satpy_retrieve_all_aux_data - download auxiliary data files used by Satpy

usage: satpy_retrieve_all_aux_data [-h] [--data-dir DATA_DIR]

[--composite-sensors [COMPOSITE_SENSORS ...]]
[--readers [READERS ...]]
[--writers [WRITERS ...]]

show this help message and exit
Override 'SATPY_DATA_DIR' for destination of downloaded files. This does NOT change the directory Satpy will look at when searching for files outside of this script.
Limit loaded composites for the specified sensors. If specified with no arguments, no composite files will be downloaded.
Limit searching to these readers. If specified with no arguments, no reader files will be downloaded.
Limit searching to these writers. If specified with no arguments, no writer files will be downloaded.
December 2023 satpy_retrieve_all_aux_data 0.45.0