teem-miter(1) User Commands teem-miter(1)

teem-miter - A simple but effective little volume renderer

teem-miter [@file ...] [-i <nsin>] [-vi <nvin>] [-ti <ntin>] \fR

-txf <nin ...> -fr <eye pos> [-at <at pos>] [-up <up dir>] [-rh] [-or] \

-dn <near> -di <image> -df <far> [-ar] [-ur <uMin uMax>] [-vr <vMin \

vMax>] [-fv <field of view>] [-offfr] [-ffr <fake from>] \ [-turn <angle>] [-am <ambient>] [-ld <light pos>] [-is <image size>] \ [-iss <scale>] [-ads <ka kd ks>] [-sp <spec pow>] [-k00 <kernel>] \ [-k11 <kernel>] [-k22 <kernel>] [-ss <shading spec>] [-ns <normal \ spec>] [-side <normal side>] [-rn] [-gmc <min gradmag>] [-step <size>] \ [-ref <size>] [-vp <verbose pixel>] [-n1 <near1>] [-nt <# threads>] \ -o <filename>
@file ... = response file(s) containing command-line arguments -i <nsin> = input scalar volume to render (nrrd); default: ""

-vi <nvin> = input vector volume to render (nrrd); default: ""

-ti <ntin> = input tensor volume to render (nrrd); default: ""

-txf <nin ...> = one or more transfer functions (1 or more nrrds)

-fr <eye pos> = camera eye point (3 doubles)

-at <at pos> = camera look-at point (3 doubles); default: "0 0 0"

-up <up dir> = camera pseudo-up vector (3 doubles); default: "0 0 1"

-rh = use a right-handed UVN frame (V points down) -or = orthogonal (not perspective) projection

-dn <near> = distance to near clipping plane (double)

-di <image> = distance to image plane (double)

-df <far> = distance to far clipping plane (double)

-ar = near, image, and far plane distances are relative to the
*at* point, instead of the eye point

-ur <uMin uMax> = range in U direction of image plane (2 doubles)

-vr <vMin vMax> = range in V direction of image plane (2 doubles)

-fv <field of view> = angle (in degrees) vertically subtended by view window

(double); default: "20"
-offfr = the given eye point ("-fr") is to be interpreted as an
offset from the at point.
By default (not using this option), the point used is the normally specified camera eye point. (3 doubles)
true up, for making stereo pairs. Positive means move towards positive U (the right) (double); default: "0.0"

-am <ambient> = ambient light color (3 floats); default: "1 1 1"

(3 floats); default: "0 0 -1"

-is <image size> = image dimensions (2 ints); default: "256 256"

default: "1.0"

-ads <ka kd ks> = phong components (3 floats); default: "0.1 0.6 0.3"

-sp <spec pow> = phong specular power (double); default: "30"

default: "tent"
default: "cubicd:1,0"
default: "cubicdd:1,0"
default: "phong:gage(scalar:n)"
(string); default: ""

-side <normal side> = how to interpret gradients as normals:

??o "1": normal points to lower values (higher == more "inside") ??o "0": "two-sided": dot-products are abs()'d ??o "-1": normal points to higher values (lower == more "inside") (int) default: "1"
-rn = renormalize kernel weights at each new sample location.
"Accurate" kernels don't need this; doing it always makes things go slower
zero when gradient magnitude is below this (double); default: "0.0"
default: "0.01"
correction in compositing (double); default: "0.01"

-vp <verbose pixel> = pixel for which to turn on verbose messages (2 ints);

default: "-1 -1"
default: "0.99"

-nt <# threads> = number of threads hoover should use (int); default: "1"

-o <filename> = file to write output nrrd to (string)

The full documentation for teem-miter is maintained as a Texinfo manual. If the info and teem-miter programs are properly installed at your site, the command

info teem-miter

should give you access to the complete manual.

December 10, 2008 1.10.0