scrun(1) | Slurm Commands | scrun(1) |
scrun - an OCI runtime proxy for Slurm.
scrun [GLOBAL OPTIONS...] create [CREATE OPTIONS] <container-id>
scrun [GLOBAL OPTIONS...] start <container-id>
scrun [GLOBAL OPTIONS...] state <container-id>
scrun [GLOBAL OPTIONS...] kill <container-id> [signal]
scrun [GLOBAL OPTIONS...] delete [DELETE OPTIONS] <container-id>
Perform OCI runtime operations against container-id per:
scrun attempts to mimic the commandline behavior as closely as possible to crun(1) and runc(1) in order to maintain in place replacement compatibility with DOCKER(1) and podman(1). All commandline arguments for crun(1) and runc(1) will be accepted for compatibility but may be ignored depending on their applicability.
scrun is an OCI runtime proxy for Slurm. It acts as a common interface to DOCKER(1) or podman(1) to allow container operations to be executed under Slurm as jobs. scrun will accept all commands as an OCI compliant runtime but will proxy the container and all STDIO to Slurm for scheduling and execution. The containers will be executed remotely on Slurm compute nodes according to settings in oci.conf(5).
scrun requires all containers to be OCI image compliant
On successful operation, scrun will return 0. For any other condition scrun will return any non-zero number to denote a error.
/etc/slurm/scrun.lua must be present on any node where scrun will be invoked. scrun.lua must be a compliant lua(1) script.
The following functions must be defined.
The following functions are provided for any Lua function to call as needed.
function slurm_scrun_stage_in(id, bundle, spool_dir, config_file, job_id, user_id, group_id, job_env) return slurm.SUCCESS end function slurm_scrun_stage_out(id, bundle, orig_bundle, root_path, orig_root_path, spool_dir, config_file, jobid, user_id, group_id) return slurm.SUCCESS end return slurm.SUCCESS
local json = require 'json' local open = local scratch_path = "/run/user/" local function read_file(path) local file = open(path, "rb") if not file then return nil end local content = file:read "*all" file:close() return content end local function write_file(path, contents) local file = open(path, "wb") if not file then return nil end file:write(contents) file:close() return end function slurm_scrun_stage_in(id, bundle, spool_dir, config_file, job_id, user_id, group_id, job_env) slurm.log_debug(string.format("stage_in(%s, %s, %s, %s, %d, %d, %d)", id, bundle, spool_dir, config_file, job_id, user_id, group_id)) local status, output, user, rc local config = json.decode(read_file(config_file)) local src_rootfs = config["root"]["path"] rc, user = slurm.allocator_command(string.format("id -un %d", user_id)) user = string.gsub(user, "%s+", "") local root = scratch_path..math.floor(user_id).."/slurm/scrun/" local dst_bundle = root.."/""/" local dst_config = root.."/""/config.json" local dst_rootfs = root.."/""/rootfs/" if string.sub(src_rootfs, 1, 1) ~= "/" then -- always use absolute path src_rootfs = string.format("%s/%s", bundle, src_rootfs) end status, output = slurm.allocator_command("mkdir -p "..dst_rootfs) if (status ~= 0) then slurm.log_info(string.format("mkdir(%s) failed %u: %s", dst_rootfs, status, output)) return slurm.ERROR end status, output = slurm.allocator_command(string.format("/usr/bin/env rsync --exclude sys --exclude proc --numeric-ids --delete-after --ignore-errors --stats -a -- %s/ %s/", src_rootfs, dst_rootfs)) if (status ~= 0) then -- rsync can fail due to permissions which may not matter slurm.log_info(string.format("WARNING: rsync failed: %s", output)) end slurm.set_bundle_path(dst_bundle) slurm.set_root_path(dst_rootfs) config["root"]["path"] = dst_rootfs -- Always force user namespace support in container or runc will reject local process_user_id = 0 local process_group_id = 0 if ((config["process"] ~= nil) and (config["process"]["user"] ~= nil)) then -- resolve out user in the container if (config["process"]["user"]["uid"] ~= nil) then process_user_id=config["process"]["user"]["uid"] else process_user_id=0 end -- resolve out group in the container if (config["process"]["user"]["gid"] ~= nil) then process_group_id=config["process"]["user"]["gid"] else process_group_id=0 end -- purge additionalGids as they are not supported in rootless if (config["process"]["user"]["additionalGids"] ~= nil) then config["process"]["user"]["additionalGids"] = nil end end if (config["linux"] ~= nil) then -- force user namespace to always be defined for rootless mode local found = false if (config["linux"]["namespaces"] == nil) then config["linux"]["namespaces"] = {} else for _, namespace in ipairs(config["linux"]["namespaces"]) do if (namespace["type"] == "user") then found=true break end end end if (found == false) then table.insert(config["linux"]["namespaces"], {type= "user"}) end -- Provide default user map as root if one not provided if (true or config["linux"]["uidMappings"] == nil) then config["linux"]["uidMappings"] = {{containerID=process_user_id, hostID=math.floor(user_id), size=1}} end -- Provide default group map as root if one not provided -- mappings fail with build??? if (true or config["linux"]["gidMappings"] == nil) then config["linux"]["gidMappings"] = {{containerID=process_group_id, hostID=math.floor(group_id), size=1}} end -- disable trying to use a specific cgroup config["linux"]["cgroupsPath"] = nil end if (config["mounts"] ~= nil) then -- Find and remove any user/group settings in mounts for _, mount in ipairs(config["mounts"]) do local opts = {} if (mount["options"] ~= nil) then for _, opt in ipairs(mount["options"]) do if ((string.sub(opt, 1, 4) ~= "gid=") and (string.sub(opt, 1, 4) ~= "uid=")) then table.insert(opts, opt) end end end mount["options"] = opts end -- Remove all bind mounts by copying files into rootfs local mounts = {} for i, mount in ipairs(config["mounts"]) do if ((mount["type"] ~= nil) and (mount["type"] == "bind") and (string.sub(mount["source"], 1, 4) ~= "/sys") and (string.sub(mount["source"], 1, 5) ~= "/proc")) then status, output = slurm.allocator_command(string.format("/usr/bin/env rsync --numeric-ids --ignore-errors --stats -a -- %s %s", mount["source"], dst_rootfs..mount["destination"])) if (status ~= 0) then -- rsync can fail due to permissions which may not matter slurm.log_info("rsync failed") end else table.insert(mounts, mount) end end config["mounts"] = mounts end -- Merge in Job environment into container -- this is optional! if (config["process"]["env"] == nil) then config["process"]["env"] = {} end for _, env in ipairs(job_env) do table.insert(config["process"]["env"], env) end -- Remove all prestart hooks to squash any networking attempts if ((config["hooks"] ~= nil) and (config["hooks"]["prestart"] ~= nil)) then config["hooks"]["prestart"] = nil end -- Remove all rlimits if ((config["process"] ~= nil) and (config["process"]["rlimits"] ~= nil)) then config["process"]["rlimits"] = nil end write_file(dst_config, json.encode(config)) slurm.log_info("created: "..dst_config) return slurm.SUCCESS end function slurm_scrun_stage_out(id, bundle, orig_bundle, root_path, orig_root_path, spool_dir, config_file, jobid, user_id, group_id) if (root_path == nil) then root_path = "" end slurm.log_debug(string.format("stage_out(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %d, %d, %d)", id, bundle, orig_bundle, root_path, orig_root_path, spool_dir, config_file, jobid, user_id, group_id)) if (bundle == orig_bundle) then slurm.log_info(string.format("skipping stage_out as bundle=orig_bundle=%s", bundle)) return slurm.SUCCESS end status, output = slurm.allocator_command(string.format("/usr/bin/env rsync --numeric-ids --delete-after --ignore-errors --stats -a -- %s/ %s/", root_path, orig_root_path)) if (status ~= 0) then -- rsync can fail due to permissions which may not matter slurm.log_info("rsync failed") else -- cleanup temporary after they have been synced backed to source slurm.allocator_command(string.format("/usr/bin/rm --preserve-root=all --one-file-system -dr -- %s", bundle)) end return slurm.SUCCESS end slurm.log_info("initialized scrun.lua") return slurm.SUCCESS
When scrun receives SIGINT, it will attempt to gracefully cancel any related jobs (if any) and cleanup.
Copyright (C) 2023 SchedMD LLC.
This file is part of Slurm, a resource management program. For details, see <>.
Slurm is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
Slurm is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
Slurm(1), oci.conf(5), srun(1), crun(1), runc(1), DOCKER(1) and podman(1)
Slurm Commands | January 2024 |