SNMPSIMD(1) General Commands Manual SNMPSIMD(1)

snmpsimdSNMP Agents Simulation tool

snmpsimd [--help] [...]

snmpsimd responds to SNMP requests, variate responses based on transport addresses, SNMP community name or SNMPv3 context name. It needs to be feeded with data files that could be generated by either snmprec(1) or snmpsim-mib2dev(1). snmpsimd can implement highly complex behavior through variation modules.

snmprec(1), snmpsim-datafile(1), snmpsim-mib2dev(1).

For more documentation about snmpsimd, have a look at /usr/share/doc/snmpsim/README.txt and Simulating agents.

July 28, 2013 Debian