sphinx-x11(1) simple script interpreter for integrating password managers with X11 sphinx-x11(1)

sphinx-x11 - simple script interpreter for integrating password managers with X11

sphinx-x11(1) is a simple “script” language interpreter that integrates the SPHINX CLI with X11.

All sphinx-x11(1) scripts expect a username and a hostname as the first and second parameter respectively.

type "text...": types the text into the currently focused X11 window.
wait-for-click: waits until the user clicks anywhere.
user: types the username - usually given as the first parameter to the sphinx-script - into the currently focused X11 window.
host: types the hostname - usually given as the second parameter to the sphinx-script - into the currently focused X11 window.
pwd: gets a password using getpwd(1) and sphinx(1), and types it into the currently focused X11 window.
otp: gets a TOTP secret stored in sphinx(1) using getpwd(1) and generates the TOTP pin using oathtool(1), which is then typed into the currently focused X11 window.
tab: types a tabulator into the current X11 window, possibly advancing between form-fields.
enter: sends an enter key press to the currently focused X11 window, possibly submitting a form.
gethost: waits for a left mouse-click on a browser window, and then copies the URL from the urlbar into the clipboard, and then strips it down to the hostname and sets an internal “$host” variable that can then be used with host or pwd.
getuser dispatches a sphinx list $host and if more than one user is returned, offers them in a dmenu widget, if/when one user is found/selected it is set as an internal $user variable which can then used for verbs like user or pwd.

Any lines not consisting of these tokens are simply ignored.

In this interpreter/implementation a TOTP value is assumed to be stored with a username prefixed with otp://, so that a regular login name can co-exist with the according TOTP secret in sphinx.

For example in a common 2FA login the first pwd operation uses e.g. joe as a username and then for the TOTP value it uses otp://joe as the username, which allows for seamless 2FA login.

sphinx-x11(1) comes with 5 default sphinx-scripts (note on debian and derivates instead of a .sphinx extension they have a sx11- prefix):

pass.sphinx : gets a password using sphinx(1), types it and submits it.
user-pass.sphinx : gets a password using sphinx(1), types the user, then the password and submits it.
user-pass-otp.sphinx : gets a password, and a TOTP pin code using sphinx(1), first types the username, then the password, then submits the form, and finally enters the TOTP pin and submits that as well.
otp.sphinx : gets a TOTP pin code using sphinx(1) and types and submits it.
getacc-user-pass.sphinx: waits for a click on a browser window, from with it gets the target host value, then using that uses sphinx list to get the users associated with this host, and if one is selected, waits for another click in the user input field of a login form, then gets a password using sphinx(1), types the user, then the password and submits it.

Each of these scripts waits for the user to click, then they retrieve the relevant password (and/or TOTP token) before inserting it into the form fields, navigating between them with tab and enter. You are welcome to contribute adapted sphinx-scripts for websites that have other login semantics.

As an example the user-pass-otp.sphinx script is explained below:


The first line specifies sphinx-x11(1) as the interpreter. The script itself then waits for the user to click (line 3), then in line 4 inserts the user - which is specified as the first parameter to this script. Line 5 injects a tab so the next form field is selected. Then pwdsphinx/getpwd is used to get the password for user and host - the host being the 2nd parameter to this script. enter is used to submit this form in line 8. Since this is a new form the script waits (line 9) for the user to click in the field where the TOTP value needs to be inserted. Then in line 10 the TOTP value is queried using pwdsphinx/getpwd, and finally in the last line the TOTP value is submitted by injecting enter into the application.


Written by Stefan Marsiske.

Copyright © 2023 Stefan Marsiske. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <https://gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>. This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.

sphinx(1), type-pwd(1), exec-on-click(1), getpwd(1)