SGA2BED(1) User Commands SGA2BED(1)

sga2bed - Convert SGA format into BED format

sga2bed [options] [<] <SGA file|stdin>

- version 1.5.5 where options are:
Produce Debug information
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Use <path> to locate the chr_NC_gi file [default is: $HOME/db/genome]
Set Read length <len> Unoriented SGA files are extended by +/-<len>/2
Normalisation factor for BED score field (5th) [score=1]
<normf> Normalisation factor for BED score field (7th) [normf=1]
Fields are specified by column numbers Accepted BED field values are 4, 5, and 7 Except BED field 5 (score field), BED fields 4 and 7 can be used to set multiple extension values from SGA Fields 5 and 7 convert into numerical values whereas BED field 4 takes character strings as they are
BED format without annotation track header lines
Expand SGA lines into multiple BED lines
Set name for track name field [def. name=SGA-feature]
Set track description field [def. desc="ChIP-Seq Custom data"]
Define the track color in comma-separated RGB values [def. 100,100,100]
Convert SGA format into BED format.

This manpage was written by Andreas Tille for the Debian distribution and
can be used for any other usage of the program.

March 2020 sga2bed 1.5.5