are depending to the
configuration and if your are in show_only_unread_arts mode or not.
Some numbers could be missing if the specific option is not enabled. It
might also contain an 'M', 'X' or '=' (see above; doesn't work with the
''-n'' command-line switch!) if the group is moderated, set to no
posting or postings to it get redirected.
If a thread has unread articles it is marked with
art_marked_unread in front of the total number of articles in the
thread. If there are recent articles within the thread it might be marked
with art_marked_recent in front of the total number of articles in
the thread — this is controlled by the recent_time option. If
a thread has hot articles in it (see also section "FILTERING
ARTICLES") it's marked with art_marked_selected in front of the
total number of articles in the thread. The display can be customized via
group_format. (11B 13+ 1* 1o 0K) M
-> 1 + 3 108 bincancels in Christopher Lueg <l
2 + 69 EMP/ECP gecancelt. xynx. BI= 10 Henning Weede <hwee
3 o 93 EMP gecancelt. SouthBeach/Palms Henning Weede <hwee
4 * 368 <1997-11-12> Fremdcancel-FAQ Thomas Roessler <ro
At the Thread level the screen usually (depends on the threading
method used) looks like this, but can be customized via
-> 1 [ 7] What is this funny tree in the thr Robert F. Simmig
2 [ 12] +-> Sephan Wagner <s
3 [ 230] | `->Tin thread-level (was: What is Bob Johnson <bob
4 [ 22] `->tin threading menu Brian Richardson
At the Article level the page header has the following format:
Sun, 28 Dec 1997 21:21:01 Thread 20 of 86
Lines 50 Re: EINSPRUCH zu RESULT:de.comm.mobil.ALL Article 47 of 59
Urs Janssen <> at Arbeitskreis Kultur und Kommunikati
The look of the Selection, Group and Thread level can be
customized. See the section "CUSTOMIZING THE SCREEN FORMAT".
This table shows the common keys used for moving around all levels
within tin.
ANSI/vt100 Other Terminals
Beg. of list/article Home FirstPage (^)
End of list/article End LastPage ($)
Page Up PgUp PageUp (u, ^U or ^B)
Page Down PgDn PageDown (^D or ^F or <SPACE>)
Line Up Up arrow Up (k or ^P)
Line Down Down arrow Down (j or ^N)
An emacs(1) style editing package allows the easy editing
of input strings. A history list allows the easy reuse of previously entered
strings. In addition to the cursor keys, the following commands are
available when editing a string:
- ^A, ^E
- move to beginning or end of line, respectively.
- ^F, ^B
- non-destructive move forward or back one location, respectively.
- ^D
- delete the character currently under the cursor, or send EOF if no
characters in the buffer.
- ^H, <DEL>
- delete character left of the cursor.
- ^K
- delete from cursor to end of line.
- ^P, ^N
- move through history, previous and next, respectively.
- ^L, ^R
- redraw the current line.
- <CR>
- places line on history list if non-blank, appends newline and returns to
the caller.
- <ESC>
- aborts the present editing operation.
The following commands are available at all 4 menu levels and
always have the same effect.
- ShellEscape
- Shell escape. ShellEscape by itself will launch a shell,
ShellEscape <command> will run an external <command>.
This facility may have been disabled by the System Administrator.
- ToggleColor
- Toggle use of ANSI color.
- RedrawScr
- Redraw the current screen.
- ScrollUp
- Scroll screen up by one line.
- ScrollDown
- Scroll screen down by one line.
- Postponed 'O'
- Reload postponed article. If your system blocks the Postponed key
you must quote it by pressing '^V' (CTRL-V) first. The
postpone-menu offers the following actions: PromptYes ('y')
= reload and spawn editor; PostponeOverride ('Y') = post
article (without spawning editor); PostponeAll ('A') = post
all postponed articles (without spawning editor); PromptNo
('n') = skip this article; Quit ('q') = quit
postponed menu. Currently there is no 'simple' way to delete a postponed
article from the postponed-file, you have to use the following command
sequence instead: reload it with Postponed, enter editor with
PromptYes, quit editor, discard posting with Quit
('^O''y''q'). See also ''-o'' command-line
- Help 'h'
- Help screen of commands available on the current menu. You can use
SearchSubjF ('/'), SearchSubjB ('?') and
SearchRepeat ('\') to search on this screen. Quit
('q') returns to the menu.
- ToggleHelpDisplay
- Toggle the display of help mini menu at the bottom of the screen and
posting etiquette after composing an article (beginner_level).
- DisplayPostHist
- List articles posted by user. The date posted, the newsgroup and the
subject are listed. See the section "POSTING HISTORY LISTING"
for more information.
- Version
- Print tin version information.
- 4
- Select group 4.
- SelectResetNewsrc
- Reset ${TIN_HOMEDIR:-"$HOME"}/.newsrc file. This will
destroy all records of which articles have been read, so use this
- SetRange
- Choose a range of articles to be affected by the next command. See the
section "RANGES" for more information.
- SelectSortActive
- Sort the list of newsgroups.
- SearchRepeat
- Repeat the previous search.
- SearchSubjF
- Search for a group by name and description (if displayed).
- SearchSubjB
- Backward search through the group names and descriptions.
- SelectReadGrp
'^J' '<CR>'
- Read current group.
- SelectEnterNextUnreadGrp
'<TAB>' 'n'
- Enter next group with unread news. Will wrap around to the beginning of
the group selection list looking for unread groups.
- Catchup
- Make current group as all read [after confirmation] and move to the next
group in the group selection list.
- CatchupNextUnread
- Mark current group as all read [after confirmation] and enter the next
unread group in the group selection list.
- SelectToggleDescriptions
- Toggle display to show just the group name or the group name and the group
- EditFilter
- Edit the filter file and reload it afterwards.
- SelectGoto
- Choose a new group by name. This command can be used to access any group,
even those not currently yanked in.
- ToggleInfoLastLine
- Toggle the display of the description of the current newsgroup in the last
line. This will not be available if tin was started with the
''-d'' option.
- ToggleInverseVideo
- Toggle inverse video.
- ConnectionInfo
- Show details about current connection.
- LookupMessage
- Look up article by ''Message-ID:''. If none of the groups listed in the
''Newsgroups:''-header of the referenced article is available, just the
contents of the ''Newsgroups:''-header will be displayed in the last line.
At this level this command only works if reading via NNTP and the server
supports [X]HDR (RFC2980, RFC3977) or XPAT
- SelectMoveGrp
- Move the current group within the group selection list. By entering '1'
the group will become the first displayed group in the list, by entering
'8' the eighth group in the list etc. By entering '$' the group will be
the last group displayed.
- User configurable options menu (for more information see section
- SelectNextUnreadGrp
- Positions the cursor on the next group with unread articles in it.
- Quit 'q'
- Quit tin — ask the user to confirm if confirm_choice
is set accordingly.
- QuitTin
- Quit tin — don't ask the user to confirm.
- SelectToggleReadDisplay
- Toggle display of all subscribed to groups and just those groups
containing unread articles. Command has no effect if groups were specified
on the command-line when tin was started.
- BugReport
- Mail a bug report or comment to <>. This is the best
way of getting bugs fixed and features added/changed.
- SelectSubscribe
- Subscribe to current group.
- SelectSubscribePat
- Subscribe to groups matching user specified pattern. See the section
"NEWSGROUP LISTS & WILDCARDS" for the types of pattern that
tin understands.
- SelectUnsubscribe
- Unsubscribe to current group. This can be used to remove bogus groups. See
VARIABLES" section.
- SelectUnsubscribePat
- Unsubscribe to groups matching user specified pattern. See the section
"NEWSGROUP LISTS & WILDCARDS" for the types of pattern that
tin understands.
- Post 'w'
- Post an article to current group. If posting fails for some reason, you'll
get the chance to PostEdit ('e') the article again,
PostPostpone ('o') it for later processing (see also
''-o'' command-line switch) or discard it via Quit
- SelectQuitNoWrite
- Quit tin without saving any changes to the configuration.
- SelectYankActive
- Yanks in all groups. Toggles the displayed groups between all the groups
in the
file and just those that are subscribed to in
- SelectSyncWithActive
- Reread the
file to see if any new news has arrived since starting tin.
- SelectMarkGrpUnread
'z' 'Z'
- Mark all articles in the current group as unread.
All searches in this level are limited to unread articles if in
show_only_unread_arts mode. GroupToggleReadUnread ('r')
can be use toggle the setting right before/after the search.
- 4
- Select article 4.
- Auto select article(s) using a menu. Read the section "FILTERING
ARTICLES" for more information.
- Kill article(s) using a menu. Read the section "FILTERING
ARTICLES" for more information.
- MarkFeedRead
- Mark current article, thread, range, auto-selected (hot) articles,
articles matching pattern or tagged articles as read. A prompt asks which
type should be marked.
- MarkFeedUnread
- Mark current article, thread, range, auto-selected (hot) articles,
articles matching pattern or tagged articles as unread. A prompt asks
which type should be marked.
- SetRange
- Choose a range of articles to be affected by the next command. See the
section "RANGES" for more information.
- LastViewed
- Re-enter the last message that was viewed.
- SearchRepeat
- Repeat the previous search.
- SearchSubjF
- Search forward for specified subject.
- SearchSubjB
- Search backwards for specified subject.
- GroupSelThd
- Select current thread for later processing.
- GroupDoAutoSel
- Selects all threads in current group. It is a shortcut for calling
GroupSelPattern with a pattern of ''*''.
- GroupToggleThdSel
- Toggle selection of current thread. If at least one unread article, (but
not every unread article) in the current thread is selected, then all
unread articles become selected.
- GroupSelThdIfUnreadSelected
- For each thread in current group, if it at least one unread article is
selected, all unread articles become selected. This is useful for
auto-selection on author where reader wants to see entire thread.
- GroupSelPattern
- Prompts for a pattern with which to match on. All threads whose subjects
match the pattern will be marked selected. A pattern of ''*'' will match
all subjects. Entering just '<CR>' will re-use the last
pattern that was entered.
- GroupReverseSel
- Reverse all selections on all articles.
- GroupUndoSel
- Undo all selections on all articles. It clears the toggle effect of
GroupMarkUnselArtRead ('X') command. Thus after first doing
a GroupMarkUnselArtRead, one can then do GroupUndoSel to
reset articles. Thus, one can iteratively whittle down uninteresting
- Pipe '|'
- Pipe current article / thread / auto-selected (hot) articles / articles
matching pattern / tagged articles into command. See the section
- QuickFilterSelect
- Auto select article(s) with a single key [after confirmation]. The
defaults used for selection are based upon the following four tinrc config
variables: default_filter_select_case,
default_filter_select_expire, default_filter_select_global
and default_filter_select_header. Read the section "GLOBAL
of these variables and "FILTERING ARTICLES" for more information
on filtering.
- QuickFilterKill
- Kill article(s) with a single key [after confirmation]. The defaults used
for killing are based upon the following four tinrc config variables:
default_filter_kill_case, default_filter_kill_expire,
default_filter_kill_global and default_filter_kill_header.
VARIABLES" for a full explanation of these variables and
"FILTERING ARTICLES" for more information on filtering.
- GroupReadBasenote
'^J' '<CR>'
- Read current article.
- GroupNextUnreadArtOrGrp
- View next unread article or group.
- SearchAuthF
- Author forward search. This searches for articles with a specific
''From:'' line.
- SearchAuthB
- Author backward search. Otherwise, see SearchAuthF ('a')
- SearchBody
- Search the body of all articles in group (can be slow). You can abort the
search using Quit ('q').
- Catchup
- Mark all articles as read [after confirmation] then return to the group
selection list. Move cursor to next group.
- CatchupNextUnread
- Mark all articles as read [after confirmation] and enter the next group
with unread news.
- GroupToggleSubjDisplay
- Cycle the display of the author through all the possible options for the
tinrc variable show_author.
- GroupCancel
- Cancel (delete) or supersede (overwrite) the current article. It must have
been posted by the same user. The cancel message can be seen in the
newsgroup 'control' or 'control.cancel'.
- EditFilter
- Edit the filter file and reload it afterwards.
- GroupGoto
- Choose a new group by name. This command can be used to access any group,
even those not currently yanked in.
- GroupToggleGetartLimit
- Toggle article/group limit.
- ToggleInfoLastLine
- Display the subject of the first article in the current thread in the last
- ToggleInverseVideo
- Toggle inverse video.
- ConnectionInfo
- Show details about current connection.
- GroupMarkThdRead
- Mark article/thread as read and move onto the next unread article/thread.
If a range of articles/threads is set, the range will be marked as read
instead of the current article/thread. When tagged articles/threads are
present, a prompt asks how to proceed.
- GroupListThd
- Open the thread under the current cursor position.
- LookupMessage
- Look up article by ''Message-ID:''.
- GroupMail
- Mail current article / thread / auto-selected (hot) articles / articles
matching pattern / tagged articles to someone. See the section
- User configurable options menu (for more information see section
- GroupNextGroup
- Go to next group.
- GroupNextUnreadArt
- Go to the next unread article.
- Print 'o'
- Send current article / thread / auto-selected (hot) articles / articles
matching pattern / tagged articles to printer. See the section
- GroupPrevGroup
- Go to previous group.
- GroupPrevUnreadArt
- Go to previous unread article.
- Quit 'q'
- Return to previous level.
- QuitTin
- Quit tin — don't ask the user to confirm.
- GroupToggleReadUnread
- Toggle the display between all articles and unread articles.
- BugReport
- Mail a bug report or comment to <>. This is the best
way of getting bugs fixed and features added/changed.
- GroupSave
- Save current article / thread / auto-selected (hot) articles / articles
matching pattern / tagged articles. See the section "MAILING PIPING
- GroupAutoSave
- Save marked articles automatically without further prompting.
- GroupTag
- Toggle tag-status of current article / thread for GroupMail
('m') / Pipe ('|') / Print ('o') /
GroupSave ('s') / GroupRepost ('x').
- GroupTagParts
- Automatically tag/untag all the parts of the current multi-part message in
- GroupToggleThreading
- Cycle the threading mode through no threading, threading by subject,
threading by references, threading on both subject and references, group
multipart articles into a thread (''Subject:'' based).
- GroupUntag
- Untag all articles that were tagged.
- Post 'w'
- Post an article to the current group. If posting fails for some reason,
you'll get the chance to edit the article again via PostEdit
('e'), postpone it for later processing via PostPostpone
('o') (see also ''-o'' command-line switch) or discard it
via Quit ('q').
- GroupRepost
- Repost an already posted article / thread / auto-selected (hot) articles /
articles matching pattern / tagged articles to another newsgroup(s).
Useful for reposting from global to local newsgroups. Do not use this to
crosspost your own articles.
- GroupMarkUnselArtRead
- Mark all unread articles that have not been selected as read, redraw
screen to reflect changes and put index at the first thread to begin
reading. Pressing GroupMarkUnselArtRead ('X') again will
toggle back to the way it was before. See GroupUndoSel ('~')
command for clearing the toggle effect, leaving the group will also clear
the toggle effect and make the changes permanent.
- MarkArtUnread
- Mark current article as unread.
- MarkThdUnread
- Mark current thread as unread. If a range of threads is set, the range
will be marked as unread instead of the current thread. When tagged
threads are present, a prompt asks how to proceed.
- 4
- Select article 4 within thread.
- Auto select article(s) using a menu. Read the section "FILTERING
ARTICLES" for more information.
- Kill article(s) using a menu. Read the section "FILTERING
ARTICLES" for more information.
- MarkFeedRead
- Mark current article, thread, range, auto-selected (hot) articles,
articles matching pattern or tagged articles as read. A prompt asks which
type should be marked.
- MarkFeedUnread
- Mark current article, thread, range, auto-selected (hot) articles,
articles matching pattern or tagged articles as unread. A prompt asks
which type should be marked.
- SetRange
- Choose a range of articles to be affected by the next command. See the
section "RANGES" for more information.
- LastViewed
- Re-enter the last message that was viewed.
- SearchRepeat
- Repeat the previous search.
- SearchSubjF
- Search forward for specified subject.
- SearchSubjB
- Search backwards for specified subject.
- ThreadSelArt
- Select current thread for later processing.
- ThreadToggleArtSel
- Toggle selection of current article.
- ThreadReverseSel
- Reverse article selections.
- ThreadUndoSel
- Undo all selections on current thread.
- Pipe '|'
- Pipe current article / thread / auto-selected (hot) articles / articles
matching pattern / tagged articles into command. See the section
- ThreadReadArt
'^J' '<CR>'
- Read current article within thread.
- ThreadReadNextArtOrThread
- View next unread article within thread.
- SearchAuthF
- Author forward search. This searches for articles with a specific
''From:'' line. The search will wrap over into the next thread if nothing
is found in the current one.
- SearchAuthB
- Author backward search. Otherwise, see SearchAuthF ('a')
- SearchBody
- Search the body of all articles in group (can be slow). You can abort the
search using Quit ('q').
- Catchup
- Mark thread as read [after confirmation] and return to the group index
page. Move cursor to next thread.
- CatchupNextUnread
- Mark thread as read [after confirmation] and enter the next thread
containing unread news.
- ThreadToggleSubjDisplay
- Cycle the display of the author through all the possible options for the
tinrc variable show_author.
- ThreadCancel
- Cancel (delete) or supersede (overwrite) the current article. It must have
been posted by the same user. The cancel message can be seen in the
newsgroup 'control' or 'control.cancel'.
- EditFilter
- Edit the filter file and reload it afterwards.
- ThreadFollowupQuote
- Post a followup to the current article with a copy of the article
- ThreadFollowup
- Post a followup to the current article without a copy of the article
- ToggleInfoLastLine
- Display the subject of the current article in the last line.
- ToggleInverseVideo
- Toggle inverse video.
- ConnectionInfo
- Show details about current connection.
- ThreadMarkArtRead
- Mark article as read and move onto the next unread article. If a range of
articles is set, the range will be marked as read instead of the current
article. When tagged articles are present, a prompt asks how to
- LookupMessage
- Look up article by ''Message-ID:''.
- ThreadMail
- Mail current article / thread / auto-selected (hot) articles / articles
matching pattern / tagged articles to someone. See the section
- Print
- Send current article / thread / auto-selected (hot) articles / articles
matching pattern / tagged articles to printer. See the section
- Quit 'q'
- Return to previous level.
- QuitTin
- Quit tin — don't ask the user to confirm.
- BugReport
- Mail a bug report or comment to <>. This is the best
way of getting bugs fixed and features added/changed.
- ThreadSave
- Save current article / thread / auto-selected (hot) articles / articles
matching pattern / tagged articles. See the section "MAILING PIPING
- ThreadAutoSave
- Save marked articles automatically without further prompting.
- ThreadTag
- Toggle tag status of current article for mailing, piping, printing, saving
or reposting.
- ThreadTagParts
- Automatically tag/untag all the parts of the current multi-part message in
- ThreadUntag
- Untag all tagged threads.
- Post 'w'
- Post an article to the current group. If posting fails for some reason,
you'll get the chance to edit the article again via PostEdit
('e'), postpone it for later processing via PostPostpone
('o') (see also ''-o'' command-line switch) or discard it
via Quit ('q').
- MarkArtUnread
- Mark current article in thread as unread. If a range of articles is set,
the range will be marked as unread instead of the current article. When
tagged articles are present, a prompt asks how to proceed.
- MarkThdUnread
- Mark all articles in thread as unread.
- 0
- Read the first (base) article in this thread.
- 4
- Read response 4 in this thread.
- Auto select article(s) using a menu. Read the section "FILTERING
ARTICLES" for more information.
- Reply through mail to the author of the current article with a copy of the
article with all headers included.
- PagePGPCheckArticle
- Perform pgp(1) / gpg(1) operations on article. This expects
inline pgp (RFC4880) and not MIME pgp (RFC3156).
- PageToggleRaw
- Toggles the display mode (raw including all headers vs. cooked).
- Kill article(s) using a menu. Read the section "FILTERING
ARTICLES" for more information.
- PageToggleTabs
- Toggle the TAB width between 4 and 8 characters.
- Post a followup to the current article with a copy of the article with all
headers included.
- PageToggleTex2iso
- Toggle TeX to ISO decoding for current article. The default behavior is
taken from the tex2iso_conv variable in the tinrc file.
- Toggles the display of all headers vs. headers in
- PageToggleRot
- Toggle ROT-13 decoding for this article.
- PageToggleUue
- Toggle the display of uuencoded sections. The default behavior is taken
from the hide_uue variable in the tinrc file.
- The form feed character (^L) is often used to hide 'spoilers' that the
reader may not initially wish to see when viewing an article. Any text
after a formfeed is not displayed. This key-press acts like a reveal key
and turns the hidden text back on. Scrolling down will also reveal the
text, scrolling up will hide it again.
- LastViewed
- Re-enter the last message that was viewed.
- SearchRepeat
- Repeat the previous search.
- SearchSubjF
- Forward search the text of this article.
- SearchSubjB
- Backward search the text of this article.
- PageSkipIncludedText
- Skip to the end of the next quoted text-block in this article. Quoted text
is everything which matches quote_regex, quote_regex2 or
- PageTopThd
- Go to the first article in the current thread.
- PageBotThd
- Go to the last article in the current thread.
- PageToggleHighlight
- Toggle word highlighting on/off.
- Pipe '|'
- Pipe current article / thread / auto-selected (hot) articles / articles
matching pattern / tagged articles into command. See the section
- QuickFilterSelect
- Auto select article(s) with a single key. The defaults used for selection
are set based upon the following four tinrc config variables:
default_filter_select_case, default_filter_select_expire,
default_filter_select_global and
default_filter_select_header Read the section "GLOBAL OPTIONS
these variables and "FILTERING ARTICLES" for more information on
- QuickFilterKill
- Kill article(s) with a single key. The defaults used for killing are based
upon the following four tinrc config variables:
default_filter_kill_case, default_filter_kill_expire,
default_filter_kill_global and default_filter_kill_header.
VARIABLES" for a full explanation of these variables and
"FILTERING ARTICLES" for more information on filtering.
- PageNextThd
'^J' '<CR>'
- Go to next base article.
- PageNextUnread
- Go to next unread article. If the tinrc variable goto_next_unread
doesn't contain PageNextUnread, then this key will first page through the
current article.
- SearchAuthF
- Author forward search.
- SearchAuthB
- Author backward search.
- SearchBody
- Search the body of all articles in group (can be slow). You can abort the
search using Quit ('q').
- Catchup
- Mark the current thread as read [after confirmation] and return to the
previous menu. Move cursor to next item.
- CatchupNextUnread
- Mark the rest of the current thread as read [after confirmation] and enter
the next thread with unread articles.
- PageCancel
- Cancel (delete) or supersede (overwrite) the current article. It must have
been posted by the same user. The cancel message can be seen in the
newsgroup 'control' or 'control.cancel'.
- PageEditArticle
- Edit the current article. This is restricted to mailgroups and saved
- EditFilter
- Edit the filter file and reload it afterwards.
- PageFollowupQuote
- Post a followup to the current article with a copy of the article
- PageFollowup
- Post a followup to the current article without including a copy of the
- PageFirstPage
- Go to the start of the article.
- PageLastPage
- Go to the end of the article.
- ToggleInfoLastLine
- Display the subject of the current article in the last line.
- ToggleInverseVideo
- Toggle inverse video.
- ConnectionInfo
- Show details about current connection.
- PageKillThd
- Mark rest of thread as read and move onto the next unread thread.
- PageListThd
- Show the thread menu that the current article is a part of.
- LookupMessage
- Look up article by ''Message-ID:''.
- PageMail
- Mail current article / thread / auto-selected (hot) articles / articles
matching pattern / tagged articles to someone. See the section
- User configurable options menu (for more information see section
- PageNextArt
- Go to the next article.
- PageNextUnreadArt
- Go to the next unread article.
- Print
- Send current article / thread / auto-selected (hot) articles / articles
matching pattern / tagged articles to printer. See the section
- PagePrevArt
- Go to the previous article.
- PagePrevUnreadArt
- Go to the previous unread article.
- Quit 'q'
- Return to the previous level.
- QuitTin
- Quit tin — don't ask the user to confirm.
- Reply through mail to the author of the current article with a copy of the
article included.
- Reply through mail to the author of the current article without including
the original article.
- PageSave
- Save current article / thread / auto-selected (hot) articles / articles
matching pattern / tagged articles. See the section "MAILING PIPING
- PageAutoSave
- Save marked articles automatically without further prompting.
- PageTag
- Toggle tag status of current article for mailing, piping, printing, saving
or reposting.
- PageGroupSel
- Return to group selection level.
- PageGotoParent
- Go to parent article.
- PageViewUrl
- Display a list of URLs in the current article. See the section "URL
LISTING" for more information.
- PageViewAttach
- Display a list of attachments of the current article. See the section
"ATTACHMENT LISTING" for more information.
- Post 'w'
- Post an article to the current group. If posting fails for some reason,
you'll get the chance to edit the article again via PostEdit
('e'), postpone it for later processing via PostPostpone
('o') (see also ''-o'' command-line switch) or discard it
via Quit ('q').
- Repost an already posted article / thread / auto-selected (hot) articles /
articles matching pattern / tagged articles to another newsgroup(s).
Useful for reposting from global to local newsgroups. Do not use this to
crosspost your own articles.
- MarkArtUnread
- Mark article as unread.
- MarkThdUnread
- Mark the current thread as unread.
PageViewUrl ('U') displays a list of URLs in the
current article. Besides the common moving keys, the following commands are
PageViewAttach ('V') displays a list of attachments
of the current article. Besides the common moving keys, the following
commands are available:
DisplayPostHist ('W') displays a list of all
previous posted articles stored in
${TIN_HOMEDIR:-"$HOME"}/.tin/posted. The following
information is shown: a time stamp in "dd-mm-yy"-format, a single
letter indicating the action which initiated the message, the group names
(eventually shortened, see also abbreviate_groupname) or a mail
address the message was sent to and the subject of the message. Besides the
common moving keys, the following commands are available:
- PostedArticlesSelect
'^J' '<CR>'
- The article with the current ''Message-ID:'' will be opened if available.
Note that this requires that the ''Message-ID:'' of the article was
recorded in ${TIN_HOMEDIR:-"$HOME"}/.tin/posted which may
not always be the case. If using NNTP and the internal inews
(inews_prog set to "--internal") and either the server
proposes a ''Message-ID:'' during the POST (RFC3977) command or
tin is built to generate ''Message-ID:'' this should be the case.
With an external inews (and reading from local spool) it is not.
- SearchSubjF
- URL forward search.
- SearchSubjB
- URL backward search.
- SearchRepeat
- Repeat the previous search.
- ShellEscape
- Shell escape.
- ToggleInfoLastLine
- Toggle the display of the current ''Message-ID:'' in the last line.
- Help 'h'
- Help screen of commands available.
- ToggleHelpDisplay
- Toggle the display of help mini menu at the bottom of the screen and
posting etiquette after composing an article (beginner_level).
At startup, tin reads in the configuration files (see also
tin(5)). They contain a list of variables that can be used to
configure the way tin works. If it exists, the global configuration
file, /etc/tin/tinrc is read. After that, the user's own
configuration file is read from
${TIN_HOMEDIR:-"$HOME"}/.tin/tinrc. The global file is
useful for distributing system-wide defaults to new users who have no
private tinrc yet.
The variables are user configurable by editing
${TIN_HOMEDIR:-"$HOME"}/.tin/tinrc directly. Most of them
can also be set in the GLOBAL OPTIONS MENU which is accessed by pressing
OptionMenu ('M') at all levels. It allows the user to
customize the behavior of tin. The options are saved to the file
${TIN_HOMEDIR:-"$HOME"}/.tin/tinrc when you exit tin
so don't edit the file directly whilst tin is running.
In the options menu use the cursor keys in the usual way to move
around. Use ConfigSelect ('^J' or '<CR>') to
'open' the option you wish to change. You will need to enter a new value or
use '<SPACE>' to toggle the available options.
ConfigSelect will save the new value, '<ESC>' will abort
without saving changes.
As with the other menus, RedrawScr ('^L') will
redraw the screen. You can use SearchSubjF ('/'),
SearchSubjB ('?') and SearchRepeat ('\') to
search for a specific option. Use Quit ('q') to exit the
option menu and keep your changes. Use QuitTin ('Q') to exit
without keeping your changes.
The options menu provides access to the attributes menu for the
current group by the ConfigToggleAttrib ('<TAB>')
command. Pressing ConfigToggleAttrib again toggles back to the
options menu. For more information see section "ATTRIBUTES MENU AND
The ConfigScopeMenu ('S') command brings up the
scopes menu. For more information see section "SCOPES MENU".
Here is a full list of all the available variables. The name in
braces is the name of the corresponding setting in
- Abbreviate long
newsgroup names (abbreviate_groupname)
- If ON abbreviate long newsgroup names at group selection level and article
level (if necessary) like this: -> -> n.s.readers -> n.s.r. Default is OFF.
- Add posted articles to filter
- If ON add posted articles which start a new thread to filter for
highlighting follow-ups. Default is ON.
- Insert
'User-Agent:'-header (advertising)
- Turn ON advertising in header (''User-Agent:''). Default is ON.
- Skip multipart/alternative
parts (alternative_handling)
- If ON strip multipart/alternative messages automatically. Default is
- Character to show
deleted articles (art_marked_deleted)
- The character used to show that an article was deleted. Default is
- Character to
show inrange articles (art_marked_inrange)
- The character used to show that an article is in a range. Default is
- Character to
show returning arts (art_marked_return)
- The character used to show that an article will return as an unread
article when the group is next entered. Default is '-'.
- Character to
show selected articles (art_marked_selected)
- The character used to show that an article/thread is auto-selected (hot).
Default is '*'.
- Character to
show recent articles (art_marked_recent)
- The character used to show that an article/thread is recent (not older
than X days). See also recent_time. Default is 'o'.
- Character to
show unread articles (art_marked_unread)
- The character used to show that an article has not been read. Default is
- Character to
show read articles (art_marked_read)
- The character used to show that an article was read. Default is ' '.
- Character to
show killed articles (art_marked_killed)
- The character used to show that an article was killed. Default is 'K'.
kill_level must be set accordingly.
- Character to
show read selected arts (art_marked_read_selected)
- The character used to show that an article was hot before it was read.
Default is ':'. kill_level must be set accordingly.
- Ask before using MIME viewer
- If ON tin will ask before using a MIME viewer
(metamail_prog) to display MIME messages. This only occurs if a
MIME viewer is set. Default is OFF.
- Format string for the
Attachment level (attachment_format)
- Format string tin uses for Attachment level representation. See the
- Send you a cc and/or bcc
automatically (auto_cc_bcc)
- Automatically put your name in the ''Cc:'' and/or ''Bcc:'' field when
mailing an article. Default is No.
- List thread using right
arrow key (auto_list_thread)
- If ON automatically list thread when entering it using right arrow key.
Default is ON.
- Reconnect to
server automatically (auto_reconnect)
- Default is OFF.
- Save articles in batch mode
- If set ON articles/threads will be saved in batch mode when save
''-S'' or mail ''-M, -N'' is specified on the command
line. Default is ON.
- Show mini menu &
posting etiquette (beginner_level)
- If set ON a mini menu of the most useful commands will be displayed at the
bottom of the screen for each level. Also a short posting etiquette will
be displayed after composing an article. Default is ON.
- Cache NNTP overview files
locally (cache_overview_files)
- If ON, create local copies of NNTP overview files. This can be used to
considerably speed up accessing large groups when using a slow connection.
See also "INDEX FILES". Default is OFF.
- Hash algorithm for
cancel-locks (cancel_lock_algo)
- Use this hash algorithm for cancel-locks. Only available when built with
cancel-lock support. none disables the generation of cancel-locks. Valid
values are none, sha1, sha256 and sha512. Default is sha1.
- Catchup read
groups when quitting (catchup_read_groups)
- If set ON the user is asked when quitting if all groups read during the
current session should be marked read. Default is OFF.
- Standard background
color (col_back)
- Standard background color
- Color of quoted text from
external sources (col_extquote)
- Color of quoted text from external sources
- Color of sender
(From:) (col_from)
- Color of sender (From:)
- Color of article
header lines (col_head)
- Color of header-lines
- Color of help text
- Color of help pages
- Color for inverse
text (background) (col_invers_bg)
- Color of background for inverse text
- Color for inverse
text (foreground) (col_invers_fg)
- Color of foreground for inverse text
- Color of status
messages (col_message)
- Color of status messages in last line
- Color of highlighting
with _dash_ (col_markdash)
- Color of words emphasized like _this_. See also
word_h_display_marks and word_highlight.
- Color of highlighting
with /slash/ (col_markslash)
- Color of words emphasized like /this/. See also
word_h_display_marks and word_highlight.
- Color of
highlighting with *stars* (col_markstar)
- Color of words emphasized like *this*. See also
word_h_display_marks and word_highlight.
- Color of
highlighting with -stroke- (col_markstroke)
- Color of words emphasized like -this-. See also
word_h_display_marks and word_highlight.
- Color of mini help
menu (col_minihelp)
- Color of mini help menu
- Color of actual
news header fields (col_newsheaders)
- Color of actual news header fields
- Standard
foreground color (col_normal)
- Standard foreground color
- Color of quoted
lines (col_quote)
- Color of quoted lines
- Color of twice
quoted line (col_quote2)
- Color of twice quoted lines
- Color of =>3
times quoted line (col_quote3)
- Color of >=3 times quoted lines
- Color of response
counter (col_response)
- Color of response counter. This is the text that says "Response x of
y" in the article viewer.
- Color of signatures
- Color of signatures
- Color of negative
score (col_score_neg)
- Color of negative score
- Color of positive
score (col_score_pos)
- Color of positive score
- Color of urls
highlight (col_urls)
- Color of urls highlight
- Color of verbatim
blocks (col_verbatim)
- Color of verbatim blocks
- Color of article
subject lines (col_subject)
- Color of article subject
- Color of text lines
- Color of text-lines
- Color of help/mail
sign (col_title)
- Color of help/mail sign
- Which actions require
confirmation (confirm_choice)
- Ask for manual confirmation to protect the user.
- commands Ask for confirmation before executing certain dangerous
commands (e.g., Catchup ('c')). Commands that this affects
are marked in this manual with '[after confirmation]'. Default is commands
& quit.
- quit You'll be asked to confirm that you wish to exit tin
when you use the Quit ('q') command.
- select Ask for confirmation before marking all not selected (with
GroupMarkUnselArtRead ('X') command) articles as read.
- Format string for
display of dates (date_format)
- Format string tin uses for date representation. A description of
the different format options can be found at strftime(3).
tin uses strftime(3) when available and supports most format
options in his fallback code. Default is "%a, %d %b %Y
- (default_art_search)
- (default_author_search)
- (default_config_search)
- The last article/author/config option that was searched for.
- (default_filter_days)
- Default is 28.
- (default_filter_kill_case)
- Default for quick (1 key) kill filter case. ON = filter case sensitive,
OFF = ignore case. Default is OFF.
- (default_filter_kill_expire)
- Default for quick (1 key) kill filter expire. ON = limit to
default_filter_days, OFF = don't ever expire. Default is OFF.
- (default_filter_kill_global)
- Default for quick (1 key) kill filter global. ON=apply to all groups,
OFF=apply to current group. Default is ON.
- (default_filter_kill_header)
- Default for quick (1 key) kill filter header.
- 0
- ''Subject:'' (case sensitive)
- 1
- ''Subject:'' (ignore case)
- 2
- ''From:'' (case sensitive)
- 3
- ''From:'' (ignore case)
- 4
- ''Message-ID:'' & full ''References:'' line
- 5
- ''Message-ID:'' & last ''References:'' entry only
- 6
- ''Message-ID:'' entry only
- 7
- ''Lines:''
- (default_filter_select_case)
- Default for quick (1 key) auto-selection filter case. ON=filter case
sensitive, OFF=ignore case. Default is OFF.
- (default_filter_select_expire)
- Default for quick (1 key) auto-selection filter expire. ON = limit to
default_filter_days, OFF = don't ever expire. Default is OFF.
- (default_filter_select_global)
- Default for quick (1 key) auto-selection filter global. ON=apply to all
groups, OFF=apply to current group. Default is ON.
- (default_filter_select_header)
- Default for quick (1 key) auto-selection filter header.
- 0
- ''Subject:'' (case sensitive)
- 1
- ''Subject:'' (ignore case)
- 2
- ''From:'' (case sensitive)
- 3
- ''From:'' (ignore case)
- 4
- ''Message-ID:'' & full ''References:'' line
- 5
- ''Message-ID:'' & last ''References:'' entry only
- 6
- ''Message-ID:'' entry only
- 7
- ''Lines:''
- (default_goto_group)
- (default_group_search)
- (default_mail_address)
- (default_move_group)
- (default_pattern)
- (default_pipe_command)
- (default_post_newsgroups)
- (default_post_subject)
- (default_range_group)
- (default_range_select)
- (default_range_thread)
- (default_repost_group)
- (default_save_file)
- (default_save_mode)
- (default_select_pattern)
- (default_shell_command)
- (default_subject_search)
- Draw -> instead of
highlighted bar (draw_arrow)
- Allows groups/articles to be selected by an arrow '->' if set ON or by
a highlighted bar if set OFF. Default is OFF.
- Invocation of
your editor (editor_format)
- The format string used to create the editor start command with parameters.
Default is '%E +%N %F' with %E=Editor, %N=Linenumber and %F=Filename
(e.g., /bin/vi +7 .article). See also $VISUAL and $EDITOR
- Detection of
external quotes (extquote_handling)
- If ON quotes from external sources will be detected. Default is OFF.
- Regex used to show
external quotes (extquote_regex)
- A regular expression that will be applied when reading articles. All
matching lines are shown in col_extquote. If extquote_regex
is blank, then tin uses a built-in default.
- Force redraw after
certain commands (force_screen_redraw)
- Specifies whether a screen redraw should always be done after certain
external commands. Default is OFF.
- Number of articles to
get (getart_limit)
- If getart_limit is > 0 not more than the last
getart_limit articles/group are fetched from the server. If
getart_limit is < 0 tin will start fetching articles from
your first unread minus absolute value of getart_limit. Default is
0, which means no limit.
- Catchup group
using left key (group_catchup_on_exit)
- If ON catchup group when leaving with the left arrow key. Default is
- Format string for
the Group level (group_format)
- Format string tin uses for Group level representation. See the
"%n %m %R %L %s %F".
- Go to the next unread article
with (goto_next_unread)
- Which keys tin should accept to jump to the next unread article.
Possible is any combination of PageDown and PageNextUnread.
When PageDown is set tin jumps to the next article at the
end of the current one. When PageNextUnread is set tin jumps
immediately to the next article when PageNextUnread
('<TAB>') is pressed. Default is PageNextUnread.
- Display uue data as
an attachment (hide_uue)
- If set to 'No' then raw uuencoded data is displayed. If set to 'Yes' then
sections of uuencoded data will be shown with a single tag line showing
the size and filename (much the same as a MIME attachment). If set to
'Hide all' then any line that looks like uuencoded data will be folded
into a tag line. This is useful when uuencoded data is split across more
than one article but can also lead to false positives. This setting can
also be toggled in the article viewer. Default is 'No'.
- External inews
- Path, name and options of external inews(1). If you are reading via
NNTP the default value is "--internal" (use built-in NNTP
inews), else it is "inews -h". The article is passed to
inews_prog on STDIN via '< article'.
- (info_in_last_line)
- If ON, show current group description or article subject in the last line
(not in the pager and global menu) — ToggleInfoLastLine
('i') toggles setting. This facility is useful as the full width of
the screen is available to display long subjects. Default is OFF.
- Use interactive mail reader
- Interactive mailreader: if greater than 0 your mailreader will be invoked
earlier for reply so you can use more of its features (e.g. MIME, pgp,
...). 1 means include headers, 2 means don't include headers (old
use_mailreader_i=ON option). 0 turns off usage. This option has to suit
mailer_format. Default is 0.
- Use inverse video for
page headers (inverse_okay)
- If ON use inverse video for page headers and URL highlighting. Default is
- Keep failed arts in
~/dead.articles (keep_dead_articles)
- If ON keep all failed postings in
${TIN_HOMEDIR:-"$HOME"}/dead.articles besides keeping the
last failed posting in
${TIN_HOMEDIR:-"$HOME"}/dead.article. Default is ON.
- Filter which articles
- This option controls the processing and display of articles that are
killed. There are 3 options:
- 0
- Kill only unread arts is the 'traditional' behavior of tin.
Only unread articles are killed once only by marking them read. As
filtering only happens on unread articles with kill_level set to 0,
art_marked_killed and art_marked_read_selected are only
shown once. When you reenter the group the mark will be gone.
- 1
- Kill all arts & show with K will process all articles in the
group and therefore there is a processing overhead when using this option.
Killed articles are threaded as normal but they will be marked with
- 2
- Kill all arts and never show will process all articles in the group
and therefore there is a processing overhead when using this option.
Killed articles simply does not get displayed at all.
Default is 0 (Kill only unread arts).
- Use 8bit characters in
mail headers (mail_8bit_header)
- Allows 8bit characters unencoded in the header of mail message. Default is
OFF. Turning it ON is effective only if mail_mime_encoding is also
set to 8bit. Leaving it OFF is safe for most users and compliant to
Internet Mail Standard (RFC5322 and RFC2047). Default is
- Mail address
- User's mail address (and full name), if not username@host. This is used
when creating articles, sending mail and when pgp(1) /
gpg(1) signing (RFC4880).
- MIME encoding in mail
messages (mail_mime_encoding)
- MIME encoding of the body in mail message, if necessary (8bit, base64,
quoted-printable, 7bit). Default is quoted-printable.
- Quote line when mailing
- Format of quote line when replying (via mail) to an article (%A=Address,
%D=Date, %F=Fullname+Address, %G=Groupname, %M=Message-ID, %N=Fullname,
%C=Firstname, %I=Initials). Default is "In article %M you
- Format of the
mailbox (mailbox_format)
- Select one of the following mailbox-formats: MBOXO (default, except on
SCO), MBOXRD or MMDF (default on SCO). See mbox(5) and
RFC4155 for more details on MBOXO and MBOXRD and mmdf(5) for
more details about MMDF.
- Mail directory
- The directory where articles/threads are to be saved in mbox(5)
format. This feature is mainly for use with the mutt(1) mail
program. It allows the user to save articles/threads/groups simply by
giving '=' as the filename to save to. Default is
- Invocation
of your mail command (mailer_format)
- The format string used to create the mailer command with parameters that
is used for mailing articles to other people. Default is '%M
"%T" < %F' (e.g., /bin/mail "iain" <
~/.article). The flexible format allows other mailers with different
command line parameters to be used such as
sendmail -oem -t < %F
mutt -s "%S" -- "%T" < %F
mutt -H %F
claws-mail --compose "mailto:%T?subject=%S&insert=%F"
interactive_mailer must be set adequate. The following substitutions
are supported:
%F filename
%M default_mailer
%S subject-field
%T to-filed
%U username
%% %
- 'Mark as (un)read' ignores tags (mark_ignore_tags)
- When this is ON, the GroupMarkThdRead ('K'),
ThreadMarkArtRead ('K'), MarkThdUnread ('Z')
at Group level and MarkArtUnread ('z') at Thread level
functions mark just the current article or thread, ignoring other tagged,
(un)read articles. When OFF, the same function presents a menu with
choices of the current thread or article, all tagged, unread articles, or
- Mark saved articles/threads
as read (mark_saved_read)
- If ON mark articles that are saved as read. Default is ON.
- Viewer program for MIME
articles (metamail_prog)
- Path, name and options of external metamail(1) program used to view
non-textual parts of articles. To use the built-in viewer, set to
--internal. This is the default value when metamail(1) is not
installed. Leave it blank if you don't want any automatic viewing of
non-textual attachments. The PageViewAttach ('V') command
can always be used to manually view any attachments. See also
- MM_CHARSET (mm_charset)
- Charset supported locally, which is also used for MIME header (charset
parameter and charset name in header encoding) in mail and news postings.
If MIME_STRICT_CHARSET is defined at compile time, text in charset
other than the value of this parameter is considered not displayable and
represented as '?'. Otherwise, all character sets are regarded as
compatible with the display. If it's not set, the value of the environment
variable $MM_CHARSET is used. US-ASCII or compile-time default is
used in case neither of them is defined. If your system supports
iconv(3), this option is disabled and you should use
mm_network_charset instead.
- Charset used for posting and MIME headers; replaces mm_charset.
Conversion between mm_network_charset and local charset (determined
via nl_langinfo(3)) is done via iconv(3), if this function
is not available on your system this option is disabled and you have to
use mm_charset instead. mm_network_charset is limited to one
of the following charsets:
US-ASCII, ISO-8859-{1,2,3,4,5,7,9,10,13,14,15,16}, KOI8-{R,U,RU}
EUC-{CN,JP,KR,TW}, ISO-2022-{CN,CN-EXT,JP,JP-1,JP-2}, Big5, UTF-8
Not all values might work on your system, see iconv_open(3) for more
details. If it's not set, the value of the environment variable
$MM_CHARSET is used. US-ASCII or compile-time default is used in
case neither of them is defined.
- Attribute of
highlighting with _dash_ (mono_markdash)
- Character attribute of words emphasized like _this_. It depends on your
terminal which attributes are usable. See also word_h_display_marks
and word_highlight.
- Attribute of
highlighting with /slash/ (mono_markslash)
- Character attribute of words emphasized like /this/. It depends on your
terminal which attributes are usable. See also word_h_display_marks
and word_highlight.
- Attribute of
highlighting with *stars* (mono_markstar)
- Character attribute of words emphasized like *this*. It depends on your
terminal which attributes are usable. See also word_h_display_marks
and word_highlight.
- Attribute of
highlighting with -stroke- (mono_markstroke)
- Character attribute of words emphasized like -this-. It depends on your
terminal which attributes are usable. See also word_h_display_marks
and word_highlight.
- (newnews)
- These are internal timers used by tin to keep track of new
newsgroups. Do not change them unless you understand what they are
- Display these
header fields (or *) (news_headers_to_display)
- Which news headers you wish to see. If you want to see _all_ the headers,
place an '*' as this value. This is the only way a wildcard can be used.
If you enter 'X-' as the value, you will see all headers beginning with
'X-' (like X-Alan or X-Pape). You can list more than one by delimiting
with spaces. Not defining anything turns off this option.
- Do not display these header
fields (news_headers_to_not_display)
- Same as news_headers_to_display except it denotes the opposite. An
example of using both options might be if you thought 'X-' headers were A
Good Thing(tm), but thought Alan and Pape were miscreants... well then you
would do something like this: news_headers_to_display=X-
news_headers_to_not_display=X-Alan X-Pape Not defining anything
turns off this option.
- Quote line when
following up (news_quote_format)
- Format of quote line when posting/following up an article (%A=Address,
%D=Date, %F=Fullname+Address, %G=Groupname, %M=Message-ID, %N=Fullname,
%C=Firstname, %I=Initials). Default is "%F wrote:".
- NNTP read timeout in
seconds (nntp_read_timeout_secs)
- Time in seconds to wait for a response from the server. Default is 120.
Setting this to 0 means no timeout. As if you use the
"-C" option in conjunction with a low value for
nntp_read_timeout_secs may result in a timeout (and disconnect in
batch mode) when connecting to large servers or entering large groups,
because the timer is set when the command is sent to the server and that
needs some time to compress the large response, the value should not be
set too small.
- Unicode normalization
form (normalization_form)
- The normalization form tin should use to normalize unicode input.
The possible values are:
- 0
- None: no normalization
- 1
- NFKC: Compatibility Decomposition, followed by Canonical
- 2
- NFKD: Compatibility Decomposition
- 3
- NFC: Canonical Decomposition, followed by Canonical
- 4
- NFD: Canonical Decomposition
- 5
- NFKC_CF: Compatibility Decomposition, followed by Canonical
Composition and Case Folding
Some normalization modes are only available if they are supported by the library
tin uses to do the normalization. NFC should be used if possible.
- Format string for
the display of mime header at Article level (page_mime_format)
- Format string tin uses for mime header at Page level. See the
section "CUSTOMIZING THE SCREEN FORMAT". Default is "[--
%T%S%*n%z%*l%!c%!d%*e --]".
- Format string for
the display of uue header at Article level (page_uue_format)
- Format string tin uses for uue header at Page level. See the
section "CUSTOMIZING THE SCREEN FORMAT". Default is "[--
%T%S%*n%I%!d%*e --]".
- Go to first unread article
in group (pos_first_unread)
- If ON put cursor at first unread article in group otherwise at last
article. Default is ON.
- Use 8bit characters in
news headers (post_8bit_header)
- Allows 8bit characters unencoded in the header of a news article, if set
this also disables the generation of MIME-headers when they are usually
required. Default is OFF. Only enacted if post_mime_encoding is
also set to 8bit. In a number of local hierarchies where 8bit characters
are used, using unencoded (raw) 8bit characters in header is acceptable
and sometimes even recommended so that you need to check the convention
adopted in the local hierarchy of your interest to determine what to do
with this and post_mime_encoding.
- MIME encoding in news
messages (post_mime_encoding)
- MIME encoding of the body in news message, if necessary. (8bit, base64,
quoted-printable, 7bit). Default is 8bit, which leads to no encoding.
base64 and quoted-printable are usually undesired on usenet.
- View post-processed files
- If ON, then tin will start an appropriate viewer program to display
any files that were post processed and uudecoded. The program is
determined using the mailcap(5) file. Default is ON.
- Post process saved
articles (post_process_type)
- This specifies whether to perform post processing on saved articles.
Because the shell archive may contain commands you may not want to be
executed, be careful when extracting shell archives. The following values
are allowed:
- 0
- No (default), no post processing is done.
- 1
- Shell archives, unpacking of multi-part shar(1) files
- 2
- Yes, binary attachments and data will be decoded and saved.
- Filename to be used
for storing posted articles (posted_articles_file)
- Keep posted articles in given file. If the given filename does not contain
any expandable strings it will be prefixed with
${TIN_HOMEDIR:-"$HOME"}/Mail/. If no filename is set then
postings will not be saved. See the section "MAILING PIPING PRINTING
REPOSTING AND SAVING ARTICLES" for more information about the various
expansion characters. Default is 'posted'.
- Print all headers
when printing (print_header)
- If ON, then the full article header is sent to the printer. Otherwise only
the ''Subject:'' and ''From:'' fields are output. Default is OFF.
- Printer program with
options (printer)
- The printer program with options that is to be used to print articles. The
default is lpr(1) for BSD machines and lp(1) for SysV
machines. Printing from tin may have been disabled by the System
- Process only unread
articles (process_only_unread)
- If ON only save/print/pipe/mail unread articles (tagged articles
excepted). Default is OFF.
- Show empty Followup-To
in editor (prompt_followupto)
- If ON show empty ''Followup-To:'' header when editing an article. Default
is OFF.
- Characters used
as quote-marks (quote_chars)
- The character used in quoting included text to article followups and mail
replies. The '_' character represents a blank character and is replaced
with ' ' when read, %I is replaced by author's initials. Default is
- Quoting behavior
- How articles should be quoted when following up or replying to them. There
are a number of things that can be done: empty lines can be quoted,
signatures can be quoted and quote_chars can be compressed when quoting
multiple times (for example, '> > >' will be turned into
'>>>'). The default is to compress quotes, and to quote empty
When you are viewing an article in raw mode ('^H'), and follow up or
reply to it, the signature will be quoted even if it would otherwise not
be. If show_signatures is off, then the signature will never be
- Regex used to show
quoted lines (quote_regex)
- A regular expression that will be applied when reading articles. All
matching lines are shown in col_quote. If quote_regex is
blank, then tin uses a built-in default.
- Regex used to show
twice quoted l. (quote_regex2)
- A regular expression that will be applied when reading articles. All
matching lines are shown in col_quote2. If quote_regex2 is
blank, then tin uses a built-in default.
- Regex used to show
>= 3 times q.l. (quote_regex3)
- A regular expression that will be applied when reading articles. All
matching lines are shown in col_quote3. If quote_regex3 is
blank, then tin uses a built-in default.
- Article recentness
time limit (recent_time)
- If set to 0, this feature is deactivated, otherwise it means the number of
days. Default is 2.
- Render BiDi
- If ON tin does the rendering of bi-directional text. If OFF
tin leaves the rendering of bi-directional text to the terminal.
Default is OFF.
- Interval in seconds
to reread active (reread_active_file_secs)
- The news
file is reread at regular intervals to show if any new news has arrived.
Default is 1200. Setting this to 0 will disable this feature.
- Directory to save
arts/threads in (savedir)
- Directory where articles/threads are saved. Default is
- Score limit (kill)
- If the score of an article is below or equal this value the article gets
marked as killed.
- Score limit (select)
- If the score of an article is above or equal this value the article gets
marked as hot.
- Default score to kill
articles (score_kill)
- Score of an article which should be killed, this must be <=
- Default score to
select articles (score_select)
- Score of an article which should be marked hot, this must be >=
- Number of lines to
scroll in pager (scroll_lines)
- The number of lines that will be scrolled up/down in the article pager
when using cursor-up/down. The default is 1 (line-by-line). Set to 0 to
get traditional tin page-by-page scrolling. Set to -1 to get
page-by-page scrolling where the top/bottom line is carried over onto the
next page. This setting supersedes show_last_line_prev_page=ON. Set to -2
to get half-page scrolling. This setting supersedes
- Format string for
the Selection level (select_format)
- Format string tin uses for Selection level representation. See the
"%f %n %U %G %d".
- In group and thread level, show
author by (show_author)
- Which information about the author should be shown. Default is 2, authors
full name.
- 0
- None, only the ''Subject:'' line will be displayed.
- 1
- Address, ''Subject:'' line & the address part of the ''From:''
line are displayed.
- 2
- Full Name, ''Subject:'' line & the authors full name part of
the ''From:'' line are displayed (default).
- 3
- Address and Name, ''Subject:'' line & all of the ''From:'' line
are displayed.
- Show description of
each newsgroup (show_description)
- If ON show a short group description text after newsgroup name at the
group selection level. The ''-d'' command-line flag will override
the setting and turn descriptions off. The text used is taken from the
${TIN_LIBDIR:-NEWSLIBDIR}/newsgroups file and if supported
(requires tin to be built with mh-mail-handling support) from
${TIN_HOMEDIR:-"$HOME"}/.tin/mailgroups for mailgroups.
Default is ON.
- Function for
sorting articles (sort_function)
- Function used for sorting articles. Default is 0.
- 0
- Use qsort(3) for sorting.
- 1
- Use heapsort(3) for sorting. This might be faster in large groups
with long threads (somewhat presorted data).
- Show help/mail sign in
level titles (show_help_mail_sign)
- Allows you to select whether tin shows a help indication, a new
mail indication, both, or neither in the various level titles. Default is
- 0
- Don't show help or mail sign.
- 1
- Show only help sign.
- 2
- Show only mail sign if new mail, show only the mail sign, and only
if new mail has arrived.
- 3
- Show mail if new mail else help s., show mail sign if new mail has
arrived otherwise show help sign.
- Show only unread
articles (show_only_unread_arts)
- If ON show only new/unread articles otherwise show all articles. Default
is ON.
- Show only groups with
unread arts (show_only_unread_groups)
- If ON show only subscribed groups that contain unread articles. Default is
- Display
signatures (show_signatures)
- If OFF don't show signatures when displaying articles. Default is ON.
- Display score
- If ON show article score in the lower left corner when displaying
articles. Default is OFF. See also col_score_neg and
- Prepend signature
with '\n-- \n' (sigdashes)
- If ON prepend the signature with sigdashes. Default is ON.
- Create signature from
path/command (sigfile)
- The path that specifies the signature file to use when posting, following
up to or replying to an article. If the path is a directory then the
signature will be randomly generated from files that are in the specified
directory. If the path starts with a ! the program the path points to will
be executed to generate a signature. In order to pass the group name to
the program, %G can be specified. This will be replaced by the name of the
current newsgroup. --none will suppress any signature. Default is
- Add signature when
reposting (signature_repost)
- If ON add signature to reposted articles. Default is ON.
- Regex used to
highlight /slashes/ (slashes_regex)
- A regular expression that will be applied when reading articles. All
matching words are shown in col_markslash or mono_markslash.
If slashes_regex is blank, then tin uses a built-in
- Sort articles by
- This specifies how articles should be sorted. Sort by ascending Date (6)
is the default. The following sort types are allowed:
- 0
- Nothing, don't sort articles.
- 1
- Subject: (descending), sort articles by ''Subject:'' field
- 2
- Subject: (ascending), sort articles by ''Subject:'' field
- 3
- From: (descending), sort articles by ''From:'' field
- 4
- From: (ascending), sort articles by ''From:'' field ascending.
- 5
- Date: (descending), sort articles by ''Date:'' field
- 6
- Date: (ascending), sort articles by ''Date:'' field ascending
- 7
- Score (descending), sort articles by filtering score
- 8
- Score (ascending), sort articles by filtering score ascending.
- 9
- Lines: (descending), sort articles by ''Lines:'' field
- 10
- Lines: (ascending), sort articles by ''Lines:'' field
- Sort threads by
- This specifies how threads will be sorted. Sort by descending Score (1) is
the default. The following sort types are allowed:
- 0
- Nothing, don't sort threads.
- 1
- Score (descending), sort threads by filtering score descending
- 2
- Score (ascending), sort threads by filtering score ascending.
- 3
- Last posting date (descending), sort threads by date of last
posting descending.
- 4
- Last posting date (ascending), sort threads by date of last posting
- Spamtrap warning
address parts (spamtrap_warning_addresses)
- Set this option to a list of comma-separated strings to be warned if you
are replying to an article by mail where the e-mail address contains one
of these strings. The matching is case-insensitive. Example:
- Regex used to
highlight *stars* (stars_regex)
- A regular expression that will be applied when reading articles. All
matching words are shown in col_markstar or mono_markstar.
If stars_regex is blank, then tin uses a built-in
- Strip blanks of end of
lines (strip_blanks)
- Strips the blanks from the end of each line therefore speeding up the
display when reading on a slow terminal or via modem. Default is ON.
- Remove bogus groups
from newsrc (strip_bogus)
- Bogus groups are groups that are present in your
${TIN_HOMEDIR:-"$HOME"}/.newsrc file that no longer exist
on the news server. There are 3 options. 0 means do nothing & always
keep bogus groups. 1 means bogus groups will be permanently removed. 2
means that bogus groups will appear on the Group Selection Menu, prefixed
with a 'D'. This allows you to unsubscribe from them as and when you wish.
Default is 0 (Always Keep).
- No unsubscribed groups in
newsrc (strip_newsrc)
- If ON, then unsubscribed groups will be permanently removed from your
${TIN_HOMEDIR:-"$HOME"}/.newsrc file. Default is
- Regex with Subject
prefixes (strip_re_regex)
- A regular expression to find Subject prefixes like "Re:" to
remove. If strip_re_regex is blank, then tin(1) uses a
built-in default.
- Regex with Subject
suffixes (strip_was_regex)
- A regular expression to find Subject suffixes like "(was:" to
remove. If strip_was_regex is blank, then tin(1) uses a
built-in default.
- Regex used to
highlight -strokes- (strokes_regex)
- A regular expression that will be applied when reading articles. All
matching words are shown in col_markstroke or
mono_markstroke. If strokes_regex is blank, then tin
uses a built-in default.
- Wrap around threads on next
unread (wrap_on_next_unread)
- If enabled a search for the next unread article will wrap around all
articles to find also previous unread articles. If disabled the search
stops at the end of the thread list. Default is ON.
- Display "a
as Umlaut-a (tex2iso_conv)
- If ON, show "a as Umlaut-a, etc. Default is OFF. This behavior can
also be toggled in the article viewer via PageToggleTex2iso
- Thread articles by
- Defines which threading method to use. It's possible to set the threading
type on a per group basis by setting the group attribute variable
thread_arts to 0 – 4 in the file
${TIN_HOMEDIR:-"$HOME"}/.tin/attributes. (See also
"GROUP ATTRIBUTES".) The default is Both Subject and References.
The choices are:
- 0
- None, don't thread.
- 1
- Subject, thread on ''Subject:'' only.
- 2
- References, thread on ''References:'' only.
- 3
- Both Subject and References, thread on ''References:'' then
''Subject:'' (default).
- 4
- Multipart Subject, thread multipart articles on ''Subject:''.
- 5
- Percentage Match, thread base upon a partial character match on
- Catchup thread by
using left key (thread_catchup_on_exit)
- If ON catchup group/thread when leaving with the left arrow key. Default
is ON.
- Format string for
the Thread level (thread_format)
- Format string tin uses for Thread level representation. See the
"%n %m [%L] %T %F".
- Matchingness
of a thread (thread_perc)
- How closely the subjects must match for two threads to be considered part
of the same thread. This is a percentage and the default if 75%.
- Score of a thread
- How the total score of a thread is computed. Default is 0, the maximum
score in this thread.
- 0
- Max, the maximum score in this thread.
- 1
- Sum, the sum of all scores in this thread.
- 2
- Average, the average score in this thread.
- CA certificate file
- The name of file containing all trusted CA certificates used for NNTPS
(RFC8143) connections. If left empty the system default will be
- Transliteration
- If ON append //TRANSLIT to the first argument of iconv_open(3) to
enable transliteration. This means that when a character cannot be
represented in the target character set, it can be approximated through
one or several similarly looking characters. On systems where this
extension doesn't exist, this option is disabled. Default is OFF.
- How to treat blank lines
- Allows you to select how tin treats blank lines in article bodies.
Default is 0. This option does not affect lines within verbatim
- 0
- Don't trim article body, do nothing.
- 1
- Skip leading blank lines.
- 2
- Skip trailing blank lines.
- 3
- Skip leading and trailing blank l., skip leading and trailing blank
- 4
- Compact multiple between text, replace multiple blank lines between
text blocks with one blank line.
- 5
- Compact multiple and skip leading, 4 + 1
- 6
- Compact multiple and skip trailing, 4 + 2
- 7
- Compact mltpl., skip lead. & trai., 4 + 3
- Suppress soft
hyphens (suppress_soft_hyphens)
- If ON remove soft hyphens in non verbatim blocks of articles in UTF-8 when
they are displayed in a UTF-8 locale. The character SOFT HYPHEN (U+00AD)
is an invisible format character that merely indicates a preferred
intraword line break position. However, some terminal emulators display a
space or a hyphen, for example, in the place of the soft hyphen. This
setting can be used to improve the display of those articles. Default is
- Regex used to
highlight _underline_ (underscores_regex)
- A regular expression that will be applied when reading articles. All
matching words are shown in col_markdash or mono_markdash.
If underscores_regex is blank, then tin uses a built-in
- Remove ~/.article
after posting (unlink_article)
- If ON remove ~/.article after posting. Default is ON.
- Program that opens
URLs (url_handler)
- The program that will be run when launching URLs in the article viewer
using PageViewUrl ('U'). The actual URL will be appended.
Default is
- URL highlighting in message
body (url_highlight)
- Enable highlighting URLs in message body. Default is ON.
- Use ANSI color
- If enabled tin uses ANSI-colors. Default is OFF.
- Use scroll keys on keypad
- Default is OFF.
- Use mouse in xterm
- Allows the mouse button support in an xterm(1x) to be
enabled/disabled. Default is OFF.
- Use slrnface to show
''X-Face:''s (use_slrnface)
- If enabled tin uses slrnface(1) to interpret the ''X-Face:''
header. For this option to have any effect, tin must be running in
an xterm(1x) and slrnface(1) must be in your $PATH.
Default is OFF.
- Use UTF-8 graphics
- If ON use UTF-8 characters for indicator ('->'), thread/attachment tree
and ellipsis ('...'). Default is OFF.
- Regex for begin of
a verbatim block (verbatim_begin_regex)
- A regular expression that tin will use to find the begin of a
verbatim block.
- Regex for end of a
verbatim block (verbatim_end_regex)
- A regular expression that tin will use to find the end of a
verbatim block.
- Detection of
verbatim blocks (verbatim_handling)
- If ON verbatim blocks will be detected. Default is ON.
- Wildcard matching
- Allows you to select how tin matches strings. The default is 0 and
uses the wildmat(3) notation, which is how this has traditionally
been handled. Setting this to 1 allows you to use perl(1)
compatible regular expressions pcre(3) or pcre2(3) (see also
perlre(1) and pcrepattern(3) or pcre2pattern(3)). You
will probably want to update your filter file if you use this regularly.
NB: Newsgroup names will always be matched using the wildmat(3)
- What to display instead of
mark (word_h_display_marks)
- Should the leading and ending stars, slashes, strokes and dashes also be
displayed, even when they are highlighting marks?
- 0
- no
- 1
- yes, display mark
- 2
- print a space instead
- Word highlighting in
message body (word_highlight)
- Enable word highlighting. See word_h_display_marks for the options
available. If use_color is enabled the colors specified in
col_markdash, col_markslash, col_markstar and
col_markstroke are used for word highlighting else the character
attributes specified in mono_markdash, mono_markslash,
mono_markstar and mono_markstroke are used. Default is
- Page line wrap column
- Sets the column at which a displayed article body should be wrapped. If
this value is equal to 0, it defaults to the current screen width. If this
value is greater than your current screen width the part off-screen is not
displayed. Thus setting this option to a large value can be used to
disable wrapping. If this value is negative the wrap margin is the current
screen width plus the given value (as long as the result is still
positive, otherwise it will fall back to the current screen width).
Default is 0, wrapping at the current screen width.
- Quote line when
crossposting (xpost_quote_format)
- Format is the same as for news_quote_format, this is used when
answering to a crossposting to several groups with no ''Followup-To:''
tin allows certain attributes to be set on a per group
basis. If it exists, the global attributes file,
${TIN_LIBDIR:-NEWSLIBDIR}/attributes is read. After that, the user's
own attributes file ${TIN_HOMEDIR:-"$HOME"}/.tin/attributes
is read. The global attributes file is useful for distributing system-wide
defaults to new users who have no private attributes file yet.
Note that the scope=<grouplist> line has to be
specified before the attributes are specified for that list. All attributes
are set to a reasonable default so you only have to specify the attribute
that you want to change (e.g., savedir). All toggle attributes are
set by specifying ON/OFF. Otherwise, these function exactly the same as
their global equivalents. For more details see tin(5).
Attributes can also be changed from the attributes menu which can
be accessed by ConfigToggleAttrib ('<TAB>') from the
options menu or ScopeSelect ('^J' or '<CR>') from
the scopes menu. The attributes menu looks and behaves very similar to the
options menu. The title shows the current scope. Attributes set in the
current scope are marked with '+' to the left of the attributes number.
Besides the keys for moving around and changing values known from
the options menu the attributes menu provides the following command:
ConfigResetAttrib ('r') which resets an attribute to a default
The scopes menu (accessible from the options menu with
ConfigScopeMenu ('S')) shows all scopes read from the global
and local attributes file. Scopes from the global attributes file are marked
with '!' to the left of the scope number. Delete/rename/move are not
possible with those scopes.
In addition to the common moving keys the following commands are
available: ScopeSelect ('^J' or '<CR>') enter the
attributes menu for the current scope, ScopeEditAttributesFile
('E') edit the local attributes file, ScopeAdd ('a')
add a new scope, ScopeDelete ('d') delete the current scope,
ScopeMove ('m') move the current scope to a new position,
ScopeRename ('r') rename the current scope.
ToggleHelpDisplay ('H') toggles the help mini menu at the
bottom of the screen and posting etiquette after composing an article
When there is a subject or an author which you are either very
interested in, or find completely uninteresting, you can easily instruct
tin to auto-select or auto-kill articles that match
rules that you specify. This can be anything from the name of the
author to the number of lines in an article.
When tin starts up the user's kill-file
${TIN_HOMEDIR:-"$HOME"}/.tin/filter (see also
tin(5)) is read. Each time a newsgroup is entered the rules are
applied and articles killed or selected when they meet certain criteria.
The degree to which rules are applied depend on the
kill_level tinrc setting. By default killed articles will only be
marked read. Adjust kill_level for more aggressive processing.
Articles that match an auto-selection rule are marked with a ''*''.
Filtering rules can be manually entered into
${TIN_HOMEDIR:-"$HOME"}/.tin/filter (but don't do this
whilst running tin else you will lose your changes) or by using an
on-screen menu within tin.
The filtering capabilities of tin have been significantly
enhanced over previous versions to include scoring and better pattern
matching. It is recommended that you read the file filtering in the
tin documentation directory. This file can also be read online at
The on-screen filtering menu is accessed by pressing
MenuFilterKill ('^K') or MenuFilterSelect ('^A')
at the Group and Article levels. It allows the user to kill or select an
article that matches the current ''Subject:'' line, ''From:'' line or a
string entered by the user. The user entered string can be applied to the
''Subject:'' or ''From:'' line of an article. The filter can be limited to
the current newsgroup or it can apply to all newsgroups. Once entered the
user can abort the command and not save the new filter, edit the full filter
file or save filter.
tin allows posting of articles, follow-up to already posted
articles and replying direct through mail to the author of an article.
Use the Post ('w') command to post an article to a
newsgroup. After entering the post subject the default editor (i.e.,
vi(1)) or the editor specified by the $VISUAL or
$EDITOR environment variable will be started and the article can be
entered. To crosspost articles simply add a comma and the name of the
newsgroup(s) to the end of the ''Newsgroups:'' line at the beginning of the
article. After saving and exiting the editor you are asked if you wish to
a)bort posting the article, e)dit the article again or p)ost the article to
the specified newsgroup(s).
Use the DisplayPostHist ('W') command to display a
history of the articles you have posted. The date the article was posted,
which newsgroups the article was posted to and the articles subject line are
displayed. See the section "POSTING HISTORY LISTING" for more
Use the PageFollowupQuote ('f'), PageFollowup
('F') or PageFollowupQuoteHeaders ('^W') command to
post a follow-up article to an already posted article. The
PageFollowupQuote command will copy the text of the original article
into the editor. The PageFollowupQuoteHeaders command will copy the
text and all headers of the original article into the editor. The editing
procedure is the same as when posting an article with the Post
('w') command.
Use the PageReplyQuote ('r'), PageReply
('R') or PageReplyQuoteHeaders ('^E') command to reply
direct through mail to the author of an already posted article. The
PageReplyQuote command will copy the text of the original article
into the editor. The PageReplyQuoteHeaders command will copy the text
and all headers of the original article into the editor. The editing
procedure is the same as when posting an article with the Post
('w') command. After saving and exiting the editor you are asked if
you wish to abort sending the article via PostAbort ('a'),
edit the article again via PostEdit ('e') or send the article
to the author via PostSend ('s').
When posting a followup to an article or replying direct to the
author of an article via email the text of the article can be quoted. The
beginning of the quoted text can contain information about the quoted
article (e.g., Name and the Message-ID of the article). To allow for
different situations certain information from the article can be used in the
quoted string. The following variables are expanded if found in the tinrc
variables mail_quote_format, news_quote_format or
%A Address (Email)
%D Date (uses date_format)
%F Full address (%N <%A>)
%G Groupname
%M Message-ID
%N Fullname of author
%C Firstname of author
%I Initials of author
mail_quote_format=On %D in %G you wrote:
news_quote_format=In %M, %F wrote:
would expand to:
On 21 Sep 1993 09:45:51 -0400 in alt.sources you wrote:
In <>, Joe Bar <> wrote:
The quoted text section of an article is marked by a preceding quote string at
the beginning of each quoted line. The default quote string is set to '>_'.
The default can be changed by setting the tinrc variable quote_chars to
ones own preference. (Note that '_' underline is used to represent a space).
The command interface to GroupMail, PageMail,
PostMail or ThreadMail ('m'), Pipe ('|'),
Print ('o'), PageRepost or GroupRepost
('x') and GroupSave, PageSave or ThreadSave
('s' and GroupAutoSave, PageAutoSave or
ThreadAutoSave 'S') articles is the same for ease of use.
Auto-saving with *AutoSave ('S') is a special case
and operates only on marked articles. They will processed without any
further prompting according to the default save parameters defined in tinrc
or by any attributes set for the current group.
Otherwise, the initial prompt will ask you to select which
article, thread, hot (auto-selected), regular expression pattern, tagged
articles you wish to mail, pipe etc.
Tagged articles must have already been tagged with a *Tag
('t') command. All tagged articles can be untagged by a *Untag
('U') untag command.
If a regular expression pattern is selected you are asked to enter
a pattern (e.g., to match all articles subject lines containing 'net News'
you enter "net News"). Any articles that match the entered
expression will be mailed, piped etc. See also the wildcard tinrc
variable for advanced pattern matching options.
Various expansion characters are recognized when entering the
directory and file to save to. Environment variables (prefixed with '$') and
user home directories (prefixed by '~' or '~username') can be specified.
Environment variables can themselves contain other special characters.
To save articles to a mailbox enter '=<mailbox name>' when
asked for the save filename. If you enter just '=' then articles will be
saved to a mailbox with the name of the current newsgroup (eg, alt.sources).
See maildir.
To save in savedir/<>/<filename> format
enter '+<filename>'. See savedir. Like '+' %G is expanded to
the current but without savedir prefixed. %P is
expanded to the with all '.' replaced by '/'.
If saving multiple files at once the filename (if not referring to
a mailbox) will be extended by ".num" where "num" is at
least 3 digit number counting up from 1. Environment variables are allowed
within a filename (e.g., $SOURCES/dir/filename).
When saving articles you can specify whether the saved files
should be post processed. A default process type can be set via
tin allows new/unread news articles to be mailed
(''-M'' and ''-N'' option) or saved (''-S'' option) in
batch mode for later reading. Useful when going on holiday and you don't
want to return and find that expire has removed a whole load of unread
articles. Best to run via cron(8) everyday while away, after which
you will be mailed a report of which articles were mailed/saved from which
newsgroups and the total number of articles mailed/saved. Articles are saved
in a private news structure under your savedir directory (default is
${TIN_HOMEDIR:-"$HOME"}/News). Be careful of using this
option if you read a lot of groups because you could overflow your file
When using ''-S'' together with a given directory to save
to (''-s'' option), the same directory must be specified when reading
the articles by ''-R''.
If you only want to save some of your groups use the
batch_save tinrc variable. Set to ON or OFF in tinrc to
enable/disable saving of all groups and then use the batch_save
attribute to fine tune which groups you want to have saved. For example, if
you want to save most of your groups, then set batch_save to ON in
tinrc and selectively turn off the ones you don't want using attributes.
- tin -M iain -c -f
- (mail any unread articles in newsgroups specified in file newsrc.mail to
the local user iain and mark them as read)
- tin -S -c -f
- (save any unread articles in newsgroups specified in file and
mark them as read)
- tin -R
- (read any articles saved by tin -S)
A range is simply a group of items marked using the
SetRange ('#') key. Certain tin commands will operate
on a range if one exists rather than just the current item. A range is an
expression of the form <min>–<max>, e.g. 10–15
will highlight items 10 through 15 on the current screen. Other than
absolute numeric positions, '.' can be used in place of the current cursor
position and '$' can be used to mean the highest number available. Entering
'0' at the prompt undoes the previously entered range selection. Currently
the only commands that understand ranges are GroupMarkThdRead
('K'), MarkArtUnread ('z') and MarkThdUnread
Several places in tin allow you to specify a list of
newsgroups. These include command-line groups, (un)subscribe groups, the
AUTO[UN]SUBSCRIBE mechanism. The scope= attributes file tag and the filter
file group= tag also use the same syntax. tin interprets this
variable similarly to rn(1). It contains a list of patterns,
separated by commas and possibly prefixed with exclamation points. An
exclamation point negates the meaning of a match on this pattern, and can be
used to cancel certain matches. See wildmat(3) for details about the
understood patterns. Some examples:
Matches alt.config and everything in the 'news' hierarchy except
See the explanation for the $AUTOSUBSCRIBE and
$AUTOUNSUBSCRIBE variables for further examples.
tin will recognize a signature in either
${TIN_HOMEDIR:-"$HOME"}/.signature or
${TIN_HOMEDIR:-"$HOME"}/.Sig. If
${TIN_HOMEDIR:-"$HOME"}/.signature exists, then the
signature will be pulled into the editor for mail commands only. A signature
in ${TIN_HOMEDIR:-"$HOME"}/.signature will not be pulled
into the editor for posting commands since inews(1) will append the
signature itself.
A signature in ${TIN_HOMEDIR:-"$HOME"}/.Sig will
be pulled into the editor for both posting and mailing commands.
The following is an example of a .Sig file:
NAMES Joe Bar <>
SNAIL Musterweg 12, 99999 Notreal, Germany
tin also has the capability to generate random signatures
on a per newsgroup basis if so desired. The way to accomplish this is to
specify the default signature or the group attribute sigfile as a directory.
If for example the sigfile path is /usr/iain/.sigs and .sigs
is a directory then tin will select a random signature from any file
that is in the directory .sigs (note: one signature per numbered
file). A random signature can also consist of a fixed part signature that
can contain your name, address etc. followed by the random sig. The fixed
part of the random sig is read from the file $HOME/.sigfixed.
The look of the Selection, Group and Thread level can be
customized via format strings. These format strings define the content and
the position of each element on the screen. Variables are used within the
format strings as placeholders. The following variables are available:
%D date
%F from, name and/or address
%G newsgroup name
%I initials
%L line count
%M message-id
%R number of responses in thread
%S score
%T thread tree
%U unread count
%d newsgroup description
%f newsgroup flag
%m article marks
%n current group/thread/article number
%s subject
%% %
Not all variables can be used in each level. The following table
provides an overview:
select_format group_format thread_format
%D X X
%F X X
%G X
%I X X
%L X X
%M X X
%R X
%S X X
%T X
%U X
%d X
%f X
%m X X
%n X X X
%s X
%% X X X
Defaults for the format strings:
select_format: "%f %n %U %G %d"
group_format: "%n %m %R %L %s %F"
thread_format: "%n %m [%L] %T %F"
show_description controls whether the newsgroup description
is shown or not. The description can also be toggled with
SelectToggleDescriptions ('d').
The information displayed with '%F' depends on the value of
show_author. GroupToggleSubjDisplay resp.
ThreadToggleSubjDisplay ('d') switches through all available
For date representation '%D' uses date_format. It is
possible to specify a different date format in round brackets (e.g. '%(%d
%b %y %H:%M)D'). See date_format for more details.
The length of each item (except '%%') can be defined with a
positive number after the '%'. The following example displays the
score in the thread level 10 characters wide: '%10S'.
If the newsgroup name is displayed together with the newsgroup
description, the width of the newsgroup name can be controlled via an
optional comma separated second value (e.g. '%60,20G'). It is valid
to omit the first value (e.g. ('%,20G')). If no second value is
given, tin uses a default value of 32.
Some variables do have a default width which may lead to
truncation. Truncation for variables which contain only numbers happens by
dividing the value with a sufficient power of ten and adding a SI suffix to
the result, that is the variable holds a value of 54321 and the width for
the variable is 4 the result will be "54 k". If that's undesired
you have to specify a larger width manually, e.g. '%6n'. Here is an
overview of the defaults:
Variable width
%I 3
%L 4
%M 10
%R 3
%S 6
%U 5
%n 4
If no length is given for '%D', the length is determined by
the format string for the date and the date of the current day. If the date
format string contains weekdays or months names it may happen that the date
is longer than determined in the first pass. In this case, the date is
truncated before display. This occurs, for example, if the current month is
May and the article to which the date is displayed was posted in December.
In such cases it might useful to determine the maximum length manually and
specify the length in the format string.
In case the format string contains '%G' and '%d' and
no length are given, tin determines the longest newsgroup name and
uses this length for '%G'. The remaining space will used for
When the format string contains the specifier '%F' and
'%s' resp. '%T' and no length are given, '%F' will use
one third and '%s' resp. '%T' will use two third of the
available space.
In addition, a minimum screen width can be defined for each item
(except '%%'). In this case, the item will only be displayed when the
screen is wider than specified. This comes in handy to not overload a small
screen but have maximum information on a large screen. The minimum screen
width has to be specified by a positive number preceded by an '>'.
In the following example tin will display the score only if the
screen is wider than 100 characters: '%>100S'.
If both the length and the minimum screen width should be
specified for an item, the length must be the first parameter and the
minimum screen width must be the second one. The following example displays
the score with a length of 10 characters only if the screen is wider than
100 characters: '%10>100S'.
The look of the Attachment level and the mime and uue header at
Page level can be customized too via format strings. The following variables
are available:
%C Charset
%c Like %C but with description
%D Line count
%d Like %D but with description
%E Content encoding
%e Like %E but with description
%I Complete/incomplete UUE part indicator
%L Language
%l Like %L but with description
%N Name
%n Like %N but with description
%S Content subtype
%s Like %S but with description
%T Content type
%t Like %T but with description
%Z Size in bytes
%z Like %Z but with description
%% %
Not all items can be used in each variable. The following table
provides an overview:
attachment_format page_mime_format page_uue_format
%C X X
%c X X
%D X X X
%d X X X
%E X X X
%e X X X
%I X
%L X X
%l X X
%N X X
%n X X
%S X X X
%s X X X
%T X X X
%t X X X
%Z X X X
%z X X X
%% X X X
By default, the string is not truncated. If it exceeds the screen
width, it is wrapped. If the % sign is followed by an exclamation mark ('!')
for uppercase letters, the element is omitted if there is not enough space.
If the % sign is followed by an asterisk ('*') for a lowercase letter, the
description is omitted if there is not enough space. If the % sign is
followed by an exclamation mark ('!') for a lowercase letter, the
description is omitted first and then the content. The shortening is always
from right to left, first the description is omitted and when no more
description is displayed, the content is omitted. If %T and %S follow each
other directly a '/' will be inserted in between. %Z will always have one
decimal point and may have a one letter bi-suffix.
Defaults for the format strings:
attachment_format: "%T%S%E%C%d"
page_mime_format: "[-- %T%S%*n%z%*l%!c%!d%*e --]"
page_uue_format: "[-- %T%S%*n%I%!d%*e --]"
tin can be pretty much be navigated by using the four
cursor keys. The left arrow key goes up a level, the right arrow key goes
down a level, the up arrow key goes up a line and the down arrow key goes
down a line.
The following newsgroups provide useful information concerning
news software:
— (info. about news user agents tin, rn, nn, slrn
etc.) — (info. about NNTP) —news.answers
(Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about many different themes)
Many prompts within tin offer a default choice that the
cursor is positioned on. By pressing '<CR>' the default value
is taken. Most prompts can be aborted by pressing '<ESC>'.
When tin is run in an xterm(1x) it will resize
itself each time the xterm(1x) is resized.
tin will reread the
at set intervals (reread_active_file_secs) to show any newly arrived
If you find large number of new newsgroups cluttering up your
screen, pressing SelectToggleReadDisplay ('r') will make them
go away.
If the environment variable $TERM is set to
xterm(1x), then button pressing can be used to select groups and
articles. In this discussion, the buttons are assumed to be assigned
conventionally (i.e., Button1 is the left button).
In general (i.e., for the group, thread and article menus),
- Button1 (left)
- enters next (lower) level if you click on an article, otherwise pages
- Button2
- returns to the previous (upper) level if you click on an article,
otherwise pages up.
- Button3 (right)
- positions on the article line under mouse cursor, or pages down if you've
clicked outside the list of articles.
In the group selection menu, if the mouse is pointing at a group
- left button
- moves to and selects the group pointed at, just like SelectReadGrp
- center button
- quits the program, just like Quit ('q').
- right button
- moves to the group pointed at.
In the article menu, if the mouse is pointing at an article (or
thread) then:
- left button
- reads the article pointed at, just like GroupReadBasenote
('<CR>'), or the thread, just like GroupListThd
- center button
- exits the menu, catching up on the group if you have
group_catchup_on_exit set in your configuration, just like
Quit ('q').
- right button
- moves to the article (or thread) pointed at.
In the thread menu, if the mouse is pointing at an article
- left button
- reads article pointed at, just like ThreadReadArt
- center button
- exits the menu, catching up on the thread if you have
thread_catchup_on_exit set in your configuration, just like
Quit ('q').
- right button
- moves to the article pointed at.
In other menus and areas button pressing reverts back to usual cut
and paste of xterm(1x), but after one click of any button.
If your news server supports NOV index files (see
newsoverview(5), most modern installations will) and you have a fast
connection to your news server then this section can be ignored.
If your news server doesn't support NOV index files or you have a
very slow connection to your news server then tin can cache the index
for each newsgroup if cache_overview_files is set to ON. Note that
this cache can use up large amounts of disk space if you read a lot of
groups and/or high traffic groups.
Each user creates/updates his/her own index files that are stored
If you are reading via NNTP then the news server name will be appended to
keep the indexes for different servers separate. If you are reading off the
local spool and local overview files already exist then turning on caching
will have no effect. Likewise unless you see significant delays entering a
group when reading via NNTP then turning on caching will have little or no
Entering a group the first time tends to be slow because the index
file must be built from scratch. To alleviate the slowness start tin
to create all index files for the groups you subscribe to with tin -u
-v and go for a coffee. Subsequent readings of a group will only need to
do incremental updating of the index file and will be much faster as only
new articles will need to be cached.
As indexing might take some time you may want to run tin
from the system batcher cron(8) with the ''-u'' option:
30 6 * * * /usr/local/bin/tin -u
If you are low on local disk space you should consider to manually
purge cached data for groups you are not reading anymore with something
find ${TIN_INDEX_NEWSDIR:-"${TIN_HOMEDIR:-"$HOME"}/.tin"}/.news* \
-type f -name "[0-9]*.[0-9]" -atime +28 | xargs rm -f
For a detailed description see tin(5).
elm(1), emacs(1), gpg(1), inews(1),
ispell(1), lp(1), lpr(1), metamail(1),
mutt(1), noffle(1), perl(1), perlre(1),
pgp(1), rn(1), sendmail(1), shar(1),
slrnface(1), tass(1), unshar(1), uudecode(1),
vi(1), xterm(1x), heapsort(3), iconv(3),
iconv_open(3), nl_langinfo(3), pcre(3),
pcre2(3), pcrepattern(3), pcre2pattern(3),
qsort(3), snprintf(3), strftime(3),
vsnprintf(3), wildmat(3), environ(5), locale(5),
mailcap(5), mbox(5), mmdf(5), newsoverview(5),
tin(5), cron(8), RFC1345, RFC1524,
RFC2045, RFC2046, RFC2047, RFC2048,
RFC2231, RFC2980, RFC3156, RFC3977,
RFC4155, RFC4643, RFC4880, RFC5322,
RFC5536, RFC5537, RFC6048, RFC8054,