sqlformat - reformat SQL

sqlformat [ OPTION ] ... [ FILE ] ...

The `sqlformat' command-line tool can be used to reformat SQL file according to specified options or prepare a snippet in in some programming language (only Python and PHP currently supported). Use "-" for FILE to read from stdin.

Change case of identifiers. FORMAT is one of "upper", "lower", "capitalize".
Change case of keywords. FORMAT is one of "upper", "lower", "capitalize".
Output a snippet in programming language LANG. LANG can be "python", "php".
Write output to FILE (defaults to stdout).
Reindent statements.
Set indent width to INDENT_WIDTH. Default is 2 spaces.
The column limit for wrapping comma-separated lists. If unspecified, it puts every item in the list on its own line.
Remove comments.
Print a short help message and exit. All subsequent options are ignored.
Verbose output.
Print program's version number and exit.

This man page was written by Andriy Senkovych <jolly_roger@itblog.org.ua>

December 2010 python-sqlparse version: 0.1.2