SEQTK(1) User Commands SEQTK(1)

seqtk - sampling, trimming, fastq2fasta, subsequence, reverse complement

seqtk <command> <arguments>

Currently, seqtk supports quality based trimming with the phred algorithm, converting fastq to fasta, reverse complementing sequences, extracting or masking subsequences in regions given in a BED/name list file, and more. It contains a subsampling module to sample exactly n sequences or a fraction of sequences.

Seqtk supports both fasta and fastq input files, which can be optionally gzip compressed.

Command: seq common transformation of FASTA/Q

get the nucleotide composition of FASTA/Q
subsample sequences
extract subsequences from FASTA/Q
trim FASTQ using the Phred algorithm
regional heterozygosity
point mutate FASTA at specified positions
merge two FASTA/Q files
choose a random base from hets
cut sequence at long N
extract the position of each het
February 2014 seqtk 1.0