stacctl - STorage Appliance Connector (STAC) utility program

stacctl [OPTIONS...] {COMMAND} [OPTIONS...]

stacctl is a tool that can be used to communicate with the stacd(8) daemon to retrieve operational data.

The following commands are understood:


Trace ON. Enable code tracing, which is to say that lots of debug information will be printed to the syslog (e.g. systemd-journal).


Trace OFF. Disable code tracing.


Show runtime status information.


Show the list of I/O controllers. This will list all the I/O controllers configured in stacd.conf(5) as well as those discovered by the stafd(8) daemon.

The following options are understood:

-h, --help

Print the help text and exit.


Print the version string and exit.

-d, --detailed

Print additional details.

On success, 0 is returned; otherwise, a non-zero failure code is returned.

Example 1. List I/O controllers

$ stacctl ls --detailed
[{'connect attempts': 0,
  'device': 'nvme1',
  'host-iface': '',
  'host-traddr': '',
  'hostid': '3e518ec3-72ec-46a5-a603-2510e3140e29',
  'hostnqn': '',
  'model': 'Linux',
  'retry connect timer': '60.0s [off]',
  'serial': '8d22fa96da912fb13f5a',
  'subsysnqn': '',
  'traddr': '::1',
  'transport': 'tcp',
  'trsvcid': '8009'},
 {'connect attempts': 0,
  'device': 'nvme2',
  'host-iface': '',
  'host-traddr': '',
  'hostid': '3e518ec3-72ec-46a5-a603-2510e3140e29',
  'hostnqn': '',
  'model': 'Linux',
  'retry connect timer': '60.0s [off]',
  'serial': 'a9987ae2fd173d100fd0',
  'subsysnqn': '',
  'traddr': '::1',
  'transport': 'tcp',
  'trsvcid': '8009'},
 {'connect attempts': 0,
  'device': 'nvme3',
  'host-iface': '',
  'host-traddr': '',
  'hostid': '3e518ec3-72ec-46a5-a603-2510e3140e29',
  'hostnqn': '',
  'model': 'Linux',
  'retry connect timer': '60.0s [off]',
  'serial': '13e122f1a8122bed5a8d',
  'subsysnqn': '',
  'traddr': '::1',
  'transport': 'tcp',
  'trsvcid': '8009'}]

Example 2. Disable tracing

$ stacctl troff

Example 3.  Show stacd(8) operational status.

$ stacctl status
{'config soak timer': '1.5s [off]',
 'controllers': [{'connect attempts': 0,
                  'device': 'nvme1',
                  'host-iface': '',
                  'host-traddr': '',
                  'hostid': '3e518ec3-72ec-46a5-a603-2510e3140e29',
                  'hostnqn': '',
                  'model': 'Linux',
                  'retry connect timer': '60.0s [off]',
                  'serial': '8d22fa96da912fb13f5a',
                  'subsysnqn': '',
                  'traddr': '::1',
                  'transport': 'tcp',
                  'trsvcid': '8009'},
                 {'connect attempts': 0,
                  'device': 'nvme2',
                  'host-iface': '',
                  'host-traddr': '',
                  'hostid': '3e518ec3-72ec-46a5-a603-2510e3140e29',
                  'hostnqn': '',
                  'model': 'Linux',
                  'retry connect timer': '60.0s [off]',
                  'serial': 'a9987ae2fd173d100fd0',
                  'subsysnqn': '',
                  'traddr': '::1',
                  'transport': 'tcp',
                  'trsvcid': '8009'},
                 {'connect attempts': 0,
                  'device': 'nvme3',
                  'host-iface': '',
                  'host-traddr': '',
                  'hostid': '3e518ec3-72ec-46a5-a603-2510e3140e29',
                  'hostnqn': '',
                  'model': 'Linux',
                  'retry connect timer': '60.0s [off]',
                  'serial': '13e122f1a8122bed5a8d',
                  'subsysnqn': '',
                  'traddr': '::1',
                  'transport': 'tcp',
                  'trsvcid': '8009'}],
 'log-level': 'DEBUG',
 'tron': True}

stacd.conf(5), stacd(8) ()

nvme-stas 2.3.1