SUBLONG(1) User Commands SUBLONG(1)

sublong - toolkit for processing next-gen sequencing data

Please specify the input, output files and the index.

Sublong v2.0.4


./sublong [options] -i <index_name> -r <input> -o <output>

## Mandatory arguments:

Base name of the index. The index must be built as a full index and has only one block.
Name of an input read file. Acceptable formats include gzipped FASTQ and FASTQ (automatically identified).
Name of an output file in BAM format.

## Optional arguments: # input reads and output

Save mapping results in SAM format.

# number of CPU threads

Number of CPU threads used. 1 by default.

# others

Output version of the program.
Turn on the RNA-seq mode.

Refer to Users Manual for detailed description to the arguments.

This manpage was written by Alexandre Mestiashvili for the Debian distribution and
can be used for any other usage of the program.

March 2023 sublong 2.0.3