TFF_CONVERT_DSI_STUDIO.PY(1) | User Commands | TFF_CONVERT_DSI_STUDIO.PY(1) | - fix DSI-Studio TRK file
usage: [-h] [--remove_invalid | --keep_invalid] [-f]
This script is made to fix DSI-Studio TRK file (unknown space/convention) to make it compatible with TrackVis, MI-Brain, Dipy Horizon (Stateful Tractogram).
The script either make it match with an anatomy from DSI-Studio.
This script was tested on various datasets and worked on all of them. However, always verify the results and if a specific case does not work. Open an issue on the Scilpy GitHub repository.
WARNING: This script is still experimental, DSI-Studio evolves quickly and results may vary depending on the data itself as well as DSI-studio version.
January 2024 | 0.2.9 |