sc-im - A curses based, vim-like spreadsheet calculator
sc-im Is a curses based spreadsheet calculator program with
vim like key bindings.
SC-IM is a spreadsheet program based on SC
A spreadsheet is an interactive computer application program for
organization and analysis of data in tabular form. Spreadsheets are
developed as computerized simulations of paper accounting worksheets. The
program operates on data represented as cells of an array, organized in rows
and columns. Each cell of the array is a model–view–controller
element that can contain either numeric or text data, or the results of
formulas that automatically calculate and display a value based on the
contents of other cells.
The user of the spreadsheet can make changes in any stored value
and observe the effects on calculated values. This makes the spreadsheet
useful for "what-if" analysis since many cases can be rapidly
investigated without tedious manual recalculation. Modern spreadsheet
software can have multiple interacting sheets, and can display data either
as text and numerals, or in graphical form. SC-IM uses ncurses for visual
interface and has vim-like keybindings and some functional similarities with
vim text editor.
- The input file from where to read the spreadsheet.
- --sheet=SHEET
- Open SHEET when loading xlsx file. Can be sheet name or number. Default is
- --version
- Print the version number of Sc-im and exit. It also shows which features
were enabled when Sc-im was compiled.
- --nocurses
- Run interactive but without ncurses interface.
- --output=FILE
- Save the results in FILE.
- --quit_afterload
- Quit after loading all the files. Useful when sending scripts to
- --quiet
- Set variable 'quiet'. Avoid printing info/error/debug messages.
- --autocalc
- Set variable 'autocalc'. Recalculations occur automatically.
- --numeric
- Set variable 'numeric'. A digit starts a numeric value instead of a
command multiplier.
- --half_page_scroll
- Set variable 'half_page_scroll'. <c-f>, <c-b> and other scroll
mappings scroll half page instead of full page.
- --newline_action=VAL
- Set variable 'newline_action' VAL to j to move the cursor down
after an entry. Set to l to move the cursor right after an
- --external_functions
- Set variable 'external_functions'. Enable external functions.
- --xlsx_readformulas
- Set variable 'xlsx_readformulas'. SC-IM will try to import formulas,
rather than the final values of a cell.
Most terminals are able to display 256 colors these days. But some
of them enable only 16 colors by default. To enjoy sc-im's full
capabilities, these terminals need to be signaled to enable 256 color mode.
This is usually done by setting the TERM environment variable.
export TERM=xterm-256color
- h, j, k, l, Arrow
- Move between cells.
- PgUp, pgDn
- One page UP or DOWN.
- gg
- Jump to the first cell.
- v
- Starts visual selection.
- ^
- Move the cell cursor to row 0 of the current column.
- 0
- Move the cell cursor backward to column A of the current row.
- $
- Move the cell cursor forward to the last valid column of the current
- b
- Move the cell cursor back to the previous valid cell.
- w
- Move the cell cursor forward to the next valid cell.
- g0
- Move the cell cursor to the first visible column of the screen.
- g$
- Move the cell cursor to the last visible column of the screen.
- gM
- Move the cell cursor to the middle column of the screen.
- gH
- Go to fist visible row on the screen.
- gL
- Go to last visible row on the screen.
- gM
- Go to middle row on the screen.
- mx
- Mark the current cell.
- 'x
- Jump to a marked cell.
- =
- Enter a numeric constant or expression into the current cell.
- <
- Enter a label string into the current cell. Left aligned
- >
- Enter a label string into the current cell. Right aligned
- {
- Left justify the string in the current cell.
- }
- Right justify the string in the current cell.
- |
- Center the string in the current cell.
- e
- Edit the value associated with the current cell. This is identical to
``='' except that the command line starts out containing the old numeric
value or expression associated with the cell. The editing in this mode is
- E
- Edit the string associated with the current cell. This is identical to
``<'', ``\'', or ``>'' except that the command line starts out
containing the old string value or expression associated with the cell.
The editing in this mode is vi-like.
- x
- Clear the current cell. Deletes the numeric value, label string, and/or
numeric or string expression.
- :
- Enter COMMAND mode.
- See :help to get more help
- •
- •
- 65.536 rows and 702 columns supported. (The number of rows can be expanded
to 1.048.576 if wished)
- •
- CSV / TAB delimited file import and export
- •
- XLS / XLSX file import
- •
- Key-mappings.
- •
- Sort of rows
- •
- Filter of rows
- •
- Cell shifting
- •
- More movements commands implemented
- •
- Input and Output was completely rewritten
- •
- Screen colors can be customized by user, even at runtime
- •
- Colorize cells or give them format such as bold or underline
- •
- Implement external functions in the language you prefer and use them in
- •
- Use SC-IM as a non-interactive calculator, reading its input from a
external script
The idea is that the program can be identified as another vim-like
app. SC-IM stands for Spreadsheet Calculator Improvised.
Written by Andrés Martinelli and collaborators. Original
man page by Daniel Campoverde.
For known bugs look at
- Please report bugs
Copyright (c) 2013-2015, Andrés Martinelli
This software is provided by Andres Martinelli ''as is'' and any
express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied
warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are
disclaimed. In no event shall Andres Martinelli be liable for any direct,
indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages
(including, but not limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services;
loss of use, data, or profits; or business interruption) however caused and
on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability, or tort
(including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of the use of
this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage.