sur - subtle user repository
sur is the subtle user repository and a manager for
sublets in a rubygems like fashion.
The main goal of sur is to help the user managing sublets
and to have a central point where new sublets can be found. Addionally
sur has some capabilities to create and test sublets.
- sur annotate NAME [-v VERSION|-h]
Mark a sublet as to be reviewed
- sur build SPEC
Create a sublet package
- sur config NAME
Show available config settings of a sublet
- sur fetch NAME
Download sublet to current directory
- sur help
Show this help and exit
- sur grabs NAME
Show available grabs provided by a sublet
- sur info NAME
Show info about an installed sublet
- sur install NAME [-R|-t|-v VERSION|-h]
Install a sublet
- sur list [-l|-r|-h]
List local/remote sublets
- sur notes NAME
Show notes about a sublet
- sur query NAME [-e|-l|-r|-t|-v VERSION|-h]
Query for a sublet (e.g clock, clock -v 0.3)
- sur reorder
Reorder installed sublets for loading order
- sur server [-p PORT|-h]
Serve sublets (default: http://localhost:4567)
- sur submit FILE
Submit a sublet to SUR
- sur template FILE
Create a new sublet template in current dir
- sur test NAME [-C VALUE|-h]
Test given sublets for syntax and functionality
- sur uninstall NAME [-R|-t|-v VERSION|-h]
Uninstall a sublet
- sur unpack NAME [-t|-v VERSION|-h]
Unpack a sublet in current directory
- sur update [-l|-r|-h]
Update local/remote sublet cache
- sur upgrade [-R|-y|-h]
Upgrade all installed sublets
- sur version
Show version info and exit
- sur yank NAME
Delete sublet from server
- annotate NAME [-v VERSION|-h]
-v, --version VERSION Annotate a specific version
-h, --help Show this help and exit
- fetch NAME [-t|-v VERSION|-h]
-t, --tags Include tags in search
-v, --version VERSION Annotate a specific version
-h, --help Show this help and exit
- install NAME [-R|-t|-v VERSION|-h]
-R, --reload Reload sublets after installing
-t, --tags Include tags in search
-v, --version VERSION Search for a specific version
-h, --help Show this help and exit
- list [-l|-r|-h]
-l, --local Select local repository (default)
-r, --remote Select remote repository
-h, --help Show this help and exit
- query NAME [-e|-l|-r|-t|-v VERSION|-h]
-e, --regex Use regex for query
-l, --local Select local repository (default)
-r, --remote Select remote repository
-t, --tags Include tags in search
-v, --version VERSION Search for a specific version
-h, --help Show this help and exit
- server [-p PORT|-h]
-p, --port Select a specific port
-h, --help Show this help and exit
- test NAME [-C VALUE|-h]
-C, --config VALUE Add config value (can be used multiple
-h, --help Show this help and exit
- unpack NAME [-t|-v VERSION|-h]
-t, --tag Search for a specific tag
-v, --version VERSION Search for a specific version
-h, --help Show this help and exit
- uninstall NAME [-R|-t|-v VERSION|-h]
-R, --reload Reload sublets after installing
-t, --tag Search for a specific tag
-v, --version VERSION Search for a specific version
-h, --help Show this help and exit
- update [-l|-r|-h]
-l, --local Select local repository (default)
-r, --remote Select remote repository
-h, --help Show this help and exit
- upgrade [-R|-y|-h]
-R, --reload Reload sublets after upgrading
-y, --yes Assume yes to questions
-h, --help Show this help and exit
sur install clock
sur query -r clock
sur uninstall -v 0.1 clock
In order to create a sublet, you need to create a specifiction
which basically contains some information about your sublet.
Here is a list of known attributes:
- •
- name
Name of the sublet
- Example: = "Sublet"
- •
- version
Version of the sublet
- Example: spec.version = "0.1"
- •
- tags
List of tags to categorize the sublet
- Example: spec.tags = [ "Broken" ]
- •
- files
List of files in the sublet
- Example: spec.files = [ "sublet.rb" ]
- •
- icons
List of supplied icons
- Example: spec.icons = [ "icon.xbm" ]
- •
- description
Description of the sublet
- Example: spec.description = "A shiny new sublet"
- •
- notes
Longer description of the sublet
- Example: spec.notes = <<NOTES
"This sublet is just a dummy, have fun with it!"
- •
- authors
List of authors of the sublet in case there are more than one
- Example: spec.authors = [ "You" ]
- •
- contact
Contact mail address
- Example: = ""
- •
- date
Date of creation
- Example: = "Sat Sep 13 19:00 CET 2008"
- •
- config
Description of config settings
- Example: spec.config = [
:name => "format_string",
:type => "string",
:description => "Format of the clock (man date)" },
:def_value => "Default value"
- }
- •
- grabs
Description of grabs
- Example: spec.grabs = [
:SubletTest => "Test grab",
- }
- •
- required_version
Required version of subtle
- Example: spec.required_version = "0.9.10"
- •
- add_dependency(name, version)
Add a gem dependency
- Example: spec.add_dependency("a_gem",
If you use the template command sur will create an
empty template with a spec file.
Report bugs at
Copyright (c) Christoph Kappel
surserver(1), subtle(1), subtler(1), subtlext(1)