scepserver - Simple Certificate Enrollment Protocol server

scep [ <command> ] [ <args> ]

-allowrenew string

do not allow renewal until n days before expiry, set to 0 to always allow (default "14")

-capass string

passwd for the ca.key

-challenge string

enforce a challenge password

-crtvalid string

validity for new client certificates in days (default "365")

-csrverifierexec string

will be passed the CSRs for verification


enable debug logging

-depot string

path to ca folder (default "depot")


output JSON logs

-port string

port to listen on (default "8080")


prints version information

Report bugs to

This manpage was written by Peymaneh Nejad for the Debian distribution and can be used for any other usage of the program.

July 2021 scepserver 2.0.0