sup-psych-ify-config-files - migrate Sup configuration


YAML migration is deprecated by Ruby 2.1 and newer.

If sup-psych-ify-config-files is executed by Ruby <= 2.0 it migrates the $HOME/.sup/sources.yaml configuration file by reading it with the SYCK YAML parser and emitting the results with the Psych YAML emitter.

Read more on the Sup wiki

Sup configuration file
Configuration file for Sup mail sources

sup(1), sup-add(1), sup-config(1), sup-dump(1)

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Copyright © 2006-2009 William Morgan <>

Copyright @ 2013-2014 Sup developers

Permission is granted to copy and distribute this manual under the terms of the GNU General Public License; either version 2 or (at your option) any later version.

Sup was originally written by William Morgan <> and is now developed and maintained by the Sup developers.

September 3, 2014 Sup User Manual