SS-MANAGER(1) Shadowsocks-libev Manual SS-MANAGER(1)

ss-manager - ss-server controller for multi-user management and traffic statistics

ss-manager [-AuUv] [-h|--help] [-s <server_host>] [-p <server_port>] [-l <local_port>] [-k <password>] [-m <encrypt_method>] [-f <pid_file>] [-t <timeout>] [-c <config_file>] [-i <interface>] [-b <local_addr>] [-a <user_name>] [-D <path>] [--manager-address <path_to_unix_domain>] [--executable <path_to_server_executable>] [--fast-open] [--reuse-port] [--plugin <plugin_name>] [--plugin-opts <plugin_options>]

Shadowsocks-libev is a lightweight and secure socks5 proxy. It is a port of the original shadowsocks created by clowwindy. Shadowsocks-libev is written in pure C and takes advantage of libev to achieve both high performance and low resource consumption.

Shadowsocks-libev consists of five components. ss-manager(1) is a controller for multi-user management and traffic statistics, using UNIX domain socket to talk with ss-server(1). Also, it provides a UNIX domain socket or IP based API for other software. About the details of this API, please refer to the following PROTOCOL section.

-s <server_host>

Set the server’s hostname or IP.

-k <password>

Set the password. The server and the client should use the same password.

-m <encrypt_method>

Set the cipher.

Shadowsocks-libev accepts 19 different ciphers:

aes-128-gcm, aes-192-gcm, aes-256-gcm, rc4-md5, aes-128-cfb, aes-192-cfb, aes-256-cfb, aes-128-ctr, aes-192-ctr, aes-256-ctr, bf-cfb, camellia-128-cfb, camellia-192-cfb, camellia-256-cfb, chacha20-ietf-poly1305, xchacha20-ietf-poly1305, salsa20, chacha20 and chacha20-ietf.

The default cipher is chacha20-ietf-poly1305.

If built with PolarSSL or custom OpenSSL libraries, some of these ciphers may not work.

-a <user_name>

Run as a specific user.

-f <pid_file>

Start shadowsocks as a daemon with specific pid file.

-t <timeout>

Set the socket timeout in seconds. The default value is 60.

-c <config_file>

Use a configuration file.

You may use "port_password" field inside this configuration file to bring up multiple ss-server instances together.

-i <interface>

Send traffic through specific network interface.

For example, there are three interfaces in your device, which is lo (, eth0 ( and eth1 ( Meanwhile, you configure ss-local to listen on and bind to eth1. That results the traffic go out through eth1, but not lo nor eth0. This option is useful to control traffic in multi-interface environment.


Enable UDP relay.


Enable UDP relay and disable TCP relay.


Enable onetime authentication.

-d <addr>

Setup name servers for internal DNS resolver (libc-ares). The default server is fetched from /etc/resolv.conf.


Enable TCP fast open.

Only available with Linux kernel > 3.7.0.


Enable port reuse.

Only available with Linux kernel > 3.9.0.

--acl <acl_config>

Enable ACL (Access Control List) and specify config file.

--manager-address <path_to_unix_domain>

Specify UNIX domain socket address for the communication between ss-manager(1) and ss-server(1).

Only available in server and manager mode.

--executable <path_to_server_executable>

Specify the executable path of ss-server.

Only available in manager mode.

--executable <path_to_server_executable>

Specify the working directory of ss-manager.

Only available in manager mode.

--plugin <plugin_name>

Enable SIP003 plugin. (Experimental)

--plugin-opts <plugin_options>

Set SIP003 plugin options. (Experimental)


Enable verbose mode.


Print help message.

ss-manager(1) provides several APIs through UDP protocol:

Send UDP commands in the following format to the manager-address provided to ss-manager(1):

command: [JSON data]

To add a port:

add: {"server_port": 8001, "password":"7cd308cc059"}

To remove a port:

remove: {"server_port": 8001}

To receive the traffic statistics:


The format of the traffic statistics:

stat: {"8001":11370}

There is no way to reset the traffic statistics, unless you remove the port and add it again

To use ss-manager(1), First start it and specify necessary information.

Then communicate with ss-manager(1) through UNIX Domain Socket using UDP protocol:

# Start the manager. Arguments for ss-server will be passed to generated
# ss-server process(es) respectively.
ss-manager --manager-address /tmp/manager.sock --executable $(which ss-server) -s -m aes-256-cfb -c /path/to/config.json
# Connect to the socket. Using netcat-openbsd as an example.
# You should use scripts or other programs for further management.
nc -Uu /tmp/manager.sock

After that, you may communicate with ss-manager(1) as described above in the PROTOCOL section.

ss-local(1), ss-server(1), ss-tunnel(1), ss-redir(1), shadowsocks-libev(8), iptables(8), /etc/shadowsocks-libev/config.json

04/16/2024 Shadowsocks-libev 3.3.5