slim(1) slim(1)
" Text automatically generated by txt2man-1.4.7

slim - Simple LogIn Manager

slim [options] [<arguments>]

SLiM is a lightweight login manager for X11, allowing the initialization of a graphical session by entring username and password in a login screen.

run as a daemon
display a preview of the theme. An already running X11 session is required for theme preview.
display a brief help message
display version information

run slim in daemon mode
preview of the default theme

Please refer to documentation of your Operating System to make slim automatically startup after the system boots.

Global configuration is stored in the /etc/slim.conf file. See the comments inside the file for a detailed explanation of the options.

When started, slim will show a login panel; enter the username and password of the user you want to login as.

Special usernames:

open a xterm console
quit slim
shutdown the machine
reboot the machine
power-suspend the machine

See the configuration file for customizing the above commands. The 'halt' and 'reboot' commands need the root password, this may change in future releases.


executes a custom command (by default takes a screenshot)
choose session type (see configuration file and xinitrc.sample)

Simone Rota <>

Johannes Winkelmann <>

See the online documentation at the SLiM web site for further information on themes, FAQs, etc.

January 9, 2006