stl_threads - stl_threads outputs an STL file with male or female threads per the ISO metric screw thread standard.

stl_threads outputs an STL file with male or female threads per the ISO metric screw thread standard.

usage: stl_threads [ -f ] [ -D <diameter> ] [ -P <pitch> ] [ -a <angle> ]

[ -h <height> ] [ -s <segments> ] <output file>
Outputs an stl file with male or female screw threads per the ISO metric screw thread standard (

-f - Outputs female threads (defaults to male).

-D <diameter> - Changes to major diameter of the threads.

-P <pitch> - Changes the height of a single thread, aka the pitch per the

ISO metric standard.

-h <height> - Changes the total height of the threads.

-a <angle> - Changes the thread angle (degrees). The standard (and default)

is 60 degrees. For 3D printing this can cause overhang issues as 60 degrees results in a 30 degree angle with the ground plane. Setting to 90 degrees results in a 45 degree angle with the ground plane.
segments yields finer resolution. <segments> is the number of segments to approximate a circle. Defaults to 72 (every 5 degrees).
outer diameter. Must be greater than <diameter>.
March 2020 stl_threads v1.1