LS(1) User Commands LS(1)

st-status - a Swift-tools command

st-status [OPTION]...

st-status Show Swift cluster status


Active all options


Print human-readable result in base 2 unit (kiB, MiB...)


Format output as json


Show cluster state


Show cluster state reason


Show servers NTP drift


Validate server in the swift ring


Show unmounted or unknown state drives


Show disk usage for object ring


Show disk filling for object ring

[--disk-fmin] DISK_FMIN

Display Node/device filling < DISK_FMIN

[--disk-fmax] DISK_FMAX

Display Node/device filling > DISK_FMAX


Show object ring deviation

This is released under the Apache-2.0 license.

Philippe SERAPHIN <philippe.seraphin at infomaniak dot com>
Thomas GOIRAND <zigo at debian dot org>



December 2023 Swift-tools